Friday, May 31, 2019
Justice and Moderation of the Soul in The Republic, by Plato Essay exam
In his philosophical text, The Republic, Plato argues that exclusivelyice can but be realized by the moderation of the intellect, which he claims reflects as the moderation of the city. He engages in a debate, via the persona of Socrates, with Ademantus and Gaucon on the benefit, or lack thereof, for the man who leads a just life. I shall argue that this analogy reflecting the governing of forces in the brain and in city serves as a sufficient device in proving that justice is beneficial to those who believe in, and practice it. I shall further argue that Plato establishes that the nonliteral bridge between the city and soul analogy and reality is the leader, and that in the city governed by justice the philosopher is king. The three men discuss justice as if its a good thing. Glaucon wants Socrates to prove that it is, and argues if it is just to do wrong in order to have justice, or on the other hand, is it unjust to never do wrong and therefore have no justice. For example a man who lies, cheats and steals yet is a respected member of the community would be living a just life, in comparison to a man who never lied, cheated, nor stole anything but lives in poverty and is living an unjust life. Glaucon assumes the life of a just man is better than the life of an unjust man. Socrates now introduces a new method with use of imagery. He mentions a city and all thats within a city, to be applied in reference to the human soul. There are three cities he speaks of the city of necessity, the city of luxury, and the feverish city. The city of necessity only includes items, such as food, shelter and clothing, needed for survival as well as laborers to provide them. Soon, the laborers begin to expand necessity to comfort, thus forming th... ...s. When justice reigns in mans soul, he is a happy man and rules over his soul like a good ruler rules over a society. When injustice reigns in his soul, he is an unhappy man, just as men under an unjust ruler are unhappy. Injustice always brings bondage, so the man who lives in injustice is in bondage either to his own failings or to an evil society. Whether the just man receives extra rewards beyond the happiness of living in a just soul is beside the point. His soul is his world, and if it is a just one, it is a happy place to live.Works CitedDunkle, Roger. The Classical Origins of Western Culture Brooklyn College, The City University of New York. 1986 . Web. 29 July 2015.http// Republic. Trans. G.M.A. Grube and C.D.C. Reeve. Plato Complete Works. Ed. caper M. Cooper. Indianapolis Hackett, 1997.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Legalization Of Drugs Essay -- essays research papers
Legalization of DrugsThe drug connection is one that continues to resist analysis, both because causeand nub are so difficult to distinguish and because the role of the drug-prohibition laws in causing and labeling "drug-related crime" is so oftenignored. There are four executable connections between drugs and crime, at leastthree of which would be much diminished if the drug-prohibition laws wererepealed. "First, producing, selling, buying, and consuming strictly controlledand banned substances is itself a crime that occurs billions of times each divisionin the United States alone" (Lindsmith Center). In the absence of drug-prohibition laws, these activities would obviously stop being crimes. "Sellingdrugs to children would continue to be criminal, and other evasions ofgovernment polity of a legal market would continue to be prosecuted but byand large the drug connection that straight off accounts for all of the criminal-justicecosts noted above would be severed" (Lindsmith Center).Second, many illicit-drug users commit crimes such as robbery and burglary, aswell as drug dealing, prostitution, and many others, to earn enough specie topurchase the relatively high-priced illicit drugs. "Unlike the millions ofalcoholics who can support their habits for relatively modest amounts, manycocaine and heroin addicts spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars a week"(Lindsmith Center). If the drugs to which they are addicted were much cheaper-which would be the case if they were legalized-the number of crimes committed bydrug addicts to pay for their habits would, in all likelihood, decline. Even ifa legal-drug policy included the a demand of relatively high taxes in order todiscourage consumption, drug prices would probably still be lower than they aretoday.The third drug connection is the commission of crimes- violent crimes inparticular-by people under the influence of illicit drugs. "This connectionseems to have the grea test impact upon the universal imagination" (LindsmithCenter). Clearly, some drugs do "cause" some people to commit crimes by reducingnormal control, unleashing aggressive and other antisocial tendencies, andlessening the intellect of responsibility. "Cocaine, particularly in the form ofcrack, has gained such a reputation in recent years, just as heroin did in t... ... of the drug dealing clientele because they cantcontrol things on the street anymore with the drugs. He would have to go thelegal way and try to make himself a respectable business individual or lose all ofhis business. The bottom line is, if drugs are legalized it would stop a lot ofcrime and stimulate the economy. Drugs are bad, but wouldnt it be breach tostop the criminal activity than let all of the crime go unchecked. The drugtrafficking these days is getting to be ridiculous and something must be through with(p) tostop the rage of drug use and crime in our societies today. Children can gett heir hands on these illegal and dangerous drugs so easy now it is crazy. Ifdrug use was legalized it would become almost impossible for a child under ageto get these drugs. It would stop many young people from adequate junkies,while making them into better people that would contribute to their community.If a person wants to mess their bodies up I believe that they should do whatthey want with themselves, but when things starting line to affect other people then theauthorities should step in.WORK CITED The Lindsmith Center, "Drugs and Crime."
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
alcohol abuse Essay -- essays research papers
intoxicantism is an overwhelming desire to drink alcohol, even though it is causing harm. Alcohol is a drug. In the United States alcoholism is the most widespread form of drug abuse, effecting at least 5 million people. About one triplet of high school students in the US are thought to be influenced drinkers. Many already may be alcoholics. A person who is dependent on alcohol is called an alcoholic. Drunk drivers account for one half of all fatal automobile accidents each year in the US. Alcoholism also creates many dangerous physical problems. More then three drinks a day, over a few weeks causes destructive danger in the liver. Changes in the brain and nervous scheme result in hostile behavior. A family or individual with an alcoholism problem is in serious trouble because the alcoholics main goal is to get something to drink. The tipsiness usually continues until the person is drunk. Family, friends and work are little concern compared to the need for alcohol. Drunkenness limitsthe alcoholics control of normal behavior and to perform the easiest functions. Many resources can do but two rules apply to recovery. One is that the alcoholic must accept the fact that there is a real problem and must decide to endure drinking. An alcoholic must also realize that any form of alcohol is literally poison. When in recovery an alcoholic could never take another drink. prototypic of all you will notice that an alcoholi...
Marilyn Monroe Essay -- Biography Biographies
Marilyn MonroeNorma Jean Baker was born on June 1st 1926. She state that she came from an unhappy and deprived childhood. Galdys was Normas mother. She had two children with Jack Baker (Normas father) while still very young. Her father died in a car accident soon after(prenominal) she was born and at the age of 26 Galdys remarried to Edward Mortenson. Edward didnt want children but Galdys did so she divorced him. Soon after that Galdys couldnt take care of Norma anymore so she gave her up for adoption. In an interview Norma said that her grandmother tried to mother her with a pillow and how she was forced to do the dishes (at age 5) in an orphanage and that she was abused in one of the families that she was adopted by, and the fact that she was raped by a policeman.On June 19th 1942- two weeks after her 16th birthday Norma Jean married to pile E. Dougherty. The marriage lasted for 4 years and by the time the divorce was granted she was well- known as Marilyn Monroe. The name Marily n Monroe came from the Broadway musical actress, Marilyn and she got Monroe from her grandmother.In July 1942- during the war there was a great demand for pin-up pictures for the soldiers. One of the soldiers took plenty pictures of Marilyn but they were never printed, he said that they were lost in the mail. So Marilyn went to Blue Book simulation and studio Agency and was put to work immediately. This is when it all went big for her. By this time she was about 19 years old.She starte...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Essay --
During adolescents, there is an increased vulnerability for mental picture due to biological, cognitive, and socio-environmental changes. For this paper, I give be discussing rubicund, a 16 year old Hispanic female whose parents have divorced ii geezerhood ago, and because of that florid has been displaying symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder and Oppositional and disobedient Disorder. This paper will review literature which supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as being an effective form of treatment for depression with adolescents. I will to a fault review literature which supports Family Therapy as being an effective treatment for adolescents with parent-child relational problems. I will also discuss any issues related to culture, ethnicity, and age regarding Scarlet and her family. Clients Presenting Problems Scarlet is a sixteen year old Hispanic female who resides in Edison with her biological mother. Scarlet is currently a junior at JP Stevens h igh school. Scarlet was referred because she is displaying symptoms of depression as evidenced by isolating herself from her family and peers, irritability, excessive sleeping, a history of suicidal ideations, and a wrong of interests she used to enjoy. Scarlet also displays oppositional and defiant behaviors as evidenced by constant argumentative behavior, anger outbursts, refusal to follow the rules, and cursing and screaming at her florists chrysanthemum on a daily basis. Scarlet was hospitalized at UMDNJ for six days in January of 2013 following an incident where a truant officer picked her off of the street. Scarlets mother reported Scarlet was texting her I wish I was dead. Scarlets mother reported both parents divorced two years ago and Scarlets behavior began to decline shortly... ...e to her age and her issues could not be taken serious simply because she is a teenager. In conclusion, in that respect is an increased vulnerability for depression in adolescents due to b iological, cognitive, and socio-environmental changes. For this paper, I discussed Scarlet, a 16 year old Hispanic female whose parents have divorced two years ago, and because of that Scarlet has been displaying symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder and Oppositional and Defiant Disorder. I reviewed literature which supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as being an effective form of treatment for depression with adolescents. I will also reviewed literature which supports Family Therapy as being an effective treatment for adolescents with parent-child relational problems. Scarlet will most likely benefit from CBT and family therapy presumptuousness the involvement of her parents in therapy.
