Thursday, August 27, 2020
buy custom Health Insurance essay
purchase custom Health Insurance paper Medical coverage is a term used to clarify a program which helps with paying clinical costs. The term is normal in the United States. It very well may be through social protection or secretly bought protection. There is a high focus in the United States medical coverage showcase. The top health care coverage organizations have shaped more than 400 mergers since mid of health care coverage spread that is non-clinical is inability pay protection. There is likewise supplemental inclusion and long haul care protection programs that are non-clinical. The human services in the United States relies intensely upon medical coverage. The two normal protection programs are not-to-benefit and private medical coverages that are accessible for people in the US. Numerous individuals don't have medical coverage covers. This implies they can't have convenient clinical consideration. There is a 40 % higher danger of biting the dust in correlation with those that have protection covers. In the United States, an examination completed in 2004 demonstrated that 45000 passings were because of absence of medical coverage spread. There is a discussion in the United States over the potential cures and reasons for low degree of protection enrollment. The issue is broke down along with the repercussions it has on the United States social insurance framework. At the point when one has a protection spread, the medical coverage organization assists with settling the emergency clinic bill. This implies one won't cause a substantial weight of paying the fun ds. At the point when one has a health care coverage spread, the person is significantly more prone to visit the specialist for clinical consideration. There have been pundits for and against medical coverage in the United States. There are a few reasons that can make an insurance agency unfit to take care of clinical tabs. The insurance agencies offering protection spread target making a great deal of benefits. As per study done in the year 2011, by the master wellbeing change bunch demonstrated an expansion in benefits. The countries biggest medical coverage organizations announced over 56% expansion in benefits in 2009 over the earlier year. These organizations incorporate joined wellbeing, WellPoint, Aetna, Humana and Cigna. They spread a large portion of the Americans who have medical coverage. The medical coverage organizations face a great deal of pundits for offering conventional protection. This includes pooling of dangers. This is on the grounds that numerous Americans who purchase the premiums do confront the dangers they safeguard themselves against. It is therefore that wellbeing back up plans can be viewed as generally safe cash supervisors. They do increase a great deal from long haul medicinal services accounts. Others contend that insurance agencies in the United States charge high managerial expenses (Harry andKristina 57). The private insurance agencies have a huge offer in the economy. They have utilized in excess of 470000 individuals in the year 2004. These expenses are making them unfit to give total spread on individuals of the United States. This has prompted the high pace of death cases particularly among individuals who expect assets to have a medical procedure. The protection business has pulled in powerless safety net provider who can't work effectively with medical clinic frameworks. The insurance agency has pulled in organizations who have embraced shadow evaluating. As an outcome, the organizations can't take care of for clinical tabs in medical clinics. Numerous individuals keep on dieing each day when these organizations neglect to cook for their wellbeing costs. Taking everything into account, I have a solid assessment that the health care coverage organizations should bolster individuals in taking care of clinical tabs. Numerous individuals are biting the dust as outlined. This is because of absence of accounts to provide food for their treatment. Those individuals who are experiencing medical procedures ought to be bolstered by the health care coverage organizations whether or not they have paid or not. The central government ought to mediate in this issue. This will assist with decreasing misuse of individuals by the protection business. A ton of cash go to the insurance agencies from the two people and the administration. A large portion of these organizations target expanding their benefits. They don't get worried about the wellbeing status of individuals in the United States. In any case, the entire business has not flopped completely. Accordingly, needs a great deal of enhancements in the business. I have a sentiment that a law ought to be passed to have a broad control of the protection business. Purchase custom Health Insurance article
