Monday, May 25, 2020
Personality Traits and Study Habits
We all like to take tests that tell us something about ourselves. There are many assessment tools available online that are based on Carl Jungs and Isabel Briggs Myers typology assessments. These tests can tell you a little more about your personality and personal preferences and may provide insight into how to make the most of your study time. The widely-recognized and popular Jung and Briggs Myers typology tests are used by professionals in the workplace quite often to determine how and why people work, but also how individuals work together. This information can be valuable for students, as well. The results of the typology test are a set of specific letters that represent personality types. The sixteen possible combinations include variations of the letters I for introversion, E for extroversion, S for sensing, N for intuition, T for thinking, F for feeling, J for judging, and P for perceiving. For example, if you are an ISTJ type, you are an introvert, sensing, thinking, judging person. Please note: These words will mean something different from your traditional understanding. Dont be surprised or offended if they dont seem to fit. Just read the descriptions of the traits. Your Traits and Your Study Habits Individual traits make you special, and your special traits affect how you study, work with others, read, and write. The traits listed below, as well as the comments that follow, may shed some light on the way you study and complete your homework tasks. Extroversion If you are an extrovert, you tend to be comfortable in a group setting. You should not have trouble finding a study partner or working in groups, but you might experience a personality clash with another group member. If you are too outgoing, you could rub somebody the wrong way. Keep that enthusiasm in check. You might tend to skip over parts of a textbook that are boring to you. This can be dangerous. Slow down and re-read things if you realize youre skimming over parts. Take the time to plan any essays that you write. You will want to jump in and write without an outline. It will be a struggle, but you will need to plan more before jumping into a project. Introversion Introverts can be less comfortable when it comes to speaking in class or working in groups. If this sounds like you, just remember this: introverts are experts at analyzing and reporting. You will have great things to say because you will take the time to ponder and analyze things. The fact that you are making a good contribution and you tend to over-prepare should bring you comfort and make you more relaxed. Every group needs a thoughtful introvert to keep them on track. You tend to be more of a planner, so your writing is normally pretty organized. As for reading, you may tend to get stuck on a concept you dont understand. Your brain will want to stop and process. This just means you should take extra time for reading. It also means that your comprehension is likely above average. Sensing The sensing individual is comfortable with physical facts. If you are a sensing personality, you are good at putting puzzle pieces together, which is a good trait to have when conducting research. Sensing individuals trust concrete evidence, but they are skeptical of things that cant be easily proven. This makes some disciplines more challenging when results and conclusions are based on feelings and impressions. Literature analysis is an example of a subject that might challenge a sensing person. Intuition A person with intuition as a trait tends to interpret things based on the emotions they evoke. For example, the intuitive student will be comfortable writing a character analysis because personality traits become evident through the feelings they give us. Stingy, creepy, warm, and childish are personality traits that an intuitive could identify with little effort. An extreme intuitive may be more comfortable in a literature or art class than in a science class. But intuition is valuable in any course. Thinking The terms thinking and feeling in the Jung typology system have to do with the things you consider most when making a decision. Thinkers tend to focus on facts without letting their own personal feelings impact their decisions. For example, a thinker who is required to write about the death penalty will consider the statistical data about crime deterrents instead of considering the emotional toll of the crime. The thinker would not tend to consider the impact of a crime on family members as much as a feeler. If you are a thinker writing an argument essay, it might be worthwhile to stretch outside your comfort zone to focus on feelings a little more. Feeler Feelers can make decisions based on emotions, and this can be dangerous when it comes to proving a point in a debate or a research paper. Feelers may find statistics to be boring, but they must overcome the urge to argue or debate on emotional appeal alone  data and evidence are important. Extreme feelers will be excellent at writing response papers and art reviews. They may be challenged when writing science project process papers.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Article Review On The, Depression, Illness And Blanced...