Essay --
During adolescents, there is an increased vulnerability for depression due to biological, cognitive, and socio-environmental changes. For this paper, I will be discussing reddened, a 16 family old Hispanic female whose parents have divorced two years ago, and because of that flushed has been displaying symptoms of Persistent Depressive rowdyism and Oppositional and Defiant Disorder. This paper will review literary works which supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as existence an effective form of treatment for depression with adolescents. I will also review literature which supports Family Therapy as being an effective treatment for adolescents with parent-child relational problems. I will also discuss any issues related to culture, ethnicity, and age regarding flushed and her family. Clients Presenting Problems Scarlet is a sixteen year old Hispanic female who resides in Edison with her biological mother. Scarlet is currently a junior at JP Stevens high sch ool. Scarlet was referred because she is displaying symptoms of depression as evidenced by isolating herself from her family and peers, irritability, excessive sleeping, a history of suicidal ideations, and a loss of interests she used to enjoy. Scarlet also displays oppositional and noncompliant bearings as evidenced by constant argumentative behavior, anger outbursts, refusal to follow the rules, and cursing and screaming at her mom on a daily basis. Scarlet was hospitalized at UMDNJ for six days in January of 2013 following an incident where a truant officer picked her off of the street. Scarlets mother reported Scarlet was texting her I wish I was dead. Scarlets mother reported both parents divorced two years ago and Scarlets behavior began to decline shortly... ...e to her age and her issues could not be taken serious simply because she is a teenager. In conclusion, There is an increased vulnerability for depression in adolescents due to biological, cognitive, and socio-en vironmental changes. For this paper, I discussed Scarlet, a 16 year old Hispanic female whose parents have divorced two years ago, and because of that Scarlet has been displaying symptoms of Persistent Depressive Disorder and Oppositional and Defiant Disorder. I reviewed literature which supports Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as being an effective form of treatment for depression with adolescents. I will also reviewed literature which supports Family Therapy as being an effective treatment for adolescents with parent-child relational problems. Scarlet will most likely benefit from CBT and family therapy given the involvement of her parents in therapy.
Monday, May 27, 2019
National Home Builders Quality Award
It is choosed as an established source for reliable, objective information and explore on ho apply construction and development issues, while it continues to promote innovation in living accommodations technology to improve the tone of voice, durability, affordability, and environmental performance of omes and dwelling build products. Through its various testing and certification programs, the Research Center seal is recognized internationally as a mark of product note and an assurance of product performance (nahbrc. com).In an effort to cultivate reference within the home building pains and promote the industrys best practices the National lodgement Quality deliver (NHQA) was established in 1992. This award represents the housing industrys highest recognition for obtainments in the argona of quality solicitude and operational excellence in the residential construction industry (nahbrc. com). The NHQ allot is modeled after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality destine , which was established in 1987, by Congress to raise awareness of quality management and recognize U.S. companies that ca-ca implemented happy quality-management systems (Baldrige. com). The Award promotes awareness of performance excellence as an increasingly important element in fight and information sharing of achievementful performance strategies and the benefits derived from using these strategies (Wikipedia). Recipients are selected found on achievement and betterment in seven areas, known as the Baldrige Criteria for surgical outgrowth Excellence, which the NHQA has operation Excellence which has eight categories upon which cranks are Judged. The National Housing Quality Award (NHQA) is open to all US homebuilders, remodelers and trade contractors and is administered by the NAHBRC in conjunction with Reed Business Information, publishers of Professional constructor clip. NHQ Award applications are reviewed by a panel of Judges who are experts in both the housing in dustry and quality management, umpteen of them being historical NHQ awards masters.These Judges past evaluate the importance of quality in the companys construction, strategic planning, leadership and performance management, trade elationships, customer satisfaction, human resources and business results, which are the NHQA Criteria for Performance Excellence (nahbrc . com). The NHQ Award is presented annually at the Professional Builders Benchmark Conference. Award winners go on to be featured in Professional Builder Magazine articles that highlight the quality management practices as models for the housing industry. The award title is held for one division.AWARD CRITERIA Patterned after the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, the NHQ Award was designed to recognize residential construction companies for excellence in quality chievement and promote awareness of customer focused quality as an increasingly vital element of competitiveness and productivity for building profes sionals. The NHQA has two di kens with one open to all US companies that build or remodel residential homes using light construction methods. The some other is open to all independent trade contractors that provide construction services to builders or remodeling companies.The NHQA consists of a set of eight criteria as outlined in their Criteria for Performance Excellence Category I Description I Points I Leadership I How does the companys senior leaders, guide the organization towards common purposed based on shared values and priorities? 10 Strategic Quality Planning I How does the organization create and implement a strategic plan to achieve a vision for the future, enhance their competitive position and improve overall performance? 10 Performance Management I How are the companys business processes developed, managed, measured and improved to achieve performance excellence? 10 Customer Satisfaction I How does the company manage the design and deli genuinely of products an d services that promise a high take aim of customer satisfaction? 10 Human Resources I How does the organizations mployee selection and development practices, as well as staff performance management, well being, motivation, satisfaction and hire contri providede to the growth of the organization? 10 Construction Quality I What methods does the company use to drive quality in the home construction process and ensure high performing, trouble shift products and services? 10 Supplier Partnerships Examines how the organization designs, manages and improves processes for implementation to deliver customer value and reach organizational success 10 Business Results I What are the tangible measurements of the business benefits esulting from the organizations high performance practices in the monetary, operational, customer satisfaction and product and service quality areas? 30 Despite the fact that the NHQA award is modeled after the MBNQA award there are focuses on quality assur ance approaches that ensure high performing, trouble free products and services.In addition the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award is awarded to a doctor winner whereas the National Housing Quality Award has several award categories. The NHQA has three recognition levels skilful mention, silver and gold. Gold is awarded to those that have attained a national bench mark level within ach area of evaluation they have mature, fully integrated quality management principles and consistently demonstrate high level sustained results. Silver is awarded to those that are industry leaders in most evaluation areas they have many refined business practices, key measures for continual improvement and good business results.Honorable mention is awarded in special circumstances for those that demonstrate an understanding of quality principles and depute a sound, fact based improvement process. Key measures are in place and good business results are achieved in most areas (Denis 2009). To be considere d for the NHQ Award applicants must complete a rigorous application process which includes a 15 page application which is considered an important step in every applicants bridle-path to quality.This is so as participants benefit from the insightful process of preparing the application, which is a long and grueling process, which takes hundreds of man- hours to complete. Judges evaluate each applicant to determine to what extent the entrant embraced a customer focus and systematically embraced it within their business practices. Those that passed the initial selection were scheduled for a site isit. On the site visit, each finalist washed-out at a minimum a day with a team of Judges. At the end of the visit, the Judges had a clear understanding of the company culture, management practices and the quality results.The final award is given to the organization that is deemed befitting on the overall Judges findings. BENEFITS OF THE AWARD The NHQ Award is more than recognition of qualit y achievement. It sets a benchmark to arrive at for and a model for improvement. By preparing an NHQA application organizations get an opportunity to assess their business from a Total Quality perspective. This rigorous process allows organizations to sincerely take a look at their processes and make significant improvements in order to be competitive.The organizations that submit an NHQA application receive detailed feedback on strengths and opportunities for improvement from the expert Judging panel. According to Tom Gillespie, President Kennedy Community Development, a multi-year applicant and 1997 NHQ Award winner, no other programs has provided our company with more rewards, both financial and operational, than the NHQ application process provides (Toolbase. org). This shows the depth of the application rocess and the benefits that can be yielded from its undertaking. Tom Gillespie is not the only one that praises the benefit of the NHQ way.David Simon, president of operation s at Veridian Homes, a 2005 Silver award winner, says that, the in-depth review of our application and the detailed site visits provide valuable feedback not only for our strategic planning but also for impetuous quality improvement throughout the organizations (Builderonline, 2005). The benefits of the NHQ award are further reaching, applicants benefit Just by undertaking the award application process and y implementing changes based on the feedback that they are provided by the gross profit margins which can be significant.Mercedes Homes, a 1996 NHQ Award winner used the NHQ criteria as a model to foreword their management practices. As a result of this improvement process they had higher profits in 1996 than the previous five years combined Scott Buescher, V. P Operations, COO, attributes reports that using the NHQ model was a major factor in their success (Toobase. org, NHQ Agenda). The bottom line is that there are really no losers with the NHQ award as the enefits far outwe igh the time and effort that are invested into the application process.According to Paul Deffenbaugh, editorial director of Professional Builder, as a result of going through the process, NHQ Award winners, significantly improve the performance of their companies, making them more consistent and more reliable. Home buyers have found these companies execute the best quality homes and deliver the highest quality satisfaction (National Building News, 2007). PAST WINNERS Since the inception of the NHQA in 1993 through 2009, 67 builders have received recognition, of which eight builders have earned multiple awards.These organizations range in size from small family owned to large national builders, building a variety of homes in a wide price range. In addition six-spot remodelers and five trade partners have been awarded recognition (Leonard, 2009). NHQ Award winners represent the best of the best in the home building industry. In 1993 Town and Country Homes was named the first-class h onours degree National Housing Quality Award winner. This win was attributed to customer satisfaction and sales as the leading Chicago area home builder (Hauser, 1993). Since then many other organizations have gone on to win what is considered the hardest award to win in home building.In 2009, Tempe, Arizona based builder, T. W Lewis become the sole recipient of the 2009 NHQ Gold Award, having won in 1998 the NHQ Silver Award. This award is a significant accomplishment in the homebuilding industry and one that our company and associates are very honored to received, said T. W Lewis president and COO Kevin Egan. The NHQ Award reaffirms the path we have chosen as a company-a path that is focused on fruitful quality, customer satisfaction and operational excellence (East Valley Living, 2009).In 2002 only one U. S builder was recognized as a Gold Award winner and that was History Maker Homes of Forth Worth, Texas. History maker attributed their success to the relationships that they ha ve been able to foster. Nelson Mitchell, president of history maker a family owned company said, we strive for valued relationships with our customers and with each of our team members, as well. Our company works diligently to maintain the family culture we have enjoyed for many decades (History Maker Homes, 2002). 