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cramond Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cramond Report - Essay Example The numbers on the west side the interstates were not all that much lower than the numbers on the east side of the thoroughfare. In any case, the numbers on the west side of the boulevard were perceptibly lower than the numbers on the Eastside the caused way the scientists expected to see the numbers as practically indistinguishable as they were on Wednesday and Friday for the Eastside the highway. On the west side the highway for Wednesday the mean was 20.0, and on Friday the mean for the west side of the boulevard was 25.2. This is something that the specialists didn't anticipate finds. The quantity of creatures in the highway expanded somewhat among Wednesday and Friday. The conceivable explanation behind the startling finding on the west side the interstate among Wednesday and Friday is that the saltiness on the west side of the boulevard was in brooding on Wednesday, and by Friday the saltiness had incubated leaving greater saltiness in the thoroughfare for the scientists to che ck. The distinction the scientists found in having slight varieties in the numbers between the west side of the thoroughfare and the Eastside the boulevard could be, on the grounds that the temperatures are hotter on the east side of the interstate, at that point they are on the west side the highway.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Topics - What Students Need to Know
Essay Topics - What Students Need to KnowConcordia essay topics for writing and essays are not easy to find but one can find them easily with the help of search engines. Also, these sites give details of different essay topics like there are several themes present in it. As a student you should always remember that as the future of your career is involved, you should know all about this topic.Concordia essay topics may include personal essay topics like your experiences and life stories. You can also discuss your grades as you will be required to show your good grades that you have been getting. Also, the common topics that students usually want to discuss are family matters, work issues and careers.Sometimes, students think that essay topics are like homework and they expect a lot from it but unfortunately the opposite is true. Essay topics have different subjects and it depends on you which topics you need to study in your essays. You should understand that you cannot cram all your essay topics in one essay as there are many other topics to consider before you submit your final version.In a way, it is better for you to write your own topic rather than using an already prepared one. The reason behind it is that you can add or edit some things in your essay after you have already submitted it to the university. However, make sure that you always proofread your work and check if there are any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. After all, your essay will be the basis for your admission to the university.Apart from that, in order to have a good grade in your Concordia essay topics you must put a lot of importance to grammar and punctuation. Apart from that, you should also be able to write well on the topic that you will be discussing. If you are new to essay topics then make sure that you know the basics of writing and research so that you can give the best possible reading and understanding to your readers.In fact, the reason why you should always take the time to do research is that Concordia essay topics and essays are very important because it is a platform to provide insight to the whole audience. It is not only the current student but also the future one that will be able to benefit from the information you are going to share. So, if you are going to give such an important subject then you must always consider about all the aspects and make sure that you know how to write the best.Writing a Concordia essay topic is not an easy task but it is an important one too. You can either be an average student or a genius, as long as you can deliver your content in a perfect manner. This is the most important thing that you should always remember.But if you want to be a genius, you need to work very hard. Do not expect that all of your essays will be perfect but you should always work hard towards your goal. Remember that research and essay topics are not something that comes automatically without any effort.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Personality Traits and Study Habits
We all like to take tests that tell us something about ourselves. There are many assessment tools available online that are based on Carl Jungs and Isabel Briggs Myers typology assessments. These tests can tell you a little more about your personality and personal preferences and may provide insight into how to make the most of your study time. The widely-recognized and popular Jung and Briggs Myers typology tests are used by professionals in the workplace quite often to determine how and why people work, but also how individuals work together. This information can be valuable for students, as well. The results of the typology test are a set of specific letters that represent personality types. The sixteen possible combinations include variations of the letters I for introversion, E for extroversion, S for sensing, N for intuition, T for thinking, F for feeling, J for judging, and P for perceiving. For example, if you are an ISTJ type, you are an introvert, sensing, thinking, judging person. Please note: These words will mean something different from your traditional understanding. Dont be surprised or offended if they dont seem to fit. Just read the descriptions of the traits. Your Traits and Your Study Habits Individual traits make you special, and your special traits affect how you study, work with others, read, and write. The traits listed below, as well as the comments that follow, may shed some light on the way you study and complete your homework tasks. Extroversion If you are an extrovert, you tend to be comfortable in a group setting. You should not have trouble finding a study partner or working in groups, but you might experience a personality clash with another group member. If you are too outgoing, you could rub