Spirituality, Depression, Illness And Blanced Living By Stewart Bitkoff | Submitted On October 23, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Stewart Bitkoff Balanced Living 1) What is balanced living? From the point of a spiritual search, why is balance important? Much spiritual practice can be defined as an attempt to reach and maintain balance, on a worldly level, so that the spiritual consciousness might awaken and come forward. One of the characteristics of our physical body is the continual effort to maintain a state of homeostasis and relative quiet. From a spiritual perspective this quiet or balance is necessary so that that the traveler may go beyond the surface level and experience what is far below, in the quiet depths, ultimately using this awareness consciously in daily life. In every day life what is required, is a balance between our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs; to fully engage in the world, each bodily system necessary to express the many parts of our self. It is said, the entire system must be operating and in balance- in order to achieve full active living and a state of optimal health. In fact, this is one of the requirements of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Death Of Franz Ferdinand Of Austria - 1736 Words
The 1910s and 1920s were a time of change around the world. The death of Franz Ferdinand of Austria signaled the beginning of a large-scale war, later referred to as World War I or WWI. Many nations in Europe were involved as they had all signed pacts with each other pledging to go to war should a fellow nation be attacked. Eventually, Italy was dragged into the war, but of all of the Allied Nations, they had one of the most poorly trained and poorly equipped fighting forces (Simkin). Before 1917, Woodrow Wilson had refused to take the United States into the war, insisting the United States remain â€Å"neutral†, while on the other hand supporting the Allied forces in every way except with manpower. (The combined shock of the Zimmerman Telegram and the sinking of the Lusitania led to our true involvement in WWI.) Men looking to get into the action and get their adrenaline pumping while the US was acting â€Å"neutral†journeyed to Europe and joined other Allied ar mies. At the time, Ernest Hemingway was an American soldier who joined the Red Cross as an ambulance driver on his quest to see the war (Ruediger). After the war, he wrote A Farewell to Arms, a self-inspired story about his experiences. Hemingway’s atypical novel, set amidst the chaos of WWI, describes a heartbreaking romance that teaches that even love cannot prevent suffering. The beginning of the war was similar to the beginning of most wars - everyone got in position for the â€Å"impending doom†and there were notShow MoreRelatedThe Life of Franz Ferdinand885 Words  | 4 PagesFranz Ferdinand was the archduke of Austria-Hungary. On June 28, 1914, Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were visiting Sarajevo when the two were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian terrorist group, the Black Hand. After several failed attempts from members of the Black Hand that day, the members were running out of hope. However, due to a communication problem with the driver of Ferdinand and his wife’s car, they were forced to turn around in an alley that Princip was hidden inRead MoreWorld War I And The Great War1249 Words  | 5 PagesAssassination of the Austro-Hungarian Arch-Duke. I will mainly be talking about the death/assassination of Austro Hungarian Arch-Duke, since I find it interesting how the death of a single man and his wife can prompt such a massive war. Austro-Hungarian Arch-Duke, known as Franz Ferdinand was born on December 18 in 1863 in Graz, Austria and was assassinated on the 28th of June in 1914 in Sarajevo. As a young man, Franz Ferdinand joined the Austro- Hungarian army; he was one of the best soldiers as he wasRead MoreThe Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Franz at Sarajevo1409 Words  | 6 Pagescrime. Archduke Franz and his wife Duchess Sophie were driving through Sarajevo and expected to arrive peacefully, but Gavrilo Princip had an assassination in mind for the family. The assassination of Duke Franz Ferdinand was the most significant assassination of the twentieth century. The series of unfortunate events, the lives of the killer and the killed, the coincidence and the troubles that ensued because of this event were key to the beginning of World War I. Franz Ferdinand was travelingRead MoreThe World War II : The First Great War On Our Time917 Words  | 4 PagesTriple Alliance was originally Germany and Austria-Hungary. This first alliance was signed in 1879. However, in 1881, the countries included Italy in their deal. This alliance was supposed to be used a way of keeping the peace between the countries, and to be fair to both France and Russia. This agreement meant that Germany, Austria and Hungary would help Italy if that country was attacked by France, or perhaps Russia. This agreement went both, ways and Austria/Hungary would also have the support fromRead MoreWas the Outbreak of General War in 1914 Inevitable After the Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand?1705 Words  | 7 PagesWas the outbreak of general war in 1914 inevitable after the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand? Various