002 was a historic year for the NHQ Awards as it was the first year since its inception in 1993 that Silver Awards were gained by two trade contractors as the award was expanded to include ot only builders, but remodelers and trade contractors as well. The inaugural winners in the contractor category were All-tech, Inc. of Monroe, N. J and Tappe Construction of Eagan, Minn. When the NHQ Awards were introduced almost two decades ago, many builders had a hard time count out how quality management could help their companies.The longevity of the Awards and the achievements of the winning builders have set this award as the most prestigious award in the industry. Housing Qual ity Award examines the builders business and quality management practices. We are concerned with the builders ability to deliver a quality product onsistently, have satisfied home buyers, and achieve high productivity, says Liza Bowles, President of the NAHB Research Center, (Professional Builder, 1997). Following is a list of other past winners of The NHQ Awards.For the home building industry the epitome of quality is seen in the National Housing Quality Award, an award modeled after the infamous Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award and represents the highest recognition to be gained in the housing industry. The NHQA Criteria for Performance Excellence has been an important tool for hundreds of home builders and trade contractors to assess and improve performance on critical business success factors which has enabled them to grow as n organization.https// oHomehttp//
Sunday, May 26, 2019
“Rodeo-Soho Fashion Spree†A Comparison Essay on Two Places
IntroductionIt is true for a fact that due to the immense rise of globalization and competition in the world of business today, the coetaneous society continuously seeks for fresher, trendy and the rather Gucci-fancy commodities which will seemingly amaze anyone who happens to come across ones way (Peters & Barletta, 2005). As for me, I praiseworthily belong to that certain groupthe fashionistaz, as they say. I am a cloth addict. Not only because I am actually exposed to such line of industry given the fact that my sister works for Marc Jacobs, a ren leted fashion commerce, but also because I had the indulgence and delight of eyesight myself galloping along shops and stalls filled with all the wondrous stuff any trendy lass could ever take to imagine.App atomic number 18ntly, for a trendsetter like me, undeniably a fickle aided individual in the fashion arena, it is inevitable to easily get enough of what I already have. Consequently, it boggles in my head that I cannot only wh ile away all the glittering stars in shopsI drive to wait for my time in life where I would be able to build my own Salvatore Ferragamo, Hermes and Ralph Lauren Black commemorate shops fit enough for my enthusiasm, and adequate for all the hungry fashionistaz living in this planet. I know for a fact that trendsetters are fickle-minded beings invite ground. I remember two shops which conceivably mean much to me, and my hobbythe gigantic Ta Ta entitle in Rodeo Street, Seoul and the Ralph Lauren Black Label shop at Soho Street, Manhattan. The name of two stores will terribly ring a bell to my co-trendsetters.Seouls Ta ta StyleIn Rodeo Street, there are bunches of elflike but fancy boutique shops decorated with brand new fashion items, although one may not directly love the view in the out(prenominal) cascadescary, spooky and definitely not that presentable. Many have, in point of fact, rated such store as shabby and completely disgusting. But then theres this line which says d ont judge a book by its coverI guess it applies to this certain store. The Ta ta Style is the best place in the world for mea place where one can find all the limited edition accessories and clothes with low damages, bet famous celebrities every day, hang out with a store owner who suggests brilliant itemsand is admirably situated in the heart of the city. The shop was cozy.A small orange sofa, a shiny silver coffee maker, a postgraduate tech TV and computer and other modern decorations were facing toward the guests. On the other side, light speed photographs of famous celebrities with the shop owner are posted on the mirror. Colorful shirts, vintage jackets, dandy jeans and funky ties, caps and chainseverything can be found in there. Not only that, the owner also offers a beverage for its customers and talk to them in the most casual sensetrying to get a hemipteran of what his customers want, like, or imagine of wearing. In my own conviction, it is a sales technique which gra dually draws mutual benefit.Manhattans Ralph Lauren Black LabelClassics are forever and trends are uncertainboth terms jive to one another, in a vicinity rated as a tourist spot and migration realm for international schemes, it is always a blockbuster hit to venture into a business which does not just settle for what is conventional, but rather on what is flexible. Masterpiece, in line with trend, worth the pricethree factors which best defines Ralph Lauren Black Label shop at Soho Street. It was one of the biggest and fanciest shops I ever seen in my life. The store looked magnificently gorgeous, and its size was bigger than my high school assembly hall. Managers were dressed up with sharp suites, and they looked well educated for servicing their customers. However, somehow I couldnt feel close to this store since everything was as well as much professional and organized. A gray cashmere muffler had a price tag on it which says two hundred and forty dollarssomething my pockets co uld not tend to reach for the immediate moment.Conclusions with further remarksPerceivably, both stores have things in common and entities which differ from the other. Both offer the trendiest inclination in human colony. On the other hand, both disagree on the following price, the sense of formality, and the place. Geographical basis, both are on different continents, the culture is the different and the places where the stores are situated, are terribly contrasting. Manhattans glowing paradise is too formal and decent, to be specific, while Seouls alley is fancy and casual. Only that, in their specific regions and area of jurisdiction, they are rulers of the industry which they are most renowned into.For the reason that there are distinctive characteristics in every place, it is vague to extend a conviction based on biased opinions. How a store may actually look like depends on the rationality of a person. A lot of factors must be taken into considerationlifestyle, culture, laws, tribal entities and the pyramid of social structureall of which are the fundamentals which make up a certain structure. For some, the fancy-shabby shop may be the worst shop, but for those who live in there and for the people who loves their products, it is like a kingdom filled with jewels and happiness. Everything falls on the lines of enthusiasm and need for something, and that is one to be respected. Everyone is entitled for their own perceptions. But then as for me, I settle for what I can affordachieve, for that instance. I love Ta ta and Ralph Laurenthat is my own conviction, my own life, my own fulfillment in life, my joy, my happiness, and so how I see both structures shows my standpoint as well.ReferencePeters, T., & Barletta, M. (2005). Trends (Tom Peters Essentials). New York NY DK ADULT.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Development of a Home Messaging and Communication System Essay
This is root coursework. Groups should have between 3 to 5 people. Do only one of the assignments identifyd below. Read everything before you answer which to tackle.Assignment 1 dwelling ho affair Messaging SystemMany people live in a house or flat with early(a)s. People whitethorn live fairly independently with different interests and routines, or they may be more closely involved with to apiece one former(a)s lives. Whichever is the case, they will probably imply to unionise their activities with each other. They may benefit from ways of eternalizeing and sharing reminders about events such as appointments or significant dates. They may need ways to record and coordinate over tasks such as chores around the place. They may benefit from ways of indicating problems, requests for information or action, ways just saying hello and greasing the wheels of communal living, or even ways of addressing conflicts if they occur. The messages people currently leave for each other can take many forms.They may use Post-its, whiteboards, pinboards or other surfaces that can be written on. The practices of information sharing may evolve over many years and argon often innovationed to fit cautiously into peoples lives. However, written messages may have disadvantages they tend to be static and not easily updated they also are fixed in one location, whereas people are mobile and may need access to notes and messages even when they arent at the location where the message was created.Coursework Instructions seek, prototype and evaluate a digital Home Messaging device or system that people in a house or flat can use to share the kinds of information they need to coordinate activities with one another and enable good, happy social relations. The details of what they can do will depend on what you find out by doing round user-research. The system you develop should have an interface within a shared space, but may also work in coordination with devices at other locations .Assignment 2 Mobile Museum or Art Gallery SystemMuseums and art galleries make an important contribution to our cultural landscape. A visit to a museum or art gallery can happen for many reasons. People may want to learn, be reflective, to be entertained or to have a fun day out with friends and family. People may have a deep interest in what they will see there or they may just want aboutthing to do on a rainy afternoon. Image by EmilySuran (Own work) CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http//, via Wikimedia CommonsDigital technology can provide opportunities for enhancing these experiences in a number of ways. They may offer information before a visit. During a visit users might want information or to communicate in some way. Mobile devices can be location-aware. For example, this can be done using QR figures. A QR (Quick Response) code (see image below) is a matrix barcode which can be scanned by a device fitted with a camera (such as a smart phone). A user c ould scan a code next to an exhibit to put up some location-based service. And after the visit there may be some follow-up activities, perhaps using information about what interested them.A QR codeCoursework InstructionsResearch, prototype and evaluate a system that could be used by people to enhance their experiences in museums and/or art galleries in some way. The service could provide information and/or enhance shared experiences. It could help them learn or make things fun. The system could integrate with a web-based system to kick people to do things before or after a trip. Again, the details of will depend on what you find out by doing some user-research. cosmopolitan InstructionsWhichever project you do it must involve the following major activities1. user-research2. prototyping3. evaluation4. prototype revisionIn other words, follow an iterative design approach. Each step should inform the next. It should be clear how the research has informed the design, and how the evalu ation has informed the revised design. As an alternative to traditional user-research methods you might same(p) to try auto ethnography. Auto ethnography is an approach which seeks to describe and systematically analyse personal experience.If you do this you will be graded on the methods you use to acquire and analyse useful experiences and the quality of the insights that this gives you. For any activity that involves human participants you must complete a Middlesex University School of Engineering and Information Sciences Research take to (Form C) and a Declaration Form and Ethical Approval Request (Form D). Have your consent form approved by your tutor before you start each phase of user engagement and have them sign your form D. The forms can be found in the Useful Forms section of the Middlesex University, School of EIS Ethics & Research Webpage.AssessmentThe work will be assessed in partsGroup Progress Review Presentation 25% of total markThe presentation should describe t he work you have done and your plans for completing the assignment. Group members will only receive a mark if they make a reasonable contribution to the presentation, with each receiving the same mark.Individual Final Report 75% of total markThe final report should be no more than 4000 words (not including appendixes). Each group member will receive an individual mark. The report should be structured as follows (maximum label awarded are shown in brackets as a percentage of marks awarded for the report)* Introduction (10%)* User Research (15%)* Prototype (15%)* Evaluation (15%)* Prototype revision (10%)* Discussion (10%)* Appendices containing all appropriate ethics forms1 (15%) An additional 10% will be awarded for presentation of the report. All marks will depend on the separate submission of your raw data. 1 . http//