somebody the wrong way. Keep that enthusiasm in check. You might tend to skip over parts of a textbook that are boring to you. This can be dangerous. Slow down and re-read things if you realize youre skimming over parts. Take the time to plan any essays that you write. You will want to jump in and write without an outline. It will be a struggle, but you will need to plan more before jumping into a project. Introversion Introverts can be less comfortable when it comes to speaking in class or working in groups. If this sounds like you, just remember this: introverts are experts at analyzing and reporting. You will have great things to say because you will take the time to ponder and analyze things. The fact that you are making a good contribution and you tend to over-prepare should bring you comfort and make you more relaxed. Every group needs a thoughtful introvert to keep them on track. You tend to be more of a planner, so your writing is normally pretty organized. As for reading, you may tend to get stuck on a concept you dont understand. Your brain will want to stop and process. This just means you should take extra time for reading. It also means that your comprehension is likely above average. Sensing The sensing individual is comfortable with physical facts. If you are a sensing personality, you are good at putting puzzle pieces together, which is a good trait to have when conducting research. Sensing individuals trust concrete evidence, but they are skeptical of things that cant be easily proven. This makes some disciplines more challenging when results and conclusions are based on feelings and impressions. Literature analysis is an example of a subject that might challenge a sensing person. Intuition A person with intuition as a trait tends to interpret things based on the emotions they evoke. For example, the intuitive student will be comfortable writing a character analysis because personality traits become evident through the feelings they give us. Stingy, creepy, warm, and childish are personality traits that an intuitive could identify with little effort. An extreme intuitive may be more comfortable in a literature or art class than in a science class. But intuition is valuable in any course. Thinking The terms thinking and feeling in the Jung typology system have to do with the things you consider most when making a decision. Thinkers tend to focus on facts without letting their own personal feelings impact their decisions. For example, a thinker who is required to write about the death penalty will consider the statistical data about crime deterrents instead of considering the emotional toll of the crime. The thinker would not tend to consider the impact of a crime on family members as much as a feeler. If you are a thinker writing an argument essay, it might be worthwhile to stretch outside your comfort zone to focus on feelings a little more. Feeler Feelers can make decisions based on emotions, and this can be dangerous when it comes to proving a point in a debate or a research paper. Feelers may find statistics to be boring, but they must overcome the urge to argue or debate on emotional appeal alone  data and evidence are important. Extreme feelers will be excellent at writing response papers and art reviews. They may be challenged when writing science project process papers.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Article Review On The, Depression, Illness And Blanced...
Spirituality, Depression, Illness And Blanced Living By Stewart Bitkoff | Submitted On October 23, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Stewart Bitkoff Balanced Living 1) What is balanced living? From the point of a spiritual search, why is balance important? Much spiritual practice can be defined as an attempt to reach and maintain balance, on a worldly level, so that the spiritual consciousness might awaken and come forward. One of the characteristics of our physical body is the continual effort to maintain a state of homeostasis and relative quiet. From a spiritual perspective this quiet or balance is necessary so that that the traveler may go beyond the surface level and experience what is far below, in the quiet depths, ultimately using this awareness consciously in daily life. In every day life what is required, is a balance between our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual needs; to fully engage in the world, each bodily system necessary to express the many parts of our self. It is said, the entire system must be operating and in balance- in order to achieve full active living and a state of optimal health. In fact, this is one of the requirements of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Death Of Franz Ferdinand Of Austria - 1736 Words
The 1910s and 1920s were a time of change around the world. The death of Franz Ferdinand of Austria signaled the beginning of a large-scale war, later referred to as World War I or WWI. Many nations in Europe were involved as they had all signed pacts with each other pledging to go to war should a fellow nation be attacked. Eventually, Italy was dragged into the war, but of all of the Allied Nations, they had one of the most poorly trained and poorly equipped fighting forces (Simkin). Before 1917, Woodrow Wilson had refused to take the United States into the war, insisting the United States remain â€Å"neutral†, while on the other hand supporting the Allied forces in every way except with manpower. (The combined shock of the Zimmerman Telegram and the sinking of the Lusitania led to our true involvement in WWI.) Men looking to get into the