different factors led to the outbreak of the first World War- a war which incorporated all human, economic and military resources available to achieve total victory over the enemy. Roughly, the causes can be classified into long term (Franco-Prussian War, Imperialism, Alliance System, Anglo- German Naval Arms Race, etc.), short term (Morrocan Crisis, Agadir Crisis, Bosnian Crisis, BalkanRead MoreWorld War One Causes1240 Words  | 5 Pagesof the alliance system, the Morocco Crisis, the Balkan Crisis, the naval races and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. In the 20th century there was colossal amount of hatred, distrust and rivalry between the European nations. In 1914, the whole of Europe was very unstable. Britain and France were worried that Germany would attempt to seize parts of their empires, Russia was worried Austria would invade Serbia, the Turks wanted to strengthen their empire and so on. Nobody wanted or expected aRead More Austria: The Cause of World War One Essay1592 Words  | 7 Pages The nation responsible for the onset of World War I is Austria-Hungary because of the territorial and political stances with Serbia that provoked the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. After Ferdinands death, Austria-Hungary initiated a call for support to the Germans about the problems in the Balkans, resulting in Germany confirming their assistance by issuing a â€Å"Blank Check.†Austria later gave Serbia a list of ultimatums that consisted of extreme demands in hopes of Serbia rejectingRead MoreThe Assassination that Started It All1292 Words  | 5 PagesOn June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot dead in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand. The Black Hand was derived from a secret Serbian terrorist organization called the Narodna Odbrana, which worked towards the unification of all South Slavs in an independent, sovereign country called Yugoslavia. The Narodna Odbrana was created because South Slavs living in Serbia, as well as in Bosnia and other Slavic provincesRead MoreThe Downfall Of Franz Ferdinand769 Words  | 4 PagesFranz Ferdinand assumed the role of the heir apparent after Prince Rudolf passed away in 1889, and then his father death in 1896. The citizens really didn’t like him that much as he had a short temper, and was very mistrusting. His views were not in favor of the public, as he attempted to replace the Austria-Hungarian dualism with â€Å"trialism†, which would incorp orate the empires slaves to have an equal representation in government (Drozdowski, 1.) He also thought about a form of federalism that wouldRead MoreThe Events Of World War I Essay1234 Words  | 5 PagesThese factors from World War One were the product of each empire and their long-term needs such as nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliances. The short-term event that was the final push to start the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Militarism was one of the key major factors of the war. Soon after Britain created their battleship, Germany revealed their 60 ships from a man named Alfred Von Tirpitz . A naval battle arose between the two and their relationship weakened
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Discussion about Ethical and Financial Services
Question: Discuss about the Ethical and Financial Services. Answer: Introduction The current business structure is based on the changing time and the taste and preferences of the consumers. Every firm functioning in the economy tries to maximize profit by using extensive techniques and strategic business plans so that they can obtain a significant market share. It is seen that many organizations in order to increase market share and profit from the market uses unfair means to reach their goal. In order to do so, the organizations affect the ethics and morals of the society and the employees working within the organizations. The society plays a big role in the development of an organization as he individuals living in the society are the customers of the firm. It is important for every organization to function their business activity by not affecting the morals and the ethics of an individual or the society. Ethics play a big role in the life an individual as it comprises of the principles and moral that direct the behaviour of an individual (Welsh and Birch 2015). These behaviour are essential for conducting various activities in the day to day life. The evaluation of ethics is a significant role in the current life and one of the important tools for evaluating it is through the ethical lens inventory process that helps the students and an individual to understand the various values that determine their choices. It is essential in recognizing how a person prioritizes its values during the time of making an ethical decision. The current paper tries to highlight the ethical lens inventory process and how it affects the future course of life for the Global Citizenship concepts. Primary Definition The term ethics can be vastly explained as determining the actions and values of an individual. During the time of making a choice, everyone knows their values and motivations. The determination of each choice leads to the translation of our values into concrete actions in certain situations (Chartier and Plante 2013). The particular