Friday, May 24, 2019
The Popularity of Fast Food Restaurants
Why are fast victuals restaurants so favourite? That question in now very popular. Some the gr swallow unwashed around the world still dont understand why the fast food restaurants are still popular, despite the eventual inconveniences mentioned daily. I think that fast food restaurants are popular be constitute of their availability, they avoid cooking, and because of their prices. One of the causes of the popularity of fast food restaurants is their availability. Indeed, population can find fast food restaurants everywhere.Nowadays, those restaurants are built on the main streets, in business buildings and in the neighborhood in order to yield a quick access to their clients. For example, there is a fast food restaurant at North Lake College. Whether I like or not, its the closest restaurant that I can find when I have a break. Therefore, I entrust obviously go there to grab something for not universe hungry during the coming classes. Consequently, the availability is on the cause of the popularity of fast food restaurants.Another cause of the popularity of fast food restaurants is that they allow us not to cook. Indeed, some peck may be very busy by their job, a project or a school program, which does not allow them enough time to cook. Therefore, they will be tempted by an easier choice, which is the fast food restaurant. Why? Simply because the fast food restaurants are faster than normal restaurants, so they allow people to send away more time on their job, or projects. In addition, some people do not know how to cook.Therefore, these restaurants are help for them. Furthermore, you can find several(predicate) menus in these restaurants, which give a large choice of foods to the clients. Consequently, the fast food restaurants are popular because they allow people to avoid cooking. A last cause of the popularity of fast food restaurants is the price. As you know, the fast food restaurants are the cheapest you can find. Not everybody has the oppor tunity, or the money to afford for a lunch in a restaurant. Therefore, people prefer to spend their money in fast foods.In addition, in order to save, some people are more tempted to buy fast foods than to eat in restaurants. Consequently, the price is another of the popularity of the fast food restaurants. In conclusion, the fast food restaurants may be popular because of their availability, they avoid cooking, and because of their prices. Being available everywhere, allowing people to avoid some household tasks, and even allowing them to save money are some of the reasons that make the fast food restaurants very popular.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Mies Van Der Rohe and the Sense of Space
Intro From the mid 17th-century to the early 20th-century, after the renaissance and the enlightenment thought, the world again experienced a thrive revolution throughout almost altogether the realm including architecture, culture etc. , initiating many different movements. As a response to the declining aristocracy and the rising bourgeoisie, the neo-classicism began to bounce up to accommodate the new institutions of bourgeois society through the re-adoption of antique doctrines. Modern Architecture A Critical History P12) Although it acts as an introspection of the over-elaboration of architectural language in Rococo interiors of Ancien Regime and the secularization of Enlightenment thought (Modern Architecture A Critical History P12), architects cannot simply be sufficed with the fact a reverence for the classical past (Pragmatism and Modern Architecture, William G. Ramroth P31) They started to discover the fundamental morality of the building. (The artless discourse P96)Ludw ig Mies van der Rohe, as one of the most Zeigeist architects in the annals of modern architecture, began his career under this ultimate paradox era. Now we scale our eyes down to the three projects successively done by Mies van der Rohe during the 1920s, that is the Brick nation House, the Wolf House, and the Barcelona Pavilion, through which, we can follow the penetration of Mies ideological transformation from the neoclassicism to the modernism, to trace the differences between them. Fan of skyscraper P2 Only skyscrapers under construction reveal the heroic constructive thoughts. Mies van der Rohe, published in Fruhlicht, 1, no. 4(1922) 122-124 Mies Intro The idealistic principle of orderwith its over emphasis on the ideal and formal, satisfies neither our involution in simple reality nor our practical commonsense. Philip Johnson, Mies van der Rohe, New York Museum of Modern Art, 1947, p. 194 In a Hegelian sense, Mies conceived of the Zeigeist as a driving force in history in fused in and identified with technology. Mies_van_der_Rohe_The_Genealogy_of_Column_and_Wall P44 He claimed that Technology is rooted in the past.It dominates the present and tends into the future. Mies believed that the linear progression of technology would surpass its practical dimension to survive something that has a meaning and powerful form. Conrads, Ulrich, Programs and Manifestoes on 20th Century Century Architecture MIT Press 1975 P154 This monism initiates an architectural discourse which rejects all esthetic, all doctrine and all formalism, and restores architecture to what it should exclusively be building. -Mies van der Rohe, Aphorisms on Architecture Form uoted by Johnson, Philip C. , Mies van der Rohe(New York The Museum of Modern Art, 1947), P 188-189 Essentially our task is to free the praxis of building from the control of aesthetic speculators and restore it to what it should exclusively be building. -Mies van der Rohe, Aphorisms on Architecture Form quote d by Johnson, Philip C. , Mies van der Rohe(New York The Museum of Modern Art, 1947), P 188-189 The regaining of the building art from its foundation up had to begin with the reestablishment of a fundamental morality of building.As its apostle, Mies entered the debate. Part of his program was, first of all, the rejection of a past, that had, after universe of discourse War I, experienced a total collapse, a heroic finale. The purging of the building art from this history of decline began with a rejection of all aesthetic and symbolic references and contents. The clenched fist spoke, as it were, in the rhythmically insistent verdict of Mies Any aesthetic speculation, any doctrine, and any formalism we reject. -the artless word P96-97
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Sentimental plot Essay
During the 19th century cosmosy writers began to publish works with mushy speckles. Gener each(prenominal)y the sentimental plot is written to make the reader feel an excess of unnecessary emotions, by overemphasizing every work. In every sentimental plot in that respect will eer be the typical sentimental hereon that fits the stereotype of a young orphan, unmarried women with moral obstacles. In this plot there ar only two types of women the ones that are considered levelheaded and the ones that are bad.In the sentimental plot the good will get out rewarded by marrying a decent man and the bad will forever and a day die. Even though this plot was very popular among writers many women were not happy with how the women were universe portrayed among men writers so they decided to go ag personalst this plot. With women writers well-nigh would tend to go against the sentimental squash plot and instead write about actual situations that were evanesceing around them. One examp le of this would be in Kate Chopins story The Storm it featured a married women falling into the seductions of a old flame.Do you remember in Assumption, Calixta? He asked in a low voice broken by passion. Oh She remembered for in Assumption he had kissed her and kissed and kissed her until his senses would well nigh fail, and to save her he would resort to a desperate flight. If she was not an immaculate dove in those days, she was still inviolate a passionate creature whose very defenselessness had do her defense, against which his honor forbade him to prevail. Pg. 59 Author Kate Chopin was unable to publish her works because of the featured adultery with no follow up punishment, in devote for her to successfully publish she would have to follow the sentimental romance plot and kill Calixta in the end to prove that the decisions she made were wrong and had consequences.Mary E. Wilkins in The Revolt of Mother is another example that goes against the grain of the sentimental plo t it deals with a mother that confronts her husband and goes against his say so which in the 19th century was something that was frowned upon. Now father, said she you neednt be scared. I aint crazy. There aint nothing to be upset over. But weve come here to live, an were goin to live here. Weve got jest as good as right here as new horses mind I want fit for us to live in any longer, an I made up my mind I want going to stay there. Ive done my duty by you for forty year, an Im goin to do it now but Im going to live here. Pg. 672 After this story was published many people thought that it was based on a true story but Mary E. Wilkins explained that no NewEngland women would ever dare confront her husband it was all nevertheless a fantasy. another(prenominal) example of the reversed sentimental plot would be in Charlotte Perkins Gilman story The Yellow Wall-paper It is based on a women who is said to be having nervous breakdowns and is being taken care of by her husband a physician s he subsequent comes to relies that she will no longer be trapped or hide her emotions. Ive got out at last. Said I, in spite of you and Jane And Ive pulled off most off the paper, so you cant put me back pg 803.What all of these storys have in common is that they tried to convey across the situations that the women were in and all of them one way or another express how the women felt trapped by the men. When it came to men writers they would always include a sentimental hereon in their stories. Henry James published Daisy milling machine in 1978 and it dealt with a young unmarried woman somewhat considered an orphan because her parents were never around, who was seen in society as an outcast cause of the way she would conduct herself around men. leave out Daisy Miller was a flirt a pretty American flirt. He had never, as yet, had any relations with young ladies of this category. He had known, her in Europe pg. 427 since Daisy Miller was portrayed as an uneducated flirt Henry Jam es followed the sentimental plot by giving Daisy a terrible case of the fever and later died. Later after the story was published Henry James stated that he believed that Daisy was innocent and that he did not kill her to state a point, it just so happened that she caught fever.So in some sort of way this story can sometimes be said that it was not your typical sentimental plot. other male writer that followed the sentimental hereon was William Dean Howells Editha this was about a young unmarried woman who practically forces her boyfriend to enter the war in order to show off in front of others. I shall always love you, and therefore I shall never marry any one else. But the man I marry must love his country first of all, and be able to say to me, I could not love thee, dear, so much, loved I not honor more.In these two storys It counts to me as if the men writers are trying to put women down by making them seem selfish and not following the norm of obeying the mens commands or way s of lifestyle that they want them to follow. In all of these stories we can see that there is a big difference in how men and women respond to the sentimental romance plot. The women write about there own personal experiences and the things that they see happen around them and the men write about what they want the people to read for example the good will get a great husband and get married and the bad will get punished and die.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Accounting for human behavior Essay
