Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Lack of a clear plan, ineffective leadership, marketing effectiveness, Term Paper
Lack of a clear plan, ineffective leadership, marketing effectiveness, and lack of execution are common problems of a small business and how strategic planning can help avoid them - Term Paper Example Independent ownership implies sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or any other legal form (U.S. Small Business Administration, 2010). Irrespective of the industry, a small business operates in; it has been found that they suffer from largely the same types of problems. Small size of a business enterprise ensures that the management acts as a sharp cost controllers and active member of routine operations. This gives rise to many leadership related problems and loss of far-sighted visions. The discussion below further details the types of problems faced by small businesses. A major problem that infests a small business is ineffective leadership. Leadership, to be effective, should be influential enough for the employees so as to motivate them to work ethically and create values for their customers (Grenny, 2009). Most of the leaders today have no concrete idea of their work. They get involved in the hassles of routine instead of focussing on the long term goal of the business. The problem appears to more widespread in small businesses because the compulsion to save costs are higher. Hence, to cut down upon the number of employees, leaders end-up becoming a part of the operations instead of managing the operations. Also, leaders of such small businesses are often not trained scientifically and their decisions are the outcome of their experiences rather than established managerial practices. Another common problem among small businesses is lack of a clear plan (Harsberger, 2010). Lack of a plan results in short sightedness of the business and distracts the manager in aligning all the activities towards the common goal of the organization. Ultimately, non-essential activities result in wastage of cash resources which otherwise could be applied more usefully. There appears to be a direct correlation between the clarity of plan and the success of the business (Perry, 2001) Even if a business has proper marketing strategy and plan, the execution
Monday, October 28, 2019
Marilyn Manson and His Impact on Sub-culture Essay Example for Free
Marilyn Manson and His Impact on Sub-culture Essay Marilyn Manson has been pushing the envelope of the right to freedom of expression since his controversial shock rock antics began in the early 1990s. His methods are strange and rejected by most of society, as it cannot understand what he is trying to achieve. Many people believe that Marilyn Manson is bizarre, seeing him wearing womens clothing, applying heavy facial makeup, and covering himself with jewelry. His success can be attributed not only to his entertainment abilities, but even more so to the incredible marketing campaign organized to promote himself and his crazy actions. His actions give the media a scapegoat to fall back on and a figure which they can blame all of societys problems. He has amassed a large following throughout the 1990s and even today as the self-proclaimed Anti-Christ Marilyn Manson. His fans understand where he has come from, what he has been through and are familiar with rejection from society. The Marilyn Mansons following is normally associated with the Gothic or Goth subculture. At first examination, this seems to be the case as Manson followers and those of the Goth community share remarkable similarities; although true Goths label Manson follows as merely Spooks or Mall Goths, and not real members of the Gothic following. The similarities have been exploited by the media and have linked his music to violent acts against society. It was following the Columbine incident that the media began routinely tagging Marilyn Manson as goth rock despite the fact that Mansons music had little relation to gothic music or sub-culture. (Marilyn, Wikipedia) This essay will explore the reasons why Marilyn Manson is who he is today, why he has such an influence over a particular subculture, and if these followers are actually part of the Gothic community. Who Is Marilyn Manson? Marilyn Manson, the alias and alter-ego of Brian Warner, was created using Marilyn Monroe and serial killer Charles Manson two opposites in society. (Marilyn, Brian Warner, who formed the band in 1989 and whose apparent business savvy and flair for controversy turned them into a success. Using androgyny, satanic images and themes of rebellion and death, Manson irked bystanders and proved that outrageous rock was still a viable form of entertainment. (Marilyn, The band originally started in South Florida as a small industrial Goth band, and by 1990, Marilyn Manson, along with four other musicians became Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. They opened for Nine Inch Nails (NIN), and Trent Reznor was very impressed with them and would help them in the future in many different ways. They got a contract from Trent Reznors new label Nothing and got a spot on Nine Inch Nails 94 tours. Manson got to meet Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey. He is the founder of the Church of Satan. Dr. LaVey named Manson as a priest of the Church of Satan. Hence, the title Reverend was given to Manson. (Stanton, Bizarre) Mansons interest in Satanism began when he as a young boy. He spent most of his childhood at his grandparents home. Manson and his friend didnt have anything to do except explore his grandfathers (Jack Warner) basement. They find out that his grandfather is a cross-dresser and a user of explicit pornographic material such as bestiality. This is where Manson was first introduced to perversity. He attended a Christian school and had Christian beliefs forced upon him even though he was Episcopalian. He was teased and ridiculed because of this. This aside, he always knew that their was something different about him. After being detested by his peers, he gradually began to hate his school and take exception to everything that he was told. He turned to music to free him of the troubles that exist in his life, and instead finds out who he really is. He becomes the exact kind of person that he was once scared of as a youth. (Long, Manson and Strauss) Manson began his teenage years in public school where sex, drugs, rock, and the occult were laid in front of him and he began embrace them. Here he meets many people with the same interests as he has. Manson also begins to experience his sexuality with women. From his school experiences to his involvement with sexuality, Manson begins terrorizing the people who have mistreated him. He started to experiment with black magic, began an enduring drug habit, and displayed his disgust for mainstream citizens by stealing from stores. All of this is what Brian Warner was, and who Marilyn Manson was to become. (Long, Manson and Strauss) As Mansons reputation developed, so did the disturbance surrounding him and his actions. His concerts were regularly protested by civil rights groups, and his music was the target attacks from religious and more specifically, Christian groups. This image was created using Mansons genius for marketing. At the peak of this controversy, Manson had a cover story in Rolling Stone Magazine as well as a best selling autobiography: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. Why Does He Have Such A Following? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (Bill of Rights) Manson, along with many other artists, fully embraces their first amendment right to free speech to get their message across. This message mainly appeals to younger generations who can relate to Mansons songs. Younger audiences are more accepting of his attitude and beliefs, partly due to the fact that teens are more susceptible to mass influence and are easily confused. His communication and identification through music allowed him to amass a loyal following of discontented teens, also know as Mansonites. Mansonite can also be used to refer to anyone who has chosen to identify with the Goth subculture without having any idea of its actual nature or composition. Generally, an overnight Goth, or Spooky Kid, will adopt certain aspects of the Goth aesthetic (predominantly black clothing, copious amounts of eyeliner) and loudly proclaim themselves Goth. (Mansonite, Older generations are quick to assume that it is Mansons antics which appeals to his followers. But, if no attention was paid to Manson, and his songs and actions didnt receive the attention that they do, there wouldnt be such controversy over his religious beliefs or whether he is actually influencing delinquent teens. Teens that are labeled as outcasts can identify with Manson because the media portrays him as an outcast. He dresses differently, often in womens clothing and he pretends to be a homosexual something which is a hot topic of acceptance in todays society. Teenagers these days have very short attention spans and turn to someone like Manson to entertain them by doing extreme things. The Emergence of Spooky Kids goth (g th) n. A style of rock music that often evokes bleak, lugubrious imagery. A performer or follower of this style of music Courtesy of Mall Goth or Spooky Kid is a disparaging term for someone not supposed to be a real Goth, whose commitment to the Gothic is seen as shallow, pretentious, or dependent on shopping mall-purchased Goth clothes. Their taste is narrowly subjective to mallcore/nu-metal. There have been accusations that (some of, at least) those who listen to the music of Marilyn Manson, Korn, and Slipknot are mall goths. Many mall goths shop at the popular clothing store Hot Topic. (Mall Goths, Real Gothists would refer to Mansonites as posers, who pretend to know about a particular subculture, but in reality only know a few choice buzz-words and what style of clothes to wear. The Real Goth Subculture How do you define Goth? Goth is short for Gothic, and we typically associate Goth with people that wear black or blood-red coloured clothing . These clothes are often made of leather, lace, and fishnet, and are adorned with spikes, studs, or other shiny metal objects. Sometimes metallic, black, or dark makeup is worn by both the male and females. Some go so far as permanent body modifications such as full body tattoos, tongue splitting, or vampire teeth implants. Those in the Goth scene tend to view the Goth concept rather as an expression of individuality, something they take part in because it seems comfortable and natural for them to do so, rather than because its something they want to be. And as such, Goth is a state of mind. Goth is not about being cool-hip, up-to-date. Goth is more about being cool-chilly as in unemotional, detached, unmoved at least on the surface. Theres an inner calmness, tranquility to it. A need for being given and giving the others space to be at one with themselves. Respect towards the individual at least as long as it is a fellow Goth. (Goth, BBC) After conducting a thorough research of the particular subculture, it really is difficult to define Goth. It is ambiguous and open for interpretation. If Marilyn Manson followers acts or dresses a certain way because of their expression for individuality, then they could be considered Goth. If a Marilyn Manson follower acts or dresses a certain way just to follow the crowd or fit in with this subculture, then, based on the quote above, they would not be considered Goth. Works Cited: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell: Marilyn Manson Neil Strauss Regan Books (April 1, 1999) Goth A Lifestyle, BBC Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson,, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Mall Goth, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Mansonite,, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson, Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson, Available via HTTP: Stanton Lavey, Bizarre Magazine Available via HTTP: The Bill of Rights, US Department of State Available via HTTP:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay on Spirituality in the Works of Linda Brent, Toni Morrison, and Sapphire :: compare and contrast essay examples