actions are then differentiated into ethical and unethical on the basis of whether the actions are similar to understanding of the observer regarding what the behaviour means. Morality: Everyone has various value sets that is helpful in deciding what to do. Though we share our values with each other in various communities like in the family, professional friends and others, the focus every individual place on the various values and the behaviours that means the living of those values as personal. The character values of every individual is created on their personal morality and it shapes over the life as one selects what kind a person he/she chooses to be and make decisions that is helpful in living those decisions. Ethics: It is known that everyone live in a community. It starts with our family to people we live around; everyone has an expectation about what should be traits of a good individual. As an individual grows up, they are aware of the norms, principles and rules which need to be abided while living our life. There are even conversations about the behaviours and goals that are treated as ethical. With the change in time, there are evolutions of standards and therefore there are continuous discussions what are the behaviours that are seen in a person with integrity, working with courage and provides justice to the community and the environment where they dwell (Collmann and Matei 2016). The term ethic can be divided into personal, professional and organizational ethics. These three types have their own definitions and determination of values that guide the progress of everyone living within the environment. The Ethical Lens Inventory The term Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) is an online tool that comprises of thirty-six pairs of words or statements with compelled choices. The students or the individuals are given instruction to select the item that will reveal their actions and values if they had the option of choosing. The choices of an individual indicate the favourable ethical lens with the estimation that the default lens of a person is their chosen perspective taken while evaluating the moral dilemma. The ELI instrument keeps the students in their respective quadrants that comprises of one of the four vital ethical outlooks. They comprise of Deontological theories, consequential theories, virtue theories and justice theories that is helpful in allowing the more precise picture of the ethical choice in decision making (Hamori 2016). These above mentioned outlooks later complements to the four Ethical Lenses namely, Results, Relationships, Responsibilities/Rights and Reputation. However, in addition to recognize the four ethical outlooks, the instrument also depends on two perpetuities that express the values often discovered in tensions in the moral dilemma. It is seen that equality versus autonomy and sensibility versus rationality. The ELI instrument evaluates the students inclinations for entrusting sensibility, equality, rationality and autonomy in solving the moral dilemma (Jondle et al. 2013). The below given diagram represents the illustration of the quadrants and values in consideration that makes the ELI. Moral Reasoning It is essential to understand and have knowledge about the moral reasoning of the individuals and therefore, it is mandatory to recognise their judgment of their frameworks, theories and models they made use of while undertaking the moral decision. Similar to Ceranic (2013) the paper even evaluates the moral reasoning with respect to the capability of one person to evaluate and analyze various courses of actions and results while finding out an individuals stance by taking into consideration certain ethical principles or decisional rules. The paper therefore, uses the responses and analyses of the individuals to the Hot Topic Simulations as the method of their moral reasoning. Moral Decision Making There have years of research that reveals that moral behaviour is the effect of a multi-stage procedure. There are have been other researchers who have proposed four levels that acts as a foundation of this research. Firstly, it is essential for an individual to identify the presence of a moral issue or awareness. The next step involves taking a moral judgment also known as moral reasoning and then solves to behave morally even known as moral decision making. The last involves acting on their moral decision by intriguing in the moral behaviour. The process enables to test the moral decision making by looking at the responses to the Hot Topic Simulations (Stonehouse 2012). The answers of the individuals and the students are helpful in providing qualitative information that provides awareness about how they went about to discover that the moral concerns of the concerned time was most significant. Ethical Perspectives The value preferences of the individuals leave us in a particular ethical lens, which concentrates on various secondary values, the values that arrive from the meeting point of the values on the primary continuity (Long, Mertins and Searcy 2012). This placement explains that we need to giver importance to various values, which provides various prospects on the ethical issues. The position on the grid shows the preferred ethical lens and the pros and cons of the desired preference. Rights/Responsibilities Lens: The individuals