In order to wear and interact with the other members of the society, it is crucial for us to understand what the other people argon thinking close and what the underlying factors that contribute to their behavior are. In our daily life, people are continuously interpreting and explaining others behavior, sometimes even without aware of it themselves. How does this knowledge of interpreting the others come about? And is it a reliable method? near people are using everyday sniff out commentary to interpret human behavior, while favorable scientists will explain our world by amicable experience theories.What are they? And which one can progress a much(prenominal) reliable and accurate account for human behavior?Common Sense Explanations are formed basing on individuals past experiences or were passed down from the last generations. It is the most raw material and simple form of knowledge that helps us to survive. For instance, people understand that it will be hurt when a b all is throwing at them and in result, they will run away from it. We use the commons whizz datum to savvy the world we are living in. It is unimaginable if a person does not possess any common sense at all.See more Old Age Problem essaySocial light Theories, like the theories in inherent science, are derived from scientific methods. They are either induced or deduced from unlike task or experiment. But since the subject matter in brotherly sciences is completely different from that of natural science, observation, survey and interview which sometimes involves a control group, are the methodology used to test the experimental hypotheses, instead of using laboratory experiments. Hence, social science theories are backed up by verifiable studies and data, and therefore should be more widely applicable, objective and reliability to explain human behavior.Unlike social science theories, common sense is held by everyone. Therefore, people can draw on this knowledge presently w hen they want to analysis behavior of the others and giving a faster response to the situation. However, the strength of common sense is also its greatest weakness. In many cases, common sense explanation cannot give us a satisfactory answer because it has oversimplified the circumstance. For instance, it is a general belief that the more violent movies a child watches, the more aggressive he will be. batch may neglect other factors,such as family backgrounds, in contributing to childrens aggressive behavior, which had proved to be an equally crucial by many social scientists.In addition, human behaviors are complex as well as unique to each individual. diverse culture, race, living environment and family history will lead to the formation of different behaviors. Similarly, common sense explanation varies in different culture, society and individual, and therefore, actually is not the same to everyone in our society. How can a extraterrestrial understand all the traditional attit udes and values of a Chinese? Likewise, it is not easy for us to labour all the behaviors of the foreigners. As a result, there will be bias if we rely on common sense explanation as it is too generalized and oversimplified without really investigating the underlying factors behind the scene.In contrast, social sciences theories can supplement the weakness of common sense explanation as each possibility is based on a numbers of hypotheses which in turn will be tested, though the methodology used is somewhat different from that of natural science. In other words, social science theories are more reliable and valid than that of common sense explanations. Moreover, social science theories are more widely applicable as they are derived from a great numbers of data which are collected from different carry and people. Some people may argue that some social sciences theories are similar to our common sense explanations, for which is a coincident that we cannot deny since many hypotheses are formed with the basis of common sense assumptions.People can use common sense to explain or judge most things we encounter in our daily life. However, when we come to analyze more complicated matters, such as human behaviors, common sense explanation alone would be insufficient. In these circumstances, social science theories, which set about been undergoing empirical researches and experiments, are more reliable.We cannot ignore the importance of common sense since it is a basic knowledge that people possessed, whereas social science theories may not beknown to most people. And in many cases common sense is the derriere of many hypotheses, and thus is the origin of a theory. But it is crucial to note that when people want to have an in-depth, comparatively reliable and valid explanation, social science theories should be employed.REFERENCERoth (1990), Introduction to Psychology, United kingdom The Open University.Gross (1992), Psychology The Science of Mind and Behaviour, p. 19-23, London Hodder & Stoughton
Monday, May 20, 2019
Exam. Finance Essay
Finance 415Exam I freshen up QuestionsSuggestions1) Read chapters 1 5 and review the PPTs we coered in sept. 2) Expect 5 or 7 short-answer questionsGeneral Questions 1. In class we reviewed three firms in three different countries. The M/S Milad Nor go with in Afghanistan, Caritex in Bulgaria, and Obod in Montenegro. Each company was faced with different problems and issues. Please briefly summarize the similarities between the firms and their individual issues. How do the problems faced by these firms comp be to problems faced by similar firms in more developed countries? 2. Your entrepot grocery store simulation calls for you to invest in securities with a significant social movement outside the US debt, equity, commodities, currencies, derivatives In researching equities employment on switchs outside of the US what similarities/ disparitys see you found comp ard to firms trading on exchanges in the US? Chapter 11.The term globalization has become very widely utilize in recent years. How would you define it? 2.What does an MNE need in order for it to create value through the globalization process? 3.How does the concept of capitalism actually apply to the globalization process of a commerce, as it moves from basal to multinational stages of development? 4. Define and explain the theory of comparative advantage5. Key to understanding some theories is what they say and they dont. Name four or five key limitations to theory of comparative advantage. 6.Why have Eurocurrencies and LIBOR remained the centerpiece of the global financial marketplace for so long? * These atomic number 18 domestic currencies of one sylvan on deposit in a second country * The Eurocurrency markets serve two valuable purposes * Eurocurrency deposits are an efficient and convenient money market device for holding excess corporate liquidity * The Eurocurrency market is a major source of short-termbank loans to finance corporate working capital require (including export and import financing) * LIBOR is the most widely accepted rate of interest used in regularize quotations, loan agreements, and financial derivatives transactions *7. Which assets play the most critical role in linking the major institutions that represent up the global financial marketplace? * The linkages are the interbank networks using currency. Without ready exchange of currencies the market is in a bad way(predicate) to operate efficiently.Chapter 21. How does ownership alter the goals and governance of a business? Public ownership may be wholly state- possess or partially publicly traded. State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) are created for business purposes rather than for regulation or civil activities. Private firms may be publicly traded (stock) or privately owned by partners or family. 2.Why is this separation so critical to the understanding of how businesses are structured and led? 3.Explain the assumptions and objectives of the stockholder wealth maximization put. 4.Expla in the assumptions and objectives of the stakeholder wealth maximization model. 5.Define the following termsa.Corporate governanceb.Agency theoryc.Stakeholder capitalism6.In Germany and Scandinavia, among opposite countries, labor unions have means on boards of directors or supervisory boards. How might such union representation be viewed under the shareholder wealth maximization model compared to the corporate wealth maximization model? 7.In many countries it is common for a firm to have two or more classes of common stock with differential voting rights. In the United States the norm is for a firm to have one class of common stock with one-share-one-vote. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each system? 8.What are the key differences in the goals and motivations of family ownership of the businessas opposed to the widely held publicly traded business? 9.It has been claimed that failures in corporate governance have hampered the process and profitability of some promine nt firms located in emerging markets. What are some of the typical causes of these failures in corporate governance?p34 10. Do markets appear to be willing to pay for good governance?p36 Chapter 31.Under the gold standard all national governments call ind to follow the rules of the game. This meant defending a fixed exchange rate. What did this promise imply about a countrys money supply? 2.If a country follows a fixed exchange rate regime, what macroeconomic variables could cause the fixed exchange rate to be degrade? 3.What are the advantages and disadvantages of fixed exchange rates? 4.Explain what is meant by the term impossible trinity and why it is true. 5.Fixed exchange rate regimes are sometimes implemented through a currency board (Hong Kong) or dollarization (Ecuador). What is the difference between the two approaches? 6.High capital mobility is forcing emerging market nations to choose between free-floating regimes and currency board or dollarization regimes. What are t he main outcomes of each of these regimes from the perspective of emerging market nations? 7.On January 4, 1999, eleven member states of the European amalgamation initiated the European Monetary Union (EMU) and established a single currency, the euro, which replaced the individual currencies of participating member states. portray three of the main ways that the euro affects the members of the EMU. 8.Why did the fixed exchange rate regime of 19451973 eventually fail? 9.How did the Argentine currency board function from 1991 to January 2002 and why did it collapse? DEADChapter 41. Business managers and investors need wham data to anticipate changes in host country economic policies that might be driven by trip the light fantastic events.2. From the perspective of business managers and investors list three specific signals that a countrys BOP data can provide.3. What are the two main types of economic activity measured by acountrys BOP?4. Why does the BOP always balance?5. If the BOP were viewed as an score statement, would it be a balance sheet of the countrys wealth, an income statement of the countrys earnings, or a funds flow statement of money into and out of the country?6. What are the main fate tarradiddles of the current account? Give one debit and one credit example for each dowry account for the United States. adjust7. The US dollar has maintained or increased its value over the erstwhile(prenominal) 20 years despite running a gradually increasing current account deficit. Why has this phenomenon occurred?Chapter 51. What were the three major forces behind the credit crisis of 2007 and 2008?2. Why were LIBOR rates so untold higher than Treasure yields in 2007 and 2008? What is needed to return LIBOR rates to the lower, more stable rates of the past?3. What were the three key elements of the package used by the U.S. government to fade away the 2008-9 credit crisis?4. Why are the sovereign debtors of the Eurozone considered to have a problem th at is different from any other heavily indebted country, akin the United States?5. Why has the case of Portugal been termed a case of contagion rather than a sovereign debt crisis?6. What are the three primary methods which might be used individually or in combination to resolve the European debt crisis?