Inclusive Spirituality in the Works of Linda Brent, Toni Morrison, and Sapphire - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Song of Solomon, and Push      What would it be like to be torn from your home and sent so far away you could never return? And what would it be like to have your history stripped from you, your name discarded, and your own religion replaced with one that had few, if any, ties to your previous life? When slaves were brought to America they were taken from all they had known and forced to live in a land of dark irony that, while promising life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, provided them with only misery. In a situation such as the one in which the slaves found themselves, many people would rely on their religion to help them survive. But would slaves be able to find spiritual comfort within the parameters of a religion that had been passed on to them from the slaveholders? In each of the three texts "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," Song of Solomon, and Push, African-Americans struggle to find a spirituality that is responsive to their needs and that encompasses their experiences i n a way that the religion of the dominant culture does not.  Of the three texts to be examined, Linda Brent's Autobiography, "Incidents," most explicitly shows the inability of the dominant culture's religion to fulfill the needs of the minority. From the tone of her story, one realizes that Brent felt "true Christianity," if it could be found, might comfort the slaves and fulfill their needs. But Brent also felt that slavery created a paradox which made "true Christianity" impossible.  Many times in her text Brent points out the irony that, as slaveholders, the masters treat their slaves as property; yet, as Christians, they should treat them as humans. For example, Brent's mother's mistress promises that Brent and her siblings will "never suffer for any thing" (343). Brent assumes that this means they will be given their freedom when the mistress dies; however, they are not freed but passed along as property. Brent says that her mistress taught her the biblical principles that she should treat others as she would wish to be treated, and that she should adhere to the biblical commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself," but then she pointedly adds, "But I was her slave, and I suppose she did not recognize me as her neighbor"(344).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
At one clip Enron was one of the universe ‘s largest manufacturers of natural gas, oil, and electricity. A It besides appeared to be one of the most profitable companies, taking stockholders from $ 19.10 in 1999 to $ 90.80 by the terminal of 2000. A Enron ‘s top direction answered to a Board of Directors whose duty was to inquiry and dispute new partnerships, ventures, and determinations within the company. A On several occasions, Andrew Fastow, the company ‘s Chief Financial Officer approached the board of managers with new investing partnerships which the board approved with really small oppugning. A Some of these partnerships created a struggle of involvement due to the fact that Fastow was non merely pull offing the partnerships, but he was besides an investor in an outside entity that took portion in purchasing and selling assets with Enron. A Fastow was able to make and pull off several of these partnerships while still keeping his function as CFO of Enron. A This was due to the regulation set in topographic point by the Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) which states, â€Å" if an outside investor puts in 3 per centum or more of the capital in a partnership, the corporation, even if it provides the other 97 per centum, does non hold to declare the partnership as a subordinate. A Therefore, assets and debt in the partnership can be withheld from the corporation ‘s balance sheet. †A With this regulation and the many partnerships Fastow created, Enron did non hold to declare the assets and debts from these partnerships, hence concealing 100s of 1000000s of dollars in losingss and debt. A The board of managers nevertheless did non see Fastow ‘s interaction with the partnerships to be a serious job due to the fact that the fiscal addition potency to Enron was great. A In fact Enron had a 65 page codification of moralss that was given to all employees. Enron was a kid of the deregulated energy markets in the lat e eightiess. Before so, most public-service corporations were publically provided, and Enron realized it could turn a net income by selling and merchandising these public-service corporations. Sometime around 2000, Enron began merchandising through the cyberspace, a revolution in the industry. The job was that this scheme required a perpetually high portion monetary value. Thus, Enron ‘s scheme shifted from energy trading to portion monetary value as the company ‘s primary focal point. Most experts believe that it was around this clip that Enron began utilizing fiscal technology to maintain its portion monetary values high and keep a high net income on the books. To make this, Enron in kernel â€Å" leveraged itself through debt, which it used to turn its non-core sweeping energy operations and service concern by maintaining most of this debt from looking on the balance sheets with luxuriant fiscal technology. When the stock monetary value began to fall, though, these same off balance sheet entities ended up downgrading Enron ‘s recognition evaluation. Suddenly, Enron was in over its caput  it could non borrow money due to its low recognition evaluation, nor could it utilize its ain money to transact concern, because it did non really have any. In fact, Enron had kept such a monumental sum of debt off the books  plenty to restrain every plus Enron claimed and so some  that the company merely imploded under its ain weight.Enron: The Nigerian Barge DealEnron Corporation was an energy company based in Texas and created when InterNorth acquired Houston Natural Gas Company in 1985. Enron ‘s growing was fast, it was named America ‘s Most Advanced Company †for six back-to-back old ages and it shortly became the 7th largest company in the United States, until its bankruptcy was declared in 2001. Accounting fraud, money laundering and confederacy are some of the charges which Enron stood accused of in a series of dirts that eventually came to a caput in the largest bankruptcy in history. One of these dirts was named the Nigerian Barges instance ( [ Fleischer1, 2005 ] ) . Enron tried to sell an involvement in three power-generating flatboats in the seashore of Nigeria unsuccessfully. When Enron failed to sell it by December of 1999, Merrill Lynch, one of the universe ‘s taking fiscal direction and consultative companies, agreed to purchase that involvement. That dealing was closed at the terminal of December 1999, and hence Enron could book about 12 million dollars in net incomes that twelvemonth and meet gaining marks. But the dealing was a fraud ( [ Kirkendall, 2005 ] ) . The chief job with this trade was that Merrill Lynch acted merely as a temporal purchaser to assist Enron look more profitable than it truly was. Enron ‘s Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow promised verbally to Merrill Lynch that Enron would purchase back the flatboats at a determined net income within six months, or Enron would happen a 3rd company to make so. This fact turned the dealing to be a simple loan, and non a true sale, as Enron claimed. Enron ‘s nonsubjective with this dealing was non other than doing its fiscal statements look better so that it could better the income statement and so, for case, borrow money from Bankss and the populace at a lower involvement rate, or merely pay the executives in Enron indefensible fillips. The thought, announced in 1999, was that Enron would construct gas-fired power workss near Lagos. Estimated costs put the undertaking at about $ 500 million. Before the chief works was built, Enron would get down providing power from three 30-megawatt barge-mounted workss firing either oil or gas, harmonizing to a 1999 article in Global Power Report, mentioning an Enron spokesman. The flatboats were to get down operation every bit early as the autumn of 1999, though programs had non been finalized. The initial study was that Enron would get down building, likely in the first half of 2000, and finish the underta king in 22 months. For Nigerians, the undertaking was of import because, though Africa ‘s largest state is rich in energy resources, it faced relentless power crises and blackouts. By September, the cost estimation for the new power composite was up to $ 800 million. Enron was committed to financing it and to put ining an associated 175 mile-long, 24-inch diameter, offshore natural gas grapevine to provide the works. By February 2000, seemingly before any building, the trade was already confronting political jobs, harmonizing to Global Power Report. The contracts were called into inquiry by the World Bank, Nigeria ‘s national public-service corporation, the National Electric Power Authority and other Nigerian provinces. The World Bank reportedly said the trade should hold been competitively command and that the concluding contract was excessively favourable to Enron. Even before anything happened in the manner of providing energy, Enron was selling pieces of its trade to Merrill Lynch. That dealing and Merrill ‘s speedy sale of its involvement back to an Enron-related entity is at the bosom of the condemnable allegations. Industry deregulating besides caused new jobs for Enron which, for the first clip, needed to hold a strong competitory focal point. Enron knew that it could win in a deregulated environment merely if it were the lowest cost manufacturer or if it could separate its merchandise from the competition. The latter would look to be a frustrating end, when the merchandise is defined as a trade good like natural gas. Enron ‘s direction was fighting with how to explicate a scheme that would give clients what they wanted and develop a sustainable advantage in this new environment. They needed to happen a manner to â€Å" box †natural gas molecules, dependable bringing, and predictable monetary values such that it could specify a clear merchandise line and pass on the company ‘s alone accomplishments. Ques:1 What are the ethical issues involved in this instance? Ques: 2. What are the exposure profile for Enron ‘s clients with regard to natural gas monetary values? What are the exposure profiles for Enron? Ques: 3. What suggestions do you hold for Enron?Summary OF THE CASE:The Financial Engineering encompasses the design, analysis, and building of fiscal contracts to run into the demands of endeavors. †Thus we can state that Financial technology is the phenomenon which facilitates the process/ merchandise invention in the fiscal industries which will assist in heightening the stockholders ‘ wealth. The basic motivations in traveling for fiscal technology are as follows: Reducing liability on the balance sheet, or Reducing disbursal on income statement, or Increasing gross on income statement, or Increasing tax write-offs on revenue enhancement returns Companies normally go for fiscal technology to cut down their hazard liability and accretion of debt in the balance sheet. The range of fiscal technology includes the followers: Investing Banking Corporate Strategic Planning Hazard Management Primary and Derivatives Securities Evaluation Fiscal Information Systems Management Portfolio Management Security Trading The instance that we have chosen here will be explained from one facet out of the many countries covered under the range of fiscal technology that is â€Å" Corporate STRATEGIC Planning †. This construct shall be explained in the context of EnronaˆÂ ¦.which has been regarded as the biggest fraud in history. Under Corporate Strategic Planning Scope the company has used Financial Engineering to be-fool the the stakeholder of the company. In corporate strategic be aftering one really of import determination includes â€Å" Strategic ALLIANCE †which the companies follow for carry throughing their strategic every bit good as fiscal motivations. Enron has excessively did the same thing. Enron was created by a merge between Houston Natural Gas and Inter north. Houston ‘s Natural Gas ‘s CEO Kenneth Lay headed the amalgamation of the two companies. Kenneth Lay became the CEO of Enron. Enron was originally entirely involved with the distribution and transmittal of electricity and gas in the United States. In the amalgamation, Enron incurred a big sum of debt, and as a consequence of deregulating, no longer had sole rights to its grapevines. The company had to happen a manner to bring forth net incomes and hard currency flow. Kenneth Lay hired Jeffrey Skilling to work for Enron as an comptroller. Skilling suggested the pattern of purchasing gas from a web of providers and selling it to consumers at a fixed monetary value with a contract. Enron was interested in the enlargement, edifice, and operation of grapevines, power workss, and other substructure worldwide. After merely a twelvemonth of operation Enron merged with a company called Spectrum Seven, a compa ny whose president and CEO is the former president of the United States, George W. Bush. In 1999, Enron tried to spread out their company by making the Azurix Corporation, a H2O public-service corporation company. Enron was named â€Å" America ‘s Most Advanced Company †by Fortune magazine from 1996 to 2001. Enron was on Fortune ‘s â€Å" 100 Best Companies to work for In America †in 2000. The company ‘s hereafter appeared to be bright and assuring continued success. One of the really of import issue which led to the ruin of Enron was Nigerian Barge trade which was chiefly done to victimize the Govt and the stakeholders. Enron had promoted that it is come ining into a trade with the Nigerian Barge Fieldss of supplying energy human dynamos at that place. . For Nigerians, the undertaking was of import because, though Africa ‘s largest state is rich in energy resources, it faced relentless power crises and blackouts. The trade was