in this lens focus on the core values of sensibility and autonomy. This quadrant has the symbol of a telescope as it takes a long view to discover the ideal values that are crucial for human beings (Litzky 2012). This lens highlights the works that shows the ethical issues known as Deontology. Result Lens: This quadrant concentrates on the core principles of sensibility and autonomy. This quadrant is symbolized by a microscope sign. This lens concentrates everyones attention on the actions as we make choices that will be useful to obtain the goals that have been set in life. This lens even concentrates on individual results and aims as they question everyone to identify what would make everyone satisfied and happy (Torres Jr 2012). As the concentration is on the results of the actions, these ideologies become a part of the technological tradition also known as utilitarianism. Relationship Lens: This quadrant looks ver the core principles of rationality and equality also known as the theory of justice. The symbol of this quadrant is of a binocular. It does not look at the extreme view but are encouraged to survey a definite community as justice is searched. This lens looks through a prophetic tradition, which asks to have a fundamental cleanliness and stimulates everyone to care for people who are unfortunate (Drover, Wood and Fassin 2014). Reputation Lens: This quadrant is similar to relationship lens as the core values of this section are equality and sensibility. The symbol of this section is represented by a camera and concentrates on recognising the functions, which are to be fulfilled in life and the aspect in which the work is done. The other idea that this section highlights is the frames and name of all the activities that is seen in our daily life. This lens abides with the technological tradition, which is known as virtue ethics (Isaacson 2013). The concentration of the lens is on the specific virtues the community believes that need to be cultured by the individuals who are in the responsible position. The secondary principles refer to those, which are in relation to a good character that is created through addictive reflective behaviour. Implications The understanding of the connection between the individuals ethical prospects, moral reasoning, moral decisions and moral awareness is crucial as it provides intuitions about how the designing of the ethics curriculum is undertaken and the efficiency with which students and the individuals are prepared so that they can deal with the moral dilemmas in life and society. If the results show that the business students moistly depend on a definite prospect while resolving the moral dilemmas, and helping them to understand and emulate on their ethical prospective references that that enables them to understand the relative strengths and weaknesses that every theoretical prospective offers when interpreting through the moral dilemmas and creating moral decisions (Finlay 2012). Moreover, if the analysis show that few prospects tend to the creation of greater moral awareness and enhanced moral decision making, this method establishes a base for the development of teaching arbitration to raise the flexibility of the students to make use of the other prospects. Furthermore, if for instance, it is seen that the individuals and students in the Reputation Lens are likely to display moral awareness and moral decision making, it can be seen that a design can be created. The design is created for learning activities, which concentrates on the culturing of characteristics within an individual that is worth a thought in their perceptions and has honest purpose. The implication of ethical lens inventory through all these concepts is helpful to the Global Citizen as the instrument takes into the consideration the total population and tries to underline the various principles available in the global community (Covrig, Ongo and Ledesma 2013). The ELI therefore analyses the cultural and intercultural values of various societies globally. Conclusion The above study therefore looks at the importance of ethics and morality of individuals and students all over the world by evaluating the various cultural values in different societies and communities and evaluates their effects on the moral character of a human being. The paper even highlights the point of moral reasoning and sensitivity that exist in the mindset of a human being as the individual grows up resulting to their activities in present life. The way a person leads his life is made up of all the moral and ethical awareness that they receive from their local community and family. The Ethical Lens Inventory is therefore a crucial tool in analyzing all the perspective of ethics so that the idea of a developed future Global Citizen in the world can be attained thereby making the individuals more ethical and good. Reference List Ceranic, T.L., 2013, July. Time for a Tune-Up: Engaged Learning for a New Generation of Business Students. InProceedings of the International Association for Business and Society(Vol. 24, pp. 269-277). Chartier, A. and Plante, B., 2013. Is/It Ethical Issues As A Corporate Social Responsibility: Revisiting Strategic Business Planning Under The Lens Of Is/It Ethical Preoccupations.The possibilities of ethical ICT, p.100. 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