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Chinese History: The Han Dynasty Essay
The Han Dynasty was founded by Liu hurry in 206 BCE. He came of peasant stock and rose to world force easily from being a petty government come toicial to the usance of emperor. Liu mosh govern China for 11 eld with felicity and wisdom. He was intelligent and sought to win over the elder statesmen by burnished to eliminate all in all the harsh laws of the Qin government. His experience as the neighborhood head (Hansen 114) had minded(p) him the opportunity to be familiar with the legal system of the Qin Dynasty and he made full practice session of this knowledge to establish a rule of prosperity and leave a long line of rulers who command for iv light speed years in China.This paper willing discuss such themes as stool emerged from the research done of the Han Dynasty and will be divided into sections each dealing with one theme at a time. State and duration The state of China that Liu expatriateg wrested from the Qin ruler was in turmoil with several spellbinds b eing hatched by the court officials against the cruelty of the Qin ruler. The rebels wanted to place the first son of the emperor to the batch but Liu Bang was able to defeat the rebels and ascended the throne as the founder of the Han dynasty.He used both stratagem and cleverness to either defeat his rivals or win them over with promises of sweeping changes in the administration and the legal system. The close of his empire was divided amidst his nine brothers and one hundred and fifty loyal followers. The only locality that was under direct control of the emperor was the western part of the empire with its capital at Changan and comprised about one-third of the total empire. His rule from 206- 195 BCE was non without troubles.He had to spend a lot of his time seek to suppress rebellions in different parts of his empire and at this time China was invaded several times by the powerful Xiongnu tribe. After being defeated by them Liu Bang concluded a humble agreement with the shanyu, leader of the Xiongnu, by which he had to grant equal status to the Xiongnu people and marry the Chinese Princess to the shanyu. As a result of this diplomatic gesture the Xiongnu people promised to leave China alone and not invade them any further. Liu Bang was followed by his fifteen year old son Huidi to the throne, who ruled for heptad years from 195- 188 BCE.After his death the controls of the kingdom was taken over by the widow of Liu Bang, Empress Lu who ruled in the name of Han dynasty for eight years between 188 and 180 BCE. She placed minor princes to the throne and ruled as their guardian and was able to mother peace and stability to the empire. After the death of Empress Lu intrigue again raised its head and senior court officials placed the son of Liu Bangs concubine who was a puppet in their hands. The descendants of Liu Bangs relative go along to rule twain thirds of China while the Han Dynasty was straightway in charge of only a third of the entire empire. emperor butterfly Wu ascended the throne at the age of fifteen in 140 BCE. For the first few years of his reign he was under the control of his grandmother, the dowager Empress Dou and his uncle who was his chancellor. However, from 131 BCE, after the death of the chancellor, emperor moth Wu took full charge of his kingdom and established an empire based on the principles of Confucius. He is credited with having extended the Han Empire in the southern districts and continued to of importtain diplomatic relations with the Xiongnu people by inventing them annuity in keeping with the treaty signed by Liu Bang. emperor butterfly Wu was a follower of Dong Zhongshu, a student of Confucianism and under his warp established Confucian schools in all district. Emperor Wu strengthened the bureaucracy and curtailed the powers of the regional rulers who had been given kingdoms by Liu Bang (Hansen 127). He ruled as a despot with unlimited powers until his death in 87 BCE. He dissolv ed the persuasion of the Chancellor and promoted his step brother-in-law to the position of regent who put minor princes on the throne and ruled in their name, thus weakening the power and influence of the Han dynasty.The influence of the Han dynasty was later restored by the support of some powerful consort families to which it remained beholden. The consort families wanted to marry their daughters to the emperor in the trust of becoming regents of minor princes and ruling in their names. One of the notable emperors of the later Han dynasty was Emperor Huan, who ruled from 146-168 A. D. Emperor Huan threw the yoke of dominance by the consort family by hatching a plot against them with the religious service of eunuchs.He managed to break dispatch of the consort familys stranglehold but set a precedence of rise of the eunuchs that did not augur healthful for the Han dynasty. The last of the Han rulers was a puppet ruler who had to abdicate and thus bring about the end of the Ha n dynasty in 220 A. D. Administration Liu Bang had established some good norms of governance that were elegant and made more effective by some of the other prominent Han emperors. The administration was carried out at deuce levels, the central government and the local governments.There were three major divisions of the central government compendium of taxes, maintaining the army and overseeing the work of the government officials. The three divisions of the local governments were later modified to include registering population, collecting taxes, maintaining waterways, dispensing rightness and recommending educated men for government positions. After becoming emperor, Liu Bang distributed his kingdom between his nine brothers and sons and gave them the titles of kings and named a hundred and fifty men from the nobility, marquis and gave them portions of the kingdom as well.These later became the regional kingdoms of China. The bring directly under the control of the emperor was divided into one hundred commanderies which were further divided into one hundred and fifty counties. Under Emperor Wu the inheritance of land laws were changed and the land was divided equally between all the sons of the Emperor and did not go only to the eldest son after his death. He also adapted the practice of appointing sons of the impressive families to high official positions and started the practice of appointing his own nominated officials to government positions.The land tax had been fixed at one fifteenth by Liu Bang and it was later reduced to one 30th by later emperors. However, with the introduction of reforms and establishment of schools and Confucian institutions Emperor Wu realized that the land revenue collect from taxes was not enough to finance his reform projects. So he issues government monopolies on salt and iron. The union under Han dynasty was divided broadly into two categories the land owners and the slaves.The structure was not rigid and the empero r had the power to strip a land owner or noble of his land and powers and a slave could barter for his freedom and become elevated in social stature. There was great disparity of wealth in the Han society. The rulers used to make grants of land to nobles who gradually made them very powerful and corrupt. They stopped paying land revenue and the revenue dropped considerably so that the emperor had to limit the size of the land holding and chassis of slaves in 7 BCE. The later Han rulers were able to hold on to their position of power and rule with the help of a few powerful consort families.They dargon not challenge their power and gave in to close of their demands. In the third and fourth centuries of Han rule eunuchs became very powerful after the Han Emperor Huan enlisted their support to misdirect the yoke of the noble families and they played an important role in court intrigues. Crime and punishment Liu Bang became familiar with the legal system of the Qin dynasty as a neig hborhood head and realized that though the main tenets of law and justice in the Qin dynasty were good, some of the punishments meted out were harsh and barbaric.It was with a promise to change these laws that he was able to come into power in 206 BCE. Eventually, he ended up modifying some of the laws and relaxing penitentiary corporal punishments like beheading. Since he had to depend a lot on the support of the rich and noble families, members of these families were al close to exempt from corporal punishment. Most offenders could get away with paying a huge fine or being confined to rigorous labor like masonry for men and pounding grains foe women were the most common punishments. More severe offenses were awarded amputation of a limb or cutting off of the nose.Shaving off the head and beard and tattooing were considered severe enough punishments for lesser crimes. In keeping with Laozis teachings, law was considered to be the way that emperors were supposed to rule their empir e. Everyone was considered to be equal in the eyes of law. But in realism it remained a guideline and was not always implemented, the rich people usually got less rigorous punishments could pay their way out of serving punishment sentences. There was no law or power to apply the powers of the ruler.The framework for a good legal system was present and rulers like Emperor Wu made use of the law to curb the rising clout of the nobility. Role of women and eunuchs Chinese society was male dominated and the position of women was not very enviable. The birth of a lady friend child was not very welcome. According to Ban Zhao, who was the scholarly and brilliant sister of court historian, Ban Gu, there were three things that had to be performed when a young lady was born. The infant needed to be kept under the bed indicating that her position was lowly and weak.She would be given a potsherd to play with reminding her that she needed to work hard all her life and that the announcement of a girl child to the ancestors needed to be accompanied with an offering to remind the child that she was born to serve them. She mentions four virtues that women should practice womanly virtue, womanly words, womanly bearing and womanly work (Hansen 139). Women were mostly relegated to the chores of cooking, sewing and weave and hardly ever had the opportunity to voice their opinions.Ban Zhao advocated the education of women. She preached that both men and women must understand their respective duties and work together to make the marriage work well. She agreed that women must do the family chores but not be ignorant and serve as a slave. She must not be manhandled and treated mischievously and she should not argue as well. It was a poor mans bad luck to have a daughter while the rich families could afford daughters and used them to their advantage by marrying them to emperors or nobility.Though the general condition of women in China was not encouraging there have been some powe rful empresses like dowager Empress Dou who ruled in the name of the Han dynasty and brought peace and stability to the kingdom. The instances of the dowager empresses and that of Ban Zhao are examples of how women could break out of stereotypical roles if they wanted to. The Emperor had harems full of women concubines. Emperor Huan was said to have half dozen thousand women in his harem. As the Han dynastys rule extended to the third or the fourth centuries the role of eunuchs became very important in the kingdoms.The eunuchs were usually kept along with womenfolk in the imperial households and played a part in the court intrigues. Like the women dowager empresses they would usually place a minor prince on the throne and rule in their names as their regents. It was during the reign of Emperor Huan that the eunuchs became very powerful because the Emperor hatched a coup to overthrow the influential consort families with the help of the eunuchs. A bitter conflict between the eunuchs and the consort families ensued only to be put down by General Cao Cao when he became regent.Philosophy and parliamentary procedure Liu Bang was respectful of Confucian thought and philosophy but was not slavish to it. For example he did not allow personal ties to come between him and his ambitions (Hansen115). The Huang Lao school of thought founded on the teachings of Laozi and Huang commended their teachings in the books, The Way and Integrity Classic and The Classic of Law. These books gave guidance in various aspects of life and living. However, they could not bridle the power of a ruler who did not abide by its laws and where there was poor governance.These teachings were contrary to what Confucians believed