a strategy to â€Å" park †Enron ‘s assets to bolster its net incomes and that no hazard was transferred to Merill Lynch in the trade because of an â€Å" unwritten ‘handshake ‘ side trade †by Enron to buy back the flatboats back from Merill or happen another suited purchaser. It was a fake that allowed Enron to illicitly book about $ 12 million in pretax net income, when in fact there was no existent sale and no existent net incomes. The function of Merill Lynch in this whole thing has been questionable since they have deviated from their basic responsibility and helped them in indulging into deceitful activities. Alongwith this instance and many others Enron had to atlast file for bankruptcy and it has been a affair of great concern for the US Govt. since one of its major investing bankers were involved in the instance.Question:Ques:1 What are the ethical issues involved in this instance?Autonomic nervous system: Enron showed a dainty image in forepart of the Nigerian Govt. Nigeria had abundant resources but lacked in expertness to use them expeditiously. Enron promised them to supply them expertise but it was merely a manner to â€Å" park †their assets. They wanted to conceal their earlier frauds and unethical manner of net incomes ( black money ) . The most unethical portion was that they were playing with their codification of behavior and puting a bad illustration for the remainder of the corporate. Butone of the board members of Merrill Lynch bl ew the whistling and the aureate image of Enron was tarnished.Ques: 2. What are the exposure profile for Enron ‘s clients with regard to natural gas monetary values?Ans. It has been identified that Enron ‘s jobs were non in its energy operations, but from â€Å" dot com †investings and in some foreign subordinates. Enron was originally entirely involved with the distribution and transmittal of electricity and gas in the United States. But after the amalgamation and the deregulating in the US, people could now entree gas at subsidised rate. This reduced its monopoly over the distribution of natural gas. But it had a strong political backup. The company ‘s connexion to George W. Bush, and Houston ‘s local political relations has received much attending in the recent yesteryear. In 1986, Enron was involved with Bush ‘s company in joint boring for oil. It has been said that George Bush and Kenneth Lay even shared good friendly relationship dealingss . That is why the company ever enjoyed some kind of shelter even after making unethical patterns. The clients did non hold any pick except for buying at the monetary values offered by Enron.Ques: 3. What suggestions do you hold for Enron?Ans. The lone suggestion that we have for Enron is that it should accept its error and apologise for its fraud. This can be one manner of recovering its image. Another option would be to counterbalance the Nigerian Barge Govt. so that it may experience that Enron is truly atoning on its error of working the abundant resources of Nigeria which remained unutilized.SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE CASEStrengthStrong political backup ( Bush & A ; Houston Govt. ) Good repute with fiscal establishments ( Merrill Lynch )FailingCertitude and extra dependance on its dependable resources Lack of support from top direction executives in strategic planning determinations ( window dressing of the histories at in-between degree )OpportunityRecover their lost energy because of clients assurance in them Promoting themselves in such a manner that the trade was fundamentally done to supply the client services at lower rates and non to conceal any corporate dirt.MenaceIt becomes hard to recover the lost image even if the company goes for â€Å" n †no of CSR as the expression goes â€Å" 1 dissatified client will state 30000 people whereas 1 satisfied client will state merely 3 †. So the company functionaries can good conceive of in what quantum their image or trade name equity has tarnished.CRITICAL APPRAISALThis is non the first cozenage or fraud for which Enron has been alleged. Previously it had been into spotlight when it created a bogus SPV ( SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE ) to pull strings their histories. They have created a false SPV ( Particular Purpose Vehicle ) to reassign all their losingss to that entity. It was fundamentally done to change over their ruddy balance sheet into a rose-colored one. Strong political backup and everlasting support from the taking fisca l establishments urged Enron to go on these frauds since they believed that Govt will come to its deliverance in instance it faces any job. Enron had non merely misused the options available through fiscal technology for their ain motivations but in a manner destroyed the state ‘s image besides because they were stand foring US Corporate civilization in Nigeria. So the state ‘s unity besides was at interest. The approaching companies can larn a lesson in two ways – 1. They may be encouraged to make such kind of frauds since Govt come for deliverance ( negative motive ) 2. It may put an illustration for them non to reiterate such an act in future. ( positive motive ) . In Indian context it is really of import to larn a lesson because we have been top ranked in Corporate cozenage this twelvemonth.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Environmental Policy, Sustainability, and Government Regulations Essay
The impact of environmental and government regulations made United Parcel Service (UPS) an innovative company that developed a strategic environmental management system that adheres to the principles of ISO 14001 standard (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). To ensure compliance with regulations in the various countries and the United States, UPS has region environmental mangers and district environmental coordinators within their operations. The managers have access to training programs that include but not limited to water and air quality, transportation environmental, hazardous waste management and underground storage tanks (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS was a member of the U.S. Environmental Protections Agency’s (EPA) SmartWay program that was discontinue in 2010. UPS joined EPA’s Climate Leaders program that advocated companies developing comprehensives strategies pertaining to ensuring safeguarding the climate, this program ended in September 2011 (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). In 2010, UPS achieve a 6.1 % emissions index reduction that exceeded the EPA Climate Leader goals (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). The company introduced the Eco responsible Packaging Program that uses cube optimization, meaning that packaging is only as large as it needs to be for shipping, the materials for packaging are environmentally friendly. The carbon neutral shipping expanded to 36 other countries (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). This program using carbon offsets reduces the carbon emissions associated with shipping reducing UPS carbon impact. UPS begin facing the possibility of the depletion of scarce resources before most companies. As early as 1935, UPS begin to use alternative-fuel vehicles for transporting to the many various points across our nation. The 1,900 alternative fuel and technological advanced vehicles today are a small part of a long-run plan to protect the resources of the future (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS continues to find alternatives to developing ways in reducing their carbon imprint and preserving our natural resources. Air transportation leaves the bigger carbon imprint using a transportation index UPS continue to pursue strategies in that area for carbon avoidance which focus on a decarbonization synergy strategy to reducing air fleet emissions (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). This involve in the long-term fuel efficiency aircraft and using biofuels. UPS continues to analyze water usage and consumption in their foreign hubs, using the global water tool of the World Business council for Sustainable Development, maintain a low water use (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS reduce their water consumption by 1 percent from the 2009 level (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). Some of the ways UPS was able to do this was by only washing their vehicle when needed, dry washing their airplanes and use environmental friendly washing agent that reduces the need to ri nse. When UPS facilities expanded low-flow water fixtures was included in the design of the newer facilities in different countries and older facilities upgraded to include the fixtures (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). An example of this is their LEED design headquarters that won gold status certification and an energy star stamp for energy efficiency (French, 2012). Their headquarters built in a forest that use 35 acres and left the rest of the forest surrounding the building including a preserved natural brook (French, 2012). As the building ages, upgrades continue to meet and adhere to the challenges of being a green building. UPS continues to be on the cutting edge as a company invested in preserving resources and developing an alternative, so that in the end the next generation has a chance at life. Being innovative in sustainability benefits the company in a strong demand for their services and products. The environment benefits from the reduction in carbon emissions by using variety of transportation for shipping it ensures the lowest combination of carbon impact and UPS meets the needs of their customers (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). UPS needs to continue to be proactive, innovative and continuing to developing as a sustainable company. In continuing to be innovative, they are also a profitable company because customers see them as an environmentally active company that is trying to reduce their impact on the environment by leaving a better way of doing business. This show that companies can still make a profit and take care of the environment as a sustainable partner with the world. UPS embodies corporate citizenship in their leadership in redefining the transportation options for air and ground that can be a model for future business in how to protect and preserve the environment. The advance and innovative facilities built and upgraded in the various countries is another sign of their corporate citizenship. UPS worked in two of EPA’s program, which add to their knowledge, and analysis of how to develop and reduce their carbon imprint, reduce their emissions and lowered their water consumptions to name a few. UPS operates the largest private alternative fuel fleet in the air and freight industry and continues to grow in this area as they continue to use their vehicles as laboratories in experimenting with new technologies and advancements in fuels (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). The eco-friendly packaging that UPS uses includes recycled fiber envelopes and boxes that eliminated bleached paper (UPS 2010 sustainability report, 2010). In following their own instincts and guidelines, UPS has become the model for other corporations to follow in maintain a responsible, sustainable relationship in the many communities that they operate in around the world. References French, M. (2012, January 01). [Web log message]. Retrieved February 5, 2012 from UPS 2010 sustainability report. (2010). Retrieved January 27, 2012 from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Overpopulation in the Philippines Essay Example
Overpopulation in the Philippines Essay Example Overpopulation in the Philippines Paper Overpopulation in the Philippines Paper Overpopulation is and should be everyones concern. Its not something that we should blame only on the poor or the government or especially only on those who have seemingly taken Gods directive to go forth and multiply to heart. It has been a politically perceived issue that there is over population in the Philippines. This issue has been constantly blamed for the aggravating poverty situation. One side is claiming that unbridled population increase is putting so much strain on the financial and food resources of the country that more and more Filipinos are no longer dating three square meals a day. Economic rating system is also stating a poor Filipino family is earning just below $1 per day. This certainly can hardly feed a family of 4 or more. On the other side, it is claimed that the cause of poverty is government corruption. They rightfully claim that while true that the poor are constantly increasing, and that the income gap between them and the next economic level is likewise widening, financial resources that are intended to support the poor are being pocketed by corrupt government officials. Population is not the cause of poverty, corruption is, the Catholic Church claims. The government is keen on crafting remedies to curb population. Several laws have been passed to curb corruption. But since they lack heavy punitive measures, they became hardly effective. Corruption has already downgraded the countrys economic standing that adversely affected our capability to borrow money from credit or financial institutions, particularly the International Monetary Fund (MIFF) and World Bank. So the government resorted to drafting a bill that drew the ire of the conservative and the Catholic Church. Foremost is the reproductive health bill, which was tutored by Senator Pip Cetacean and Congressman Educe Legman. The bill underwent rough sailing on the legislative seas. Thesis Statement Philippines and other nations have a clear choice today. They can continue to ignore the population problem and their own massive contributions to it. Then they will be trapped in a downward spiral that may well lead to the end Of civilization in a few decades. More frequent droughts, more damaged crops and famines, more dying forests, more smog, more international conflicts, more epidemics, more gridlock, more drugs, more crime, more sewage swimming, and other extreme unpleasantness will mark our course. It is a route already traveled by too many of our less fortunate fellow human beings. The major role of the government is to provide a high standard of living for its people. This can be attained through higher levels of investments which generate employment and production, and through the equitable distribution of wealth and income. Plans, policies and programs are tools of economic development. These can only operate efficiently under regime of good and honest public administration.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Religion, peace and politics
