Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Feasibility Analysis For Establishing A Teen Mom Residential Facility Essay

Feasibility Analysis For Establishing A Teen Mom Residential Facility - Essay Example Especially in light of the welfare reform rules which require that all minors reside in supervised settings as a criterion for the receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), these facilities prove to be a viable source for such supervision. Despite this, very little is known about these facilities. To date, there has been a minimal set of empirical studies to indicate their efficacy. As such, this study set out to examine the feasibility of such an implementation by examining seven facilities throughout the United States. This study aims to (1) document the implementation of residential facilities for teenage mother and (2) explore the feasibility of implementing such a facility. This study examines seven residential facilities for teenage mothers within the United States. Since the aim of this study was to asses the feasibility of establishing such a facility, our emphasis lied on programs with the highest potential for inclusion. In conducting the research, the researcher initiated numerous telephone interviews with various employees within the study facilities. The inquiry focused on the following areas: Management. The study facilities were managed utilizing both a networked management topology and an independent management topology. Four of the study facilities were networked and the remaining three were independent facilities. The networked facilities were essentially multi-site facilities operating under a unified management body while the independent facilities were single-site facilities. By virtue of the varying topologies, the managerial structures as well as the size of these facilities were inherently different. Funding Sources. The study facilities were predominantly funded through grants from a variety of governmental funding sources. In fact, these funding sources account for over 70% of the funding necessary for these facilities is garnered from private donations and other fundraising efforts. Eligibility Rules. The fundamental requirements involved specific guidelines with regards to age, pregnancy and motherhood status and the qualification for state-subsidized programs. In general, the programs accepted residents as young as 13 years of age and as old 29 years old. Services Provided. All of the facilities provided a general set of core services. These services include housing, supervision and structure, case management and parenting and life skills. Staffing and Costs The range of monthly per family expenditure ranged from approximately $1,100-$8,500. The lion's share of this cost was realized in the costs associated with the staffing needs and the direct supervision of the residents. In fact benefits and compensation accounted for as much as 70% of the program fee. Within these programs there was intensive supervision which mandated an allocation of staff members who are in direct contact with the residents for a substantial part of the day. The remaining costs were those associated with the provision of housing. CHAPTER I: DEFINITION OF THE

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