and taught Emperor Wu was greatly under the influence of Dong Zhongshu, who believed that the emperor was the link between heaven and his subjects. When Emperor Wu came to power he established Confucian academies in all the districts in order to centralize its power. A s the Huang-Lao philosophy was contradictory to the Confucian philosophy Emperor Wu enforced the closure of these schools and established Confucian schools in every district.Emperor Wu was the first to establish the Confucian canon by had Confucian school of thought and institutions in all the counties. He believed in the Confucian principle that if a ruler ruled his kingdom well heaven would support him and if there were poor governance then the he would incur the wrath of the sphere and his kingdom would be afflicted with floods, droughts and other natural calamities. The tombs of the marquis of Mawangdui and his family bear testament to the Han dynastys touch in afterlife.It also demonstrates that people had two kinds of souls one was the superior spirit soul or hun that was free to travel to the land of the immortals and the other the inferior body soul or po which had to reside in the tomb and if not taken care of in its tomb, it may have to travel to the netherworld. The to mb had to be supplied with replicas of gold and bronze coins, lacquer vessels, ceramics and bamboo suitcases. The food items that can be assumed to have been presented to Lady Dai, the married woman of the marquis, are meat dishes and beer. The scenes depicted within the tomb provide an insight into their ideas of afterlife.The top section depicts two gods of destiny who keep records of the individuals life and the moon and sun with their residents and the Queen Mother of the West. From the to a higher place study we see that the various themes that emerged during the course of Chinese floor have shaped the philosophical and policy-making destiny of China. The present day Chinese beliefs can trace their roots in this period of history. That history of a nation or people is dynamic and sustainable is borne out by the fact that umteen of the Chinese institutions and policies were shaped by the values and laws of the Han dynasty.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Analysis of the Roots That Created Bigger Thomas
doubting doubting Thomas, give rise to strident yet silent clues, which will help experience some of the underlying roots that drove large Thomas to submit to a life of turn activities. The first purview that contributes to Mr.. Thomas downfall Is the brutal and unfair racial perceptions of his time. Bigger Thomas is accused of a crime which he did not commit. The rape of a white wealthy woman named Mary. Although Bigger Thomas did not commit the rape, he will always be accused of such behavior for organism b wishing. As stated by Bigger himself All those white men In a group, guns In their hands, ant be wrong.I do not know of what but I know that I am no good. Richard Wright wants to show that although what occurs to Bigger Thomas is strictly accidental and innocent, the white mans oppression has the might to turn any black man into a beast, a rapist, and a killer. It is inevitable In other(a) words, Bigger Thomas represents the black race as a whole, the black man to be muc h specific. No matter how innocent the black man is at first or at birth, dower and life changing events will turn him into what he was preconceived to be a beast.The second aspect that contributes to Bigger Thomas creation and destruction is his family. Bigger Thomas, ilk most African-Americans of his time, was raised without a father, whether It be by means of abandonment or unfortunate accident. At an early age, Bigger Thomas Is forced to assume the nonplus figure of the household. HIS mothers constant disapproval of him as well as his younger sisters criticism weighs heavily on the person he became a Black man who will never have the respect he deserves from society as well as his family. The third aspect that added to the creation and destruction of Bigger Thomas is he Dalton.One symbolic view that supports this idea is the fact that Mrs.. Dalton is blind. She is blind to the social stigma of blackness, prejudices, and injustices around her. Mr.. Dalton on the other hand, e ven from a good heart, does not realize his contributions to the collapse of many men like Bigger Thomas. Although he views himself as a philanthropist, racial laws that Mr.. Talons business abides to concerning housing leave the blacks feeling put-upon and used. The Dalton do not realize the effect of racism on the oppressed and the effect of racism on the oppressor.They represent the small percentage of whites that view themselves as advocates for the black race while being entirely oblivious to the harm that they are actually causing. Although external stimuli sun as racial prejudices, oppression, ten lack AT respect from society and from his family have a say to the demise of Bigger Thomas, it would be dirty to not also give Bigger his share of responsibility. Baggers his own person and should be able to run across the difference between right or wrong. However, it is clear that growing up in the circumstances that Bigger Thomas did, one could say he never stood a chance in h ell.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Group Polarization
Group polarisation is the tendency of the assemblage to converge on more extreme solutions to a problem, as opposed to a decision make alone or independently. There is a phenomenon called the uncollectible shift , it is an example of polarization the risky shift occurs when the group decision is a riskier one than any of the group members would have made individually.This may result because individuals in a group sometimes do non feel as much responsibility and accountability for the actions of the group as they would if they were making the decision alone. The study of group polarization began with an unpublished 1961 Masters thesis by MIT student James Stoner, who observed the so-called risky shift, meaning that a groups decisions be riskier than the average of the individual decisions of members before the group met.Group polarization has been widely considered as a fundamental group decision-making process and was well-established, but remained non-obvious and puzzling beca use its mechanisms were not fully understood. Mechanism Social comparison approaches, sometimes called interpersonal comparison, were based on social mental views of self-perception and the drive of individuals to appear socially desirable. The second major mechanism is informational influence, which is also sometimes referred to as cogent argument theory, or PAT.PAT holds that individual choices are determined by individuals weighing remembered pro and con arguments. These arguments are then applied to possible choices, and the most positive is selected. As a mechanism for polarization, group treatment shifts the weight of evidence as each individual exposes their pro and con arguments, giving each another(prenominal) new arguments and increasing the stock of pro arguments in favor of the group tendency, and con arguments against the group tendency.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Critically Discuss the Impact of Social Media and Wiki's on the Essay
critically Discuss the Impact of Social Media and Wikis on the Concept of Information Freedom - Essay ExampleThe concept of information granting immunity is then directly attributed to the new media and the ability to have information that is easily accessible and which is providing a stronger onset to those who are fire in the ideas which are now available to individuals. This is furthered with the opposition to information freedom, specifically which is feeler from the policies and questions about access to information. The result is an understanding that information freedom is a part of the revolution from amicable media and wikis and is transforming ideas and available information on an international level. Developing Into New Media The development into new media began to emerge with the growing into the Internet and the way in which many looked at the information available. Before the use of technology, there was a set of significant information which was presented with Te levision, newspapers and the print which was available to individuals within society. The approach was unrivaled which is now outlined as a closed system, specifically because a smaller amount of information was available to those which were interested in the media. The information was based on both timelines and the agenda which was focused on the economic and semipolitical stance of many which were interested in the information available. ... The emergence of new media has segmented into a kind of areas which provide information. Each of these has established a different understanding of the available information and the importance which it holds for individuals. The origination of this came with the general information available, specifically which was noted through the ability to post and give information freely and through the use of different websites. This was combined with the ability to have more individuals which were posting information online, much(prenominal) as th rough the use of articles and other media networks. The information combined with other areas that grew from Web 2.0. The Web 2.0 invited drug user interaction and social media, such as through Facebook, reviews and other areas which offered free and dynamic information to be available. When this emerged, the information available also began to change with the philosophies and ideas which were given to the public. Fast paced changes in information and contributions from a mix of individuals were the main approach which was taken with the new media and which established a different approach to the concept of send and receiving information (Dijk, 2006 2). Social Media and Information Freedom The emergence of social media and wikis and the way in which information is retrieved and transferred is one which is now attributed to the concept of information freedom. The communication which is available is allowing individuals to receive in depth information that continues to have a fit and offer different insight to individuals. Media, social and economic networks are all emerging with different kinetics that allow individuals to receive the necessary
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Academic Writing Skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Academic Writing Skills - Essay ExampleAlbeit, what are these skills and how to expenditure them correctly? The question is under discussion of this essay.Academic writing considers being an outcome of a mould containing investigation on some topic together with a diligent deliberation on it. The headland purpose of this process is to demonstrate the standpoint on a given theme that readers will comply credible and well-done. The task of source is to research the theme which is reinforced by some objective confirmations and arranged evidences (Chin, Reid, Wray and Yamasaki, 2013). All facts which writer use are to be supported by scientific researches or otherwise authentic sources.First and foremost writer should master reading and researching skills. Any research starts with the literature view and scientific work diagnoses. As Chin, Reid, Wray and Yamasaki (2013) mention, writer gains better understanding of the topic through exploration complex and intricate literature. A good example of academic writing goes through proper comprehension in the sphere of work. It is evident that if a writer is non competent in the material, one just does not know what to write. Moreover, an exploration literature should be veracious and solid. Some unknown or fictitious sources never make success in your occupation and never execute your paper felicitous.Leki (2008) argues that in is highly serious for writer to exploit various sources for their opinion maintained. Besides, these bases should be critically analyzed. Competent writer never apportion some literature and simply retell it. Only through relevant filtration and pertinent selection of materials writer can achieve advancement in their cup of tea. Critical thinking is also a existent factor which presupposes writers objective position and logical synopsis on the topic.One to a greater extent important issue which is specified by Soles (2010) based on that fact that academic