Religion, peace and politics Religion, peace and politics have always been closely tied. Admittedly, the Dark Ages can be regarded as the brightest example of the period when religion was the most potent stimulus in making peace or rather war. Of course, the contemporary world has changed significantly as the society has become more secular.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Religion, peace and politics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nonetheless, religion is still an important part of political life of countries. Numerous conflicts suggest that people are still ready to start a war trying to defend their religious beliefs and traditions. Importantly, religion also shapes ways people employ to reach their goals. It is possible to consider conflicts in such countries as South Africa, Egypt and Burma to understand the correlation between religion, politics and peace in the contemporary world. In the first place, it is important to note that religio n has often contributed to certain division of citizens within countries. Thus, religion contributed greatly to the development of Apartheid in South Africa (Botman 244). The debate on segregation started in the Dutch Reformed Church in the 19th century. Notably, local people were converted into Christianity and Christian churches were built. Soon, however, local people were prevented from coming to some churches. A bright example of the process is the way Khoi-Khoi people were deprived of their right to practice Christianity with white people. Khoi-Khoi people invited white people to join their church, but some white congregants addressed church officials to hold separate celebrations (Botman 244). The Synod considered the matter and it was declared that â€Å"it was desirable and according to the Holly Scripture†that white people could attend churches different from the ones attended by the locals (Botman 244). This contributed greatly to the division within the society. A nother illustration of the process of division is Egyptian society. Historically, the society has been divided in two major groups, Muslims and Orthodox Christians. There have always been conflicts between the two groups. Nonetheless, in the middle of the twentieth century, Abdel Nasser strived for creation of a secular society and this led to decrease in conflicts between religious groups (Hibbard 86). Multiethnic society divided into two major religious groups learnt to live in peace.Advertising Looking for essay on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, in the 1970 the political situation changed and a new force came in power. Anwar Sadat employed mechanisms to â€Å"promote a Saudi-inspired salafist (or fundamentalist) Islam in Egyptian public life†(Hibbard 86). This led to activation of fundamentalist Islamic groups such as Muslim Brotherhood. Tension between the groups also increase d as Orthodox Christians were afraid of possible violent acts and restriction of their freedoms. The present Egyptian society is still torn into two camps where Orthodox Christians have to defend their right to practice their religion and remain equal with the rest of the citizens. They are afraid of becoming an inferior class of citizens pursued by the larger group of Muslims. In other words, they are afraid of another form of Apartheid which took place in South Africa. Therefore, it is obvious that religion can shape (in this case, divide) the society, which can lead to numerous conflicts and strive for violent changes. Hence, it is possible to note that religion is still one of the reasons of conflicts worldwide. Religion is also an integral part of political regime in some countries. The Egyptian case is one of the brightest examples. Fundamentalist Muslim groups strive for a Muslim society where all people share Islamic values. Admittedly, the most fundamentalist militants also believe that other religions are wrongful and cannot exist in Egypt (Hibbard 92). Therefore, some militants attack Orthodox Christians and destroy their property. This increases tension between the two groups. As has been mentioned above, religious beliefs have shaped the political regime in Egypt. For instance, in 1980, The Egyptian constitution was amended to make Islamic Law â€Å"the principal (or primary) source of legislation†(qtd. in Hibbard 93). Since then, Egypt has witnessed Islamization of all spheres of public life. Remarkably, Sadat relied on the Islamic student groups and the Muslim Brotherhood to seize power. Sadat also supported development of these groups and similar organizations. Nevertheless, these groups have caused a lot of problems to the political regime as these groups have been responsible for numerous violent acts which negatively affect popularity of those in power.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Religion, peace and pol itics specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More One of the most recent attacks took place in 2010 when several Muslim men killed seven people and wounded some people after celebrations services on the Orthodox Christmas Eve. This led to other conflicts and violence in the streets. It is apparent that even though the changes started in the 1970s, people are still unwilling to abandon their father’s religious beliefs. More so, focus on religion contributes to imbalance in political life, which, in its turn, affects economic sphere and wellbeing of all Egyptians. Of course, economic constraints make people to strive for changes in the country. The Egyptian government is unable to break this vicious circle. Thus, there is a strong correlation between religious beliefs and political as well as public sphere. It is also necessary to note that religion does not only shape the development of societies as it can also affect political struggle. The case of Burma is a good example of the impact of religion on people’s struggle. In the 1980s, people’s life became intolerable as harsh economic crisis led to unprecedented rate of poverty. According to religious beliefs, people should give food to monks, which is a â€Å"primary form of merit-making in Theravada Buddhist practice†(Fink 355). Irresponsible policies and economic measures of the government contributed to the development of severe crisis. People did not have food for themselves. They did not have food to give to monks, and, in other words, to live in accordance with their religious beliefs. Thus, monks decided to start demonstrations to make officials aware of the intolerable conditions of people. Importantly, monks did not want to make others involved in the demonstrations as they were afraid of possible negative consequences for people. At that, monks could not pose threats to people or cause any harm. Interestingly, religion was also used as a tool as monks refused to take food from those in power or military people who used force to disperse demonstrators. In 2007, demonstrations started again due to financial constraints the country faced. The primary force of the opponents of the regime was the 88 Generation Students’ Group. Again, monks participated in marches and demonstrations. Importantly, religious beliefs sparked the movement as those in power used force and a lot of monks were badly injured. This led to people’s dissatisfaction and even anger as physical assault of monks is one â€Å"one of the greatest sins†in Buddhism (Fink 355). Lots of people joined marches and demonstrations. It is also important to note that actions of demonstrators were quite organized and peaceful which deprived the officials of opportunity to use force. Notably, different countries supported peaceful marches and tried to make the government take into account protestors’ demands. Therefore, it is possible to trac e a global trend as many countries strive for peaceful changes in societies. Obviously, the vast majority of countries condemn violence and societies try to implement the change employing peaceful measures.Advertising Looking for essay on political culture? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Clearly, religion, politics and peace are closely connected in the twenty-first century. People are still eager to defend their right to preserve their religious beliefs and practices. In some countries, religion is an integral part of political and social life. Thus, there are several Islamic countries where Islamic law is incorporated in the constitution. This does not necessarily lead to tension and violent acts if the population of the country is homogeneous (at least, in terms of religion). However, when there are several religious groups in the society, these groups often have conflicts. Recent conflicts can suggest that a society constituted by different religious groups and peace are incompatible. Importantly, the world is globalized and countries will have more and more newcomers. It is likely that there will be no homogeneous societies any more. Those newcomers are likely to pertain to different religious groups. Nonetheless, there are lots of examples of peaceful coexiste nce of different ethnical and religious groups. For instance, Egypt of the 1950s was a country constituted by several religious and ethnic groups. Thus, one of the best ways to ensure peace within a country is to divide secular and spiritual spheres. Thus, political sphere should be secular as a few countries are now homogenous in terms of religion and ethnicity. Therefore, all groups should have equal rights to practice their religion. This will also ensure that all citizens will have equal civil rights irrespective of their religious beliefs. Admittedly, people cannot be divided into certain classes according to their religious beliefs or ethnicity. Any unfair division will result in violent acts and unrest. Though, it is necessary to note that religion can also have a positive impact on political struggle. The vast majority of religions strive for peaceful solutions for any conflicts. Thus, peaceful demonstrations in Burma can be a good example how to struggle for civil rights ex ploiting peaceful tools only. Admittedly, citizens have to remind groups in power that the latter are chosen to contribute to the development of the country and should address citizens’ needs. However, it is inappropriate to use force and strive for violent changes in the society as this leads to destruction and numerous negative consequences. In conclusion, it is possible to note that the cases of South Africa, Egypt and Burma provide numerous important lessons to learn. These are lessons on the correlation between religion, politics and peace. These cases reveal hazards and opportunities for the contemporary societies. These lessons help people understand that political sphere should remain secular in multicultural and multiethnic societies of the contemporary world. At the same time, political struggle can be based on religious values of peace, cooperation and respect. This will enable people to contribute to positive and peaceful changes in the society. Botman, H. Russel . Truth and Reconciliation: The South Africa Case. Religion and Peacebuilding. Ed. Harold Coward and Gordon S. Smith. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2004. 243-261. Print. Fink, Christina. The Moment of the Monks: Burma, 2007. Civil Resistance and Power Politics: The Experience of Non-Violent Action from Gandhi to the Present. Ed. Sir Adam Roberts and Timothy Garton Ash. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2009. 354-370. Print. Hibbard, Scott W. Egypt and the Legacy of Sectarianism. Between Terror and Tolerance: Religious Leaders, Conflict, and Peacemaking. Ed. Timothy D. Sisk. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2011. 85-104. Print.
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Substituting Baking Powder and Baking Soda
Substituting Baking Powder and Baking Soda Holiday baking can be more of a challenge if you discover all your baking soda got used up for baking soda volcanoes and invisible ink. If you have baking powder, it will save you a trip to the store because you can use it in place of baking soda. If your problem is being out of baking powder, you can make your own using baking soda and cream of tartar. Heres how to make the substitutions: Using Baking Powder Instead of Baking Soda You need to use 2 to 3 times more baking powder than baking soda. The extra ingredients in the baking powder will have an effect on the taste of whatever you are making, but this isnt necessarily bad.Ideally, triple the amount of baking soda to equal the amount of baking powder. So, if the recipe called for 1 tsp baking soda, you would use 3 tsp baking powder.Another option is to use twice the amount of baking powder as baking soda (add 2 tsp of baking powder if the recipe calls for 1 tsp baking soda), then omit the salt (which adds flavor but also affects rising in some recipes). Making Baking Powder You need baking soda and cream of tartar to make baking powder.Mix 2 parts cream of tartar with 1 part baking soda. For example, mix 2 tsp cream of tartar with 1 tsp baking soda.Use the amount of baking powder called for by the recipe. No matter how much homemade baking powder you made, if the recipe calls for 1-1/2 tsp, add exactly 1-1/2 tsp of your mixture.Cream of tartar is used to increase the acidity of a mixture. So, you cant switch baking soda for baking powder. You can switch baking powder for baking soda, just expect the flavor to change a little. If you interested in understanding more about cooking chemistry, you may be interested to learn why copper bowls are better for whipping egg whites or the real reason eating a big turkey dinner makes you feel like taking a nap.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Commissioning pneumatic trainer system Literature review
Commissioning pneumatic trainer system - Literature review Example Pneumatics is defined as the study of gases and air and the relationship between their volume, temperature and pressure (Venkannah, 2006). Pneumatics as a discipline deals with the mechanical properties of gases, e.g. pressure and density, and the application of these principles to solve various engineering problems using of compressed gas as the main source of power (Beater, 2007). The compressed gas that is most commonly used is air, and it normally contains energy stored in a potential state. When the compressed air expands, working energy is produced in the form of kinetic energy and pressure (Beater, 2007). 1.1.2 Hardware Pneumatic systems can be broken down into several levels representing the hardware components and the signal flow as shown below (Venkannah, 2006). The major components of a pneumatic system are; Compressor Check valve Accumulator Directional valve Actuator The assembly of a basic pneumatic system is as shown below. Key: A. Air Compressor B. Check Valve C. Accu mulator D. Directional Valve E. Actuator The following are discussed below. A. Compressor The air compressor unit is driven by a motor, and it acts as the source of air for the whole system (Dale & Fardo, 2009). It increases the pressure of air by compressing it so as to reduce its volume. This unit uses electrical power to generate mechanical force through the rotation of a motor. Once the air is compressed, it is stored in a receiving tank. The compressed air is then dispersed to the extra parts of the system at a high pressure when needed (Dale & Fardo, 2009). Pneumatic systems must also be equipped with air processing components that will condition the air before it is used. The conditioning involves filtering, regulating the temperature and lubrication (Dale & Fardo, 2009). These three sub units can be offered as one set known as the FRL Unit (Soundara, 2007). Filter unit It filters any foreign particles that may be contained in the compressed air. However, the size of the part icle that can be filtered depends on the type of filter used (Mitchell, 2000). Regulator unit It is used to uphold the desired pressure to the system’s control and consumption unit. Lubricating unit The lubricator supplies the compressed air with a film of oil and ensures that the air carries oil to the interior parts of both the control valves and the cylinder. However, the usage of lubricators is becoming less popular since nowadays manufacturers are making valves that do not require lubrication (Soundara, 2007). The filter and the regulator can be combined and used as a single or as individual units. B. Check valves These are one way valves that allow pressurized air to enter the pneumatic system and at the same time preventing backflow of the pressurized air to the compressor hence preventing loss of pressure. They help keep the pressurized air locked until it is released either manually or electrically after it reaches a certain amount of pressure. C. Accumulator It stor es compressed air and prevents any surges that may occur as a result of pressure. It usually has a larger volume than the air compressor. The large volume is of great significance as it helps dampen the pulsations of pressure as well as serve as a reserve to supply both large and brief volumes of air on demand. Accumulators also act as a medium for
Ending Hunger in the Elderly Population Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ending Hunger in the Elderly Population - Essay Example Although students are not required to conduct an interview as research for the final project, the process of thinking about potential questions and responses related to the final project topic will help stimulate further ideas and questions related to conducting relevant and reliable research. Of course, you may also decide to interview the person discussed here or another appropriate subject and use the material in your upcoming projects as a primary source. I selected Ms. Haist, because she is the chief researcher at a famous university. She is also an expert on the topic of poverty and hunger reduction methods. I am sure, that she will provide me, with the detailed insight about the topic of my paper. The topic of this interview is focusing on the methods to alleviate hunger among the older people. According to the, Gomez & Ranney, (2002) There is a statistically significant relation between the health expenditure and fitness of old people, so if the government wants to keep them healthy, it has to stabilize their income, which can be achieved through offering them flexible insurance packages. This observation indicates a firm and logical relation between the health and financial well beings of individuals in question. During another study, the researcher finds that the proportion of homeless people is increasing with leaps during last two decades (Bowering, Clancy, & Poppendieck, 1999), majority of individuals among them, is older and has no family. They also lack the luxury of having proper shelter. At the same time they suffer with nutrients deprivation (Saad, 2000). It is the due responsibility of federal and regional governments to spare resources of the betterment of these people. In any country the most powerful entity is the government, so in my opinion this is the ultimate responsibility of the federal government to take care of these people, because the culture of US is individualistic, so people are busy
Friday, October 18, 2019
Examining emotions, attitudes, and job satisfaction Research Paper
Examining emotions, attitudes, and job satisfaction - Research Paper Example In addition, the company offers its employees comprehensive benefits including medical, dental, and vision insurance, company-paid retirement, paid vacation, and a 10% employee discount. Even while keeping some of its financial information confidential these days, the company officials say that its managers earn approximately $100K per year. Secondly, the company compensates its outlet managers fairly high as compared to other retailers mainly because those managers are well informed of the Trader Joe’s system inside and out. In addition, managers are hired only from within the company, and therefore Trader Joe’s employees obtain extensive exposure to potential career development opportunities, which in turn would increase their job satisfaction and performance. Thirdly, the organization encourages its employees to closely interact with customers and to take proper decisions to enhance customers’ shopping experience. This approach would give employees a sense of belongingness and empowerment, which in turn may foster employees to improve their performance so as to contribute notably to the overall organizational productivity. Undoubtedly, this practice is also beneficial to promote employees’ job satisfaction. From the case scenario, it is identified that Trader Joe’s executes the management process effectively to develop its workforce. According to the case study, Trader Joe’s believes that its ‘responsible, knowledgeable, and friendly’ workforce is critical to its success (p.W-100). The organization pays great emphasis to develop customer-oriented employees by providing specific job descriptions stating desired job skills and retail experience. The company asks its employees to be ambitious and adventurous and to maintain a strong sense of values to contribute significantly to customer satisfaction. The Trader Joe’s management strongly connects with its customers by cultivating a culture of great product knowledge
Human Physiology and Anatomy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Human Physiology and Anatomy - Essay Example As the paper declares excretion of waste products from the body is the most important function of the kidney within the body. Urea is the main product that gets excreted in the process. Also, the kidney has the responsibility to regulate water in the body as well as balance the acid base and electrolytes levels within the body. These are some of the common functions that kidney has been known to perform since years. However in the recent years, studies have obtained that kidney has an endocrinal responsibility as well. This is so because the kidney helps in secretion of a variety of materials like renin and erythropoietin into the stream of blood, leading to several effects external to the kidney as well. From this study it is clear that the role of the kidneys involves processing blood such that waste products and excess water can be removed from the body. This function takes place everyday within the body of human beings. The waste materials are eliminated in the form of urine as a result of this process. The significance of this function of the kidneys lies in the fact that if the kidneys did not allow the elimination of the waste products, then these products would accumulate in the blood leading to damage to the human body as a whole. In terms of function, renal function and kidney function are the same. A person having both kidneys active enables the functions of the kidney effective. Several nephrons are present in each kidney that allows intertwining of small blood vessels and tubes that collect the urine.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The Philosophy of Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Philosophy of Knowledge - Essay Example The evolving nature of knowledge can be considered to be a manifestation of its highly unstable nature where it undergoes frequent changes over time. While this may be the case, knowledge is also a means through which cultures are developed and this is done through the transmission of what is believed by a certain society to future generations. When knowledge is compared to truth, it can be suggested that the latter should be able to withstand the test of time and retain its basic truths (Church, 1962, p.322). Such situations tend to be extremely rare considering that the changes in society and the environment often ensure that opinions concerning different aspects of life often change over time. Truth is what human beings hold to be unchanging and this means that it is essential for it to remain constant in order to ensure its credibility (McGarry 2010, p.8). The argument for the constant nature of truth was the belief, before the theory of evolution was developed by Charles Darwin, it was a common belief in Europe that all creation came into being in seven days. This belief was in line with the predominantly Christian biblical teachings that were prevalent in Europe during this age. All these changed with the development of the development of the theory of evolution and it is now considered a fact that all creatures evolved from more primitive forms over millions of years. What remains to be seen is whether the theory of evolution will continue to be considered true knowledge in the near future.
The legal driving age in Illinois should be raised from 16 Research Paper
The legal driving age in Illinois should be raised from 16 - Research Paper Example Even though many reasons were cited for increasing number of car accidents, the major reasons are underage driving, drink driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs etc. Even though in many of the American states, the legal driving age is 18, Illinois is one state in America in which the driving age is fixed to 16. The increasing car accident statistics from Illinois clearly point towards the necessities of raising legal driving age from 16. This paper briefly analyses the necessities of raising legal driving age from 16 in Illinois. Problems associated with driving at the age of 16 â€Å"According to a recent study by American Automobile Association, 30917 fatalities over the last ten years were the result of crashes involves drivers ages 15-17 years old†(Peters, 2007). Driving is a dangerous act and it is not a childish play since we consider the consequences of accidents. Accidents can take the lives of the driver, fellow passengers and other innocent peopl e on the road. It is ethically wrong to give the control of a vehicle in the hands of an immature person. Age sixteen, under no means is a matured age. Even for getting voting rights, completion of eighteen years of age is necessary in America. In other words, American administration believes that a person under the age of eighteen is incapable of taking sound or matured decisions. In American military, only people who crossed eighteen years of age are admitted. The legal drink age is fixed at eighteen years in most of the American states. The above examples clearly show that a person below eighteen years of age is incapable of handling tough situations and taking sound decisions. Driving is an act which requires continuous decision making. Any immature decision taken at the wrong time can cause accidents on and off the road. Under such circumstances, it is better to give the control of steering to people who crossed at least eighteen years of age. â€Å"Empirically, a number of re ports and survey show that the accidents prevalence rates among the underage drivers was very high and a greet cause of concern among parents and authorities†(Wilson, 2010). Driving a vehicle can be very dangerous for someone not having the proper experience and knowledge about the rules and regulations given by the state. Before being given a driver license a person should have completed certain age. The legal driving age set by the state Illinois is too low when we consider the complexities in driving a vehicle. Mind, hands and legs of the driver should be coordinated properly for ensuring safe driving. It is difficult for the children of age sixteen to get better coordination of mind, hands and legs. Moreover, it is difficult for the teenagers to take sound driving decisions. For example, teenagers like to drive their vehicle as fast as they can. They may not think properly about their steering or vehicle controlling abilities or the probabilities of accidents. Unnecessary overtaking and injudicious decision making while overtaking can cause big accidents. â€Å"Driving while either intoxicated or drunk is dangerous and drivers with high blood alcohol content or concentration (BAC) are at greatly increased risk of car accidents, highway injuries and vehicular deaths†(Drinking and driving, 2009). Most of the children in America taste the drinks even at an early age of below twelve years. Those who attracted by the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Philosophy of Knowledge Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Philosophy of Knowledge - Essay Example The evolving nature of knowledge can be considered to be a manifestation of its highly unstable nature where it undergoes frequent changes over time. While this may be the case, knowledge is also a means through which cultures are developed and this is done through the transmission of what is believed by a certain society to future generations. When knowledge is compared to truth, it can be suggested that the latter should be able to withstand the test of time and retain its basic truths (Church, 1962, p.322). Such situations tend to be extremely rare considering that the changes in society and the environment often ensure that opinions concerning different aspects of life often change over time. Truth is what human beings hold to be unchanging and this means that it is essential for it to remain constant in order to ensure its credibility (McGarry 2010, p.8). The argument for the constant nature of truth was the belief, before the theory of evolution was developed by Charles Darwin, it was a common belief in Europe that all creation came into being in seven days. This belief was in line with the predominantly Christian biblical teachings that were prevalent in Europe during this age. All these changed with the development of the development of the theory of evolution and it is now considered a fact that all creatures evolved from more primitive forms over millions of years. What remains to be seen is whether the theory of evolution will continue to be considered true knowledge in the near future.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Feasibility Analysis For Establishing A Teen Mom Residential Facility Essay
Feasibility Analysis For Establishing A Teen Mom Residential Facility - Essay Example Especially in light of the welfare reform rules which require that all minors reside in supervised settings as a criterion for the receipt of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), these facilities prove to be a viable source for such supervision. Despite this, very little is known about these facilities. To date, there has been a minimal set of empirical studies to indicate their efficacy. As such, this study set out to examine the feasibility of such an implementation by examining seven facilities throughout the United States. This study aims to (1) document the implementation of residential facilities for teenage mother and (2) explore the feasibility of implementing such a facility. This study examines seven residential facilities for teenage mothers within the United States. Since the aim of this study was to asses the feasibility of establishing such a facility, our emphasis lied on programs with the highest potential for inclusion. In conducting the research, the researcher initiated numerous telephone interviews with various employees within the study facilities. The inquiry focused on the following areas: Management. The study facilities were managed utilizing both a networked management topology and an independent management topology. Four of the study facilities were networked and the remaining three were independent facilities. The networked facilities were essentially multi-site facilities operating under a unified management body while the independent facilities were single-site facilities. By virtue of the varying topologies, the managerial structures as well as the size of these facilities were inherently different. Funding Sources. The study facilities were predominantly funded through grants from a variety of governmental funding sources. In fact, these funding sources account for over 70% of the funding necessary for these facilities is garnered from private donations and other fundraising efforts. Eligibility Rules. The fundamental requirements involved specific guidelines with regards to age, pregnancy and motherhood status and the qualification for state-subsidized programs. In general, the programs accepted residents as young as 13 years of age and as old 29 years old. Services Provided. All of the facilities provided a general set of core services. These services include housing, supervision and structure, case management and parenting and life skills. Staffing and Costs The range of monthly per family expenditure ranged from approximately $1,100-$8,500. The lion's share of this cost was realized in the costs associated with the staffing needs and the direct supervision of the residents. In fact benefits and compensation accounted for as much as 70% of the program fee. Within these programs there was intensive supervision which mandated an allocation of staff members who are in direct contact with the residents for a substantial part of the day. The remaining costs were those associated with the provision of housing. CHAPTER I: DEFINITION OF THE
Monday, October 14, 2019
Injuries in Sport Essay Example for Free
Injuries in Sport Essay Concussion can be caused by a blow to the head, which results in a short period of unconsciousness and then a full recovery. It is most common in contact sports e.g. football etc. To treat concussions you must put an ice pack on the head. Then you must ensure that the head is always higher in the heart and soon after they should have recovered but if the symptoms persist then the person must go to the doctors. The signs and symptoms are memory loss, change in breathing rate, and temporary loss of consciousness, loss of balance, disturbed vision and diluted pupils. Accidents can be less serious if headgear is warm in high contact sports like rugby and hockey. This reduces the chance of the blow being more deadly. If this injury occurs it will defend on the seriousness if the player is to go off or is able to continue playing. If it is serious than it may become life threatening and could potentially end a career in sport but if it is minor a player could return onto the field of play in minutes. Time must be given to regain consciousness. A spinal injury stress fracture is caused by twisting or direct stress to the bone. There is no treatment for this injury all that we can do is take the person with the injury to the hospital. The symptoms are pain in the back of the neck, swelling and bruising, redness and warmth , Tenderness to touch and numbness. This can be minimised by increasing calcium intake (calcium increases bone strength). It can also be minimised by doing strengthening exercises around the spine. These exercises increases the muscle capacity around the spine causing it to give more protection on impact. If this injury occurs the chance of returning to mobility is small so there is virtually no chance of returning to the field of play. This injury could possibly ruin someones life and could easily end a career. Fractures are caused by indirect or direct forces. If someone has a simple fracture we must support the injured part and take the person to the hospital. The signs for a simple fracture are pain , redness , swelling, bruising and discolouration. The compound fracture; bone breaking through skin , bleeding , pain, swelling , redness and bruising .To minimise fractures you could wear protective clothing. It is a impact injury so even if protective clothing is worn there still could be a chance of getting this injury. If the fracture is open firstly the bleeding will need to be controlled, to do this: * Apply pressure above the wound * Keep the wound elevated Try and use a splint around the fracture, when the bleeding has been controlled, if you cannot do this please inform a member of staff beforehand. It is difficult to say whether a player will return after this. It all depends on the seriousness but often a player is required to go off to receive treatment. Dislocations are caused by a blow for examples to the shoulder .They are most common in contact sports. We must call a trained person who must be there to help we must ensure that the athlete is kept warm to prevent shock occurring. We must also immobilise the neck and dislocated shoulder with padded splints or a sling. The signs for dislocation are severe pain no movement, visible bone deformity, swelling, bruising and numbness. Dislocations can be minimised by warming up, strengthening muscles so they can be used as a protective layer. Also protective clothing can be worn so the chance of dislocating a muscle will be lower. If this injury occurs than the player may have to rest. It would be very difficult and painful to carry on playing. Sprains can be caused by a sudden twist, overstretching or stress on ligaments. They are in boxing and football. The way to treat this is