action and get their adrenaline pumping while the US was acting â€Å"neutral†journeyed to Europe and joined other Allied ar mies. At the time, Ernest Hemingway was an American soldier who joined the Red Cross as an ambulance driver on his quest to see the war (Ruediger). After the war, he wrote A Farewell to Arms, a self-inspired story about his experiences. Hemingway’s atypical novel, set amidst the chaos of WWI, describes a heartbreaking romance that teaches that even love cannot prevent suffering. The beginning of the war was similar to the beginning of most wars - everyone got in position for the â€Å"impending doom†and there were notShow MoreRelatedThe Life of Franz Ferdinand885 Words  | 4 PagesFranz Ferdinand was the archduke of Austria-Hungary. On June 28, 1914, Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie, were visiting Sarajevo when the two were assassinated by Gavrilo Princip, a member of the Serbian terrorist group, the Black Hand. After several failed attempts from members of the Black Hand that day, the members were running out of hope. However, due to a communication problem with the driver of Ferdinand and his wife’s car, they were forced to turn around in an alley that Princip was hidden inRead MoreWorld War I And The Great War1249 Words  | 5 PagesAssassination of the Austro-Hungarian Arch-Duke. I will mainly be talking about the death/assassination of Austro Hungarian Arch-Duke, since I find it interesting how the death of a single man and his wife can prompt such a massive war. Austro-Hungarian Arch-Duke, known as Franz Ferdinand was born on December 18 in 1863 in Graz, Austria and was assassinated on the 28th of June in 1914 in Sarajevo. As a young man, Franz Ferdinand joined the Austro- Hungarian army; he was one of the best soldiers as he wasRead MoreThe Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand Franz at Sarajevo1409 Words  | 6 Pagescrime. Archduke Franz and his wife Duchess Sophie were driving through Sarajevo and expected to arrive peacefully, but Gavrilo Princip had an assassination in mind for the family. The assassination of Duke Franz Ferdinand was the most significant assassination of the twentieth century. The series of unfortunate events, the lives of the killer and the killed, the coincidence and the troubles that ensued because of this event were key to the beginning of World War I. Franz Ferdinand was travelingRead MoreThe World War II : The First Great War On Our Time917 Words  | 4 PagesTriple Alliance was originally Germany and Austria-Hungary. This first alliance was signed in 1879. However, in 1881, the countries included Italy in their deal. This alliance was supposed to be used a way of keeping the peace between the countries, and to be fair to both France and Russia. This agreement meant that Germany, Austria and Hungary would help Italy if that country was attacked by France, or perhaps Russia. This agreement went both, ways and Austria/Hungary would also have the support fromRead MoreWas the Outbreak of General War in 1914 Inevitable After the Assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand?1705 Words  | 7 PagesWas the outbreak of general war in 1914 inevitable after the assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand? Various different factors led to the outbreak of the first World War- a war which incorporated all human, economic and military resources available to achieve total victory over the enemy. Roughly, the causes can be classified into long term (Franco-Prussian War, Imperialism, Alliance System, Anglo- German Naval Arms Race, etc.), short term (Morrocan Crisis, Agadir Crisis, Bosnian Crisis, BalkanRead MoreWorld War One Causes1240 Words  | 5 Pagesof the alliance system, the Morocco Crisis, the Balkan Crisis, the naval races and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. In the 20th century there was colossal amount of hatred, distrust and rivalry between the European nations. In 1914, the whole of Europe was very unstable. Britain and France were worried that Germany would attempt to seize parts of their empires, Russia was worried Austria would invade Serbia, the Turks wanted to strengthen their empire and so on. Nobody wanted or expected aRead More Austria: The Cause of World War One Essay1592 Words  | 7 Pages The nation responsible for the onset of World War I is Austria-Hungary because of the territorial and political stances with Serbia that provoked the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand. After Ferdinands death, Austria-Hungary initiated a call for support to the Germans about the problems in the Balkans, resulting in Germany confirming their assistance by issuing a â€Å"Blank Check.†Austria later gave Serbia a list of ultimatums that consisted of extreme demands in hopes of Serbia rejectingRead MoreThe Assassination that Started It All1292 Words  | 5 PagesOn June 28, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie were shot dead in Sarajevo by Gavrilo Princip, a member of a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand. The Black Hand was derived from a secret Serbian terrorist organization called the Narodna Odbrana, which worked towards the unification of all South Slavs in an independent, sovereign country called Yugoslavia. The Narodna Odbrana was created because South Slavs living in Serbia, as well as in Bosnia and other Slavic provincesRead MoreThe Downfall Of Franz Ferdinand769 Words  | 4 PagesFranz Ferdinand assumed the role of the heir apparent after Prince Rudolf passed away in 1889, and then his father death in 1896. The citizens really didn’t like him