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Ethics of Euthanasia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Ethics of Euthanasia - Essay ExampleThis is because it defines the point to which institutional leaders and the political class are trusted to act with the interest of the existence. This trust defines the human race expectations on its political science. on that pointfore, the commonplace form an strength based on the values and expectations they have from their government. A government that operates without integrity will have its citizens have a negative attitude from it and as such spill their support for any programs intended by the government or even their policies will be guess and feared.Additionally, Trust promotes development (Frederickson, & Ghere, 2013). This is because trust in the institutions is critical for the success of most government policies, programs and other regulations that the citizens should join forces and comply with. Governments and institutional policies are thus supposed to be made in a answer that is conducive to trust. The strength of the i nstitutions is determined but the process of policy making and as such translates to the public trust in the governments. The public trust gives the government ease of policy making and enforcement because the public attitude is good about the government and it policies.Moreover, trust is very essential all for the key economic activities specially finance (Haggard, & Tiede, 2011). Trust will ensure an increase bureau of the investors as well as that of consumers. There is need for implementation of open government policies that involve partnerships with the private sector and even the civil societies. The increased investor confidence due to this openness will result in to good investments that would translate to the overall product of the economy. Lack of integrity on the other hand will result in to the loss of public trust in the government and its institutions. This will scare away investors, consumers will not have the confidence in the same and this will result in stagnati on of economic growth.Finally, the most important
Monday, May 13, 2019
Discussion Topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
Discussion theme - Essay ExampleThus, unconventional war should be resulted to, under conditions where the enemy side has the military susceptibility to devastate the other side, and under conditions where it is most apparent that victory in that war is not presumable to be attained (Paret, et al., 1986). Further, the modern and old-fashioned writings agree that the unconventional war should also be aligned to the principle of war requiring surprise attack, such that it should be conducted through underground and intelligent agency that are not open to confrontation, until at such a time that the enemy has been incapacitated from in effect raising a reprisal attack (Sawyer, 1993). Therefore, both the modern and the ancient writings about the unconventional state of war holds that it the unconventional war is a tool for offensive as opposed to defensive strategy that should be applied on the event that the enemy side is mightier. However, the modern writings differ on the ancien t writings about the unconventional war, in that the modern writings emphasize that, while opting for the unconventional war strategy, the preparation for conventional and confrontational war should be underway, due to the fact that the unconventional strategy arse be intercepted and the confrontational war resulted (Paret, et al.,
Sunday, May 12, 2019
National Public Health Performance Standards Assignment
National Public Health Performance Standards - Assignment ExampleWhile answering these questions, responses stipulation to the National Public Health Performance Standards helps in identifying the strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities available for enthronization by the public wellness.One of the national performance standards is to Inform, educate, and empower people about health issues. tally to the crafters of this standard, its main service include providing health information, offering the public with health reproduction and promotion of health activities which are designed to reduce the risk of health among the people, consequently promoting better health to the public ( nubble For Disease realize And Prevention, 2013). Focusing on partnering health education and health promotion programs with schools, credence communities, and work sites, personal care providers, among others so as to implement and reinforce health promotion programs strengthens the stand ard. finished and through such programs, the public is aware of the most important health messages they wish to send across to the people. much particularly, the exploitation of a number of channels to communicate these messages such as the social media and media advocacy has successfully communicated these messages to the people. Thus, the biggest strength of this standard is the effective communication of important health information and education to the public through different channels. School programs and religious organizations used as platforms for the spread of the information successfully make sure as shooting that all people receive the information on time. Outbreaks of diseases and immunization as well as education of the public on the various ways of maintaining their health is strength of the standard (Centre for Disease Control and Prevention 2013).Because of the application of these standards, I would expect the public to be more vigilant on the lack to maintain t heir health. According to the feeding activities of the
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Privacy Assesment and Training Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Privacy Assesment and Training - Research Paper ExampleThe release of this data preempt be detrimental to the hospital privacy policy and possibly smudge its reputation. Moreover the safety of the patient can be compromised in result of this release when it is received by malicious individuals. In addition, how the selective information is report is essential. Lastly it demonstrates the procedures followed in notification of any complaints. This policy governs of the entire hospital staff including the management, the physicians and nurses. a. Inappropriate affair of a computer The hospital staff frequently utilizes the computers of the institution in an improper mode. Professionalism of the healthcare providers is deflower when loss of vital information is identified (Hubner, Costas &Pernul, 2007). Unwarranted use of computers entitled to shield the medical details of a patient can cause damage to it of inconvenience confidentiality (Castagna, 2009). Information inputted in th e computer should perplex a medical basis. Procedures As a means of countering this vice, it is necessary to adopt a centralized schema management to enhance data security. This bequeath go over adequate management of sensitive patient information thus enabling accurate distribution of medical assessments specifically to victims. In the incident of any inconsistencies go through when undertaking this task it should be addressed to the central manager (King, 2008). The central manager will then evaluate the situation extensively and carefully categorize how that quandary might have happened. Any aggression or distortion of information of which he is authorized to protect will be viewed as a lapse of the security capacity of the hospital (Hubner, Costas &Pernul, 2007). His expansive knowledge in this field will ensure his expert solutions are applied to incidents of a dire nature. Secondly, to initiate this investigation he is expected to start out a program that will be conne cted to a central point. This will enable him to stock-take the activities that the hospital staff is entering in the computer system. Thirdly, the centralized system office should only make hospital based software thus restricting further use of computers by staff to make out personal functions (Hubner, Costas &Pernul, 2007). This will isolate the use of the computer equipment to hospital functions thus promoting efficiency in the hospital operations. This hospital programs should be comprehensive in recording of patient data. Fourth, the top management of the hospital should organise unprecedented surveys of the computer system to oversee if the abuse of the hospital computers has been abated. This will reassure the hospital of its efforts to mitigate the improper engagement of the hospitals facilities and enhance confidence in the centralized system capabilities. The fifth entails employment of employees who will discreetly monitor their colleagues use of this computer syste m will surely better responsible computing (Hubner, Costas &Pernul, 2007). These doctors will be lieutenants of the top management which will take the prohibitive actions on the perpetrator. Lastly, the application of firewalls and passwords to limit the people accessing information of the patient is crucial. This will diminish the dissemination of information to unscrupulous persons who can have malicious motives towards the patient. Hospital professionals who are considered to be culprits should be addressed appropriately of the on the consequence of their
Friday, May 10, 2019
Impact of import and export on the economic growth of Sweden Literature review
Impact of import and export on the economic growth of Sweden - lit review ExampleSweden, in like manner sometimes known by the name Holland is located in conglutination West Europe. Trade, energy sector and services industry are some of the major contributors to the Swedish gross domestic product. Sweden in any case enjoys the honor of being the 16th largest economy in the world. Moreover, the total annual GDP of Sweden stands to be 4 percent higher than the average European GDP. Sweden favors an open shell out policy and happens to be one of the spinning top ranking free market economies in the world. Sweden accrues roughly 66 percent of its revenues through foreign trade. present moment and export constitute the primary engine of economic growth in Sweden. Sweden is a very piddling nation that has an economy that is predominantly dependent on import and export for its sustenance. Going by the gelid role of the import and export in the economic setup of the nation, the Swed ish government had made it a point to design and administer the requisite, supportive trade policies and infrastructure. Over the last two decades, Sweden has tried its topper to evolve into a net exporter of goods. Hydropower, engineering goods, iron ore and timber constitute the primary Swedish exports. Besides, Sweden also imports to its trade partners, cars, pharmaceuticals, telecommunication and IT products and services. A large number of Swedish companies responsible for a good globe of imports and exports have managed to establish themselves as global leaders and top brands the like of Electrolux, Volvo and Sony Erickson. A majority parting of the trade and industry in Sweden are managed by private concerns. It is largely owing to the highly passkey and competitive approach of these private stakes in the Swedish economy and trade that Sweden is garnering an impressive and much or less stable economic growth. As per the World Economic Forum 2008, Sweden happened to be the quartern most competitive country in the world. One major reason responsible for the success of Swedish exports in the global markets is the impressive investment Sweden makes in research and development. Thus the products exported by Sweden do have an inalienable technological edge tagged to them, which sets them apart from other competitors. A fair estimate of Swedish panache for competitiveness in imports and exports can be judged from the fact that in 2007, Sweden invested roughly 3.5 percent of its GDP in research and development initiatives. To sustain its industrial and trade framework, Sweden also needs to import a variety of goods and services. One salient reason behind the economic potential of Sweden is that it suffered a severe street corner in the early 90s. At that time, the Swedish government decided to place international trade at the core of its economic recovery plan. So, no doubt, import and export have a central and life-or-death role to play in the overall eco nomic growth of Sweden. In the current times deflower by recession and economic slowdown, Sweden with its trade setup, backed by apt import and export policies and well-fixed infrastructure, is more likely to chart a smooth course as compared to other developed economies. The trade sector in Sweden is quiet robust and relatively less vulnerable to global
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