R.I.C.E .The symptoms for sprains are; pain or tenderness in the part of the body, which gets worse if the arm rotates or attempts to grip an object. To minimise the risk of injury perform strengthening exercises for the forearm. You could also under take a thorough warm up. Protective equipment can be worn to minimise the risk of injury. I will make sure that the athlete is kept warm to prevent shock, immobilise the injury with padded splints or a sling. Do not attempt to reposition the dislocated joint. Only our trained personnel should do this. If this occurs the chance of carrying playing is very slim. Some time must be taken off so the body can recuperate and recover. Very difficult to play through this pain. Head injuries are common in sports such as football for example when someone bangs his head with someone else. The signs for a heads injury are blurred vision, and headache. To minimise the risk of getting a head injury is to wear protective headgear but in some sport you are not allowed. The treatment for this is to call 999 and at the hospital they will treat the person involved. If this injury occurs then the player might have a serious problem and it could possibly end a career in sport. Some head injuries may just require the athlete to go off for a minute or two to regain consciousness. This depends on how serious the injury is. Joint injuries can be treated by the following ways; Advice the athlete to rest or you could send the athlete to a doctor for a injection which reduces the inflammation and relieve pain. The symptoms are pain or tenderness in the the elbow, which gets worse if the arm rotates or attempts to grip an object. A badly sprains ankle can be treated by R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Apply ice for 20 minutes. The symptoms for a sprain in the ankle are pain at the ankle joint at any time of the injury. A feeling of popping or tearing of the ankle joint in the outer region. Some symptoms are; 1). Swelling and tenderness in the area. 2). Slight loss of function with slight injuries to the ankle joint 3). More severe loss of function with more severe injury 4). Bruising, which usually appears a few hours after the injury has occurred. These depend on the seriousness as well. If it is serious than it could require time for rest and the player will not be able to return onto the field off. The time off depends on the joint. Hypothermia is when athletes train in extreme cold conditions for a long time. The signs and symptoms are shivering , muscle rigidity , cramps , low blood pressure , low pulse rate and breathing rates , confusion , disorientation , cold , pale , dry skin. To minimise risk they could be equipped for all kinds of weather. Wear extra, thin layers of clothing; wear a waterproof and windproof outer layer of clothing.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Roman Empire :: essays research papers
The Roman Empire The people were happy. This is the underlying cause of the astounding length of time and space that the Roman Empire occupied most of the known western land. Great rulers met their downfall when they put their own status in front of the well being of the people they govern. When the citizens are left high and dry and not regarded as important to their society then this is when there is an overthrow of power and a new ruler comes into play. Citizens had a place in politics, they have lots of entertainment, they had the best army in the world to protect them, and Rome was the place to live and would be that way for many years. Many leaders come and go but it is the great ones that we remember, the ones that make people enjoy life. The emperors that are not approved by the people are the ones that turn a new leaf of evil once they have a military victory. The thrill of so much power gives them the urge to be the best in the world. They move on and conquer other nations and forget about their own people. Julius Caesar cared about his people and wanted to be the "ruler for the people," rather than the "ruler of the people." When he gain power of Rome from the hands of Pompey there was no reign of terror, but a policy to restore economic and prosperity to Rome. This period of time in Rome is known today as the golden age of Roman literacy and development. The minds of the people are expanding. Another example of the Roman citizens' happiness and prosperity comes during the rule of Caesar's grandson Octavian, better known to history as Augustus. Once Augustus rises from the new triumvirate as the ruler of the empire, he introduces different types of social reform that appease the people and keep them on his side. Augustus is a classical man and wanted to bring back the ancient moral to the citizens. He reduced the size of the army and gave soldiers land and money. He imports food and gives it away to the people. Augustus transformed Rome from city of bricks to a city of marble by building temples and basilicas to represent his power as well as his love for the city that he takes care of.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Kill the Wolves :: Wolved Wildlife Animals Essays
Kill the Wolves Bang! A shot rings out in the forest. â€Å"Another one down. That’s five this week.†In the early 1900s there were predator extermination teams that were paid for every wolf, mountain lion, and bear they brought dead to the ranger station. Why were these stopped? â€Å"It’s those damn tree-huggers again.†Reintroducing Wolves into the southwest is the biggest mistake the government has made in several years. Farmers and ranchers suffer some of the most losses from wolves out of anyone in our society. For one, the wolves eat cattle, which is some rancher’s only means of income. Yes, there are programs which reimburse ranchers for their losses, but the raising calves to cows, feeding them, and immunizing them is more money than one wants to put out for one animal if it isn’t your income. Farmers lose from wolves because their cows, sheep, goats, and dogs get eaten or killed by wolves. For farmers, the money situation is almost as bad as it is for ranchers. Either way wolves infringe on the rights of farmers and ranchers, so they should not be reintroduced into the southwest. Another reason wolves are bad for our society in the southwest, is a good piece of income and food is raised from hunters every year; with wolves being in the wild, hunters would feel afraid to go into the back country looking for a good deer or elk, the best animals would be eaten by wolves thus reducing the number of permits that are being given out, reducing the money generated by hunting permits. Every year hundreds of people purchase hunting licenses and tags for elk and deer. All of that money goes to the forest service’s fund for improving trails, roads, and safety systems in the national forests. With reduced tags being sold, that revenue is lost. In addition to that money being lost, the best animals will be taken down by wolves, leaving the hunters to go for small, sick, injured, or extremely old animals. The effect of releasing wolves into the wild would be detrimental to the southwest’s hunting community.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Contemporary Canadian Business Law Essay
A minor named Alice entered into a contract with Silver Flatware Ltd. for purchasing silverware on a long-term credit contract. The goods was delivered but the payment was not yet been fully made by Alice. Before she attain the age of majority, Alice repudiated the contract and refused to return the silverware. The company demanded a return of the silverware and refused to refund. The company sued Alice for the balance of purchase price. The legal issues in this case are whether Alice has the legal capacity to the contract and whether Alice has the right to repudiate the contract. If the second question is answered affirmative, what the effect of repudiation will occur in this case? Should Alice return the silverware and should she be liable to the lost of teaspoons? Finally, should the Silver Flatware Ltd. Refund the money had been paid by Alice? The plaintiff’s argument would be that the defendant must return the goods if she wants to repudiate the contract. The lost of teaspoons should be counted as damage to the goods and the plaintiff is entitled to recover the loss by charging compensation from the defendant. The defendant’s argument would be that she has the right to repudiate the contract since she was a minor while entering into the contract and she repudiated the contract before her attaining of the age of majority. The defendant has the option to repudiate the contract because the contract has not been fully performed and it was signed for purchasing non-necessary goods. The defendant was entitled to a return of the payment as she was a minor at the time she entered into the contract. The defendant was not liable to the lost of teaspoons since it was not a direct result of the minor’s deliberate act and it was not recoverable by the merchant. In my opinion, the probable decision of the court would be that the defendant must return the goods and the plaintiff must refund all the monies paid by the defendant. The defendant must return the goods before the plaintiff is obliged to return the monies paid. The defendant is not liable to the lost parts of the goods. The reasons for the probable decisions are as follows. Firstly, public policy dictates that minors should not be bound by their promises. The defendant did not have the legal capacity to a contract since she entered into the contract and repudiated the contract before her attaining of the age of majority. Secondly, the contract has not been fully performed as the defendant has not made full payment of the goods, so the contract is voidable at the defendant’s option. Thirdly, the goods purchased was a non-necessary goods since the silverwork is commonly considered as luxury but not necessary. Therefore, the plaintiff is not liable on such contract. According to the reasons stated above, the defendant who is a minor has the right to repudiate the contract at any time and at her option, for the reason of the contract has not been fully performed and it was for purchasing non-necessary goods. Additionally, once the contract has been repudiated, the minor is entitled to a return of any deposit paid to the adult contractor. Since the minor has purchased the goods on credit and taken delivery, the minor must return the goods before the merchant is obliged to return any monies paid. Finally, the loss of loosing teaspoons is not recoverable by the merchant because there is no evidence provided to proof that the loss is a direct result of the minor’s deliberate act.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
The First Day In Australia
Would like to talk about my first day in Australia in this essay. I arrived in Sydney on the 3rd of April 201 3 and it was raining heavily. However, everything looked interesting to me. Was planning to visit Commonwealth Bank at Martin Place as soon as I stepped out of the airplane. When got there, was surprised because the architectural style of the building was luxurious and antique, and it felt very Western. Then I met a teller who greeted me kindly. He made jokes to me. They were funny jokes, but at that time, I did not answer.I was regretful I could not say anything to him in English. After that, I left for a backpacker hostel that is known as a popular place for foreigners. Unfortunately, there were a lot Of people waiting to Stay in there. Thus, I had to move another one. Finally I found a different backpacker hostel. As I opened the door of my room, its melancholic atmosphere overwhelmed me. Eventually, I decided to stay only 3 days because of the uncomfortable, unfamiliar ai r and because the accommodation fee was unfair.In the first night, I was not able to sleep deeply. Lying in the bed, really worried about my life in Australia. Being unsure about my future made me afraid. Time has slipped along. Compared with the past, many things have changed recently. Nowadays I am trying to improve my life in Australia constantly in order to step forward by studying English and making friends. If I have an opportunity, I would like to settle in Australia.
Subtypes of Schizophrenia
Paranoid Type People with paranoid type of schizophrenia suffered from delusions and hallucinations (mostly auditory), but they can speak logically and give appropriate emotional responses since their cognitive skills and affect are intact. These patients may have delusions and hallucinations characterized by themes of grandeur or persecution, i.e. thinking themselves as famous persons or being persecuted, so these usually make them less likely to get social support. Disorganized Type People with disorganized schizophrenia perform disrupted speech and behavior. They may jump from topic to topic suddenly in their speech and this make their conversation illogical. Sometimes they show blunt affected or inappropriate emotional responses, for example, they may cry after listening to a joke. If they also experienced delusions and hallucinations, these false thinking and perception will appear to be fragmented and disorganized. Catatonic Type People with catatonic type of schizophrenia will hold their bodies in specific positions for a long time. If someone tries to change their rigid gestures, they will keep their bodies in the original positions again and this is called waxy flexibility. In contract to waxy flexibility, sometimes they are excessively active. They may also display odd bodily mannerisms and facial expressions and often mimic the words or movements of others. Undifferentiated Type People with undifferentiated type of schizophrenia suffered from the major symptoms of the disorder, but they do not fit neatly into the three subtypes mentioned above. Residual Type People with residual type of schizophrenia have had at least one episode of schizophrenia but they no longer display major schizophrenic symptoms. They may experience residual or ‘leftover’ symptoms, such as negative belief, social withdrawal, bizarre thoughts, inactivity and flat affect. Other Psychotic Disorders People with other psychotic disorders may display similar symptoms as schizophrenia but these symptoms do not fit neatly into the diagnostic criteria of schizophrenia. Other psychotic disorders include the following categories. Schizophreniform Disorder Some people have suffered from the symptom of schizophrenia for a few months, and after treatment, the symptoms disappear for no apparent reason. This type of disorder was classified as schizophreniform disorder. Schizoaffective Disorder The patients with schizophrenic symptoms and also mood disorders are diagnosed as schizoaffective disorder. Delusional Disorder This type of patients suffered from no other symptoms of schizophrenia except delusion, and their delusions are not realistic. These delusions are not due to organic factors such as brain seizures. Brief Psychotic Disorder Patients with brief psychotic disorder suffered from one or more positive symptoms, or disorganized speech or behavior lasting 1 month or less. The patients then regain the ability of functioning in daily living. This disorder can be triggered by severe life stressors suddenly. Shared Psychotic Disorder (Folie a Deux) People suffered from shared psychotic disorder because they are influenced by schizophrenic delusional patients who have very close relationship with them. They experienced delusions which are originated from these delusional individuals with similar themes and nature.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
(help me make the topic) Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
(help me make the topic) - Research Proposal Example Researchers have had varying opinions on this subject. The purpose of this research is to determine the impact of government expenditure of economic growth of USA in order to eliminate the confusion revolving around this phenomenon. USA has the largest national economy. Its nominal GDP was estimated to be $15.8 trillion in the third quarter of 2012. This represents a quarter of the global nominal GDP. The 2007 credit crunch in the world began in the US economy leading to serious economic problems such as increased levels of unemployment and high levels of public debt. This led to increased government intervention in the economy to fasten recovery from the recession. Government intervention came in the form of increased expenditure in stimulus programs and change of macroeconomic policies. The total expenditure in 2012 was $3.796 trillion and has been on the increase throughout the past decade (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 24). According to Keynesian economics, an increase in government expenditure causes an increase in GDP via the multiplier effect. According to Keynes, GDP is a function of consumption expenditure, investment expenditure, government expenditure and net exports. There is therefore a positive relationship between a government expenditure and economic growth (Stefan and Magnus 1510). However, researchers have had different views on this subject. According to by Richard Rahn, government spending lead to increased economic growth up to some optimal level above which the economy begins to contract. Proponents of the Rahn curve theory suggest that optimal government expenditure should be between 15% and 25% of GDP (Surhone, Tennoe, Henssonow 10). In a study comparing the Anglo-American Model and European Models, James, Robert and Randall (20) studies the impact of government structure and size on economic development. The paper concludes that the government is able
Monday, October 7, 2019
The death of woman Wang Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The death of woman Wang - Essay Example There were also published texts in 1673, 1763, and 1810 on the local history of the county (Cass and Spence 550). Additionally, Spence utilizes P’u Sung-ling’s text entitled â€Å"Strange Stories from the Liao Studio†in creative and unconventional ways. The data are all used to depict common superstitions and values and to draw the picture of â€Å"loneliness, sensuality, and dreams†(Spence xiv). The first part, â€Å"The Observers,†talks about the catastrophes that struck the region, focusing on the earthquake in 1668 that wiped out a big part of the population. Additionally, people were stricken with the White Lotus revolt in 1622, plagues in 1640, Machu invasion in 1643, coupled with famine, floods, and raids in the 1650s. In a matter of fifty years, the region’s population of 200,000 dropped to merely 60,000. It is obvious here that the T’an-ch’eng people faced survival crisis, misery, and demoralization during that perio d. Suicide was so common that a proclamation has to be issued to dissuade it. In Huang’s text, he mentions that when he was serving in T’an-ch’eng, he observed that people view themselves worthless due to the poverty, hunger, and several other sufferings they go through. He added that people then do not have any idea of a happy life and the joys of living (Spence 14). The moral situation of the people hit an all-time low, causing conflicts to erupt within the family units, breaking down of social orders, and abandonment of moral restraints (Cass and Spence 551).... The second part, â€Å"The Land,†explores the situation of the tax payments, quotas, and labor system. As the population fell, these established systems became more burdensome for the people, particularly the quota system. Registered lands dropped, showing the abuses in tax collections and the measures used by land owners to avoid paying the exorbitant taxes. Obviously, the established system in the land pushes the poor people more into poverty, giving them lesser and lesser hope --- which was not much to start with --- to be alleviated from their circumstances (Entenmann and Spence 269-70). The third part, â€Å"The Widow,†begins to explore the situation of the women in that region during that time. Historically, China’s view on women has been that of oppression, and they are merely treated with respect if they follow the conventional societal rules on the roles of women in the society (Cass and Spence 550). Spence here describes the burdens placed on widows, particularly by the legal code discouraging remarriage after the husband’s death. Remarriage would cause the widow to lose any inheritance from the husband to the husband’s family. However, instead of achieving the desired effect of proving the wife’s loyalty to the late husband, it merely prompted the husband’s family to put pressure on the widow to remarry. Spence however relates the story of a woman who resisted this pressure, which unfortunately resulted in the murder of her only son by her late husband’s family. The murdered was punished, but a part of the late husband’s family became the widow’s heir (Entenmann and Spence 270). In the fourth part, â€Å"The Feud,†Spence talks about a local family who runs a group of
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Sauer's Cultural Landscape Geography Assignment
Sauer's Cultural Landscape Geography - Assignment Example Under the influence of Carl Sauer, cultural landscape geography developed as the main branch of geography. â€Å"Sauer was explicitly concerned to counter an environmental determinism which had dominated the American geography of the previous generation, within which human agency was given scant autonomy in the shaping of the visible landscape ».He believed that culture is the main force in shaping all visible features of the physical environment of the earth’s surface and he calls it ‘human cultural activities.’ They provoke action, responses, and adaptation by humans. He touches the cultural traits imposed by Europeans during colonization on various parts of the world and says that this cultural imposition on pre-existing cultures, shaped these new cultures in a different way. â€Å"Culture is the agent, the natural area is the medium, the cultural landscape is the result. Under the influence of a given culture, itself changing through time, the landscap e undergoes development, passing through phases, and probably reaching ultimately the end of its cycle of development. With the introduction of a different – that is an alien – culture, a rejuvenation of the cultural landscape sets in, or a new landscape is superimposed on remnants of an older one,†Sauer (1925), The Morphology of Landscape.†University of California Publications.French regional geography was a model of what Sauer propagated. French seafarers were crowned with initial success and the French school of geography was highly influential. It ‘†¦became known for its descriptive regional monographs presented in a lucid and flowing manner, human and historical geography was its forte.’ Even though there were criticisms that the emphasis has shifted several times between the approaches and viewpoints, all geographers had recognized their interdependence and complimentary importance. There is no denying that French regional geograph y also reflected the historical and military developments of the country. Talking about a hundred years’ war between France and Britain, Sauer says (Northern Mists) that France lost most of her ports and her north and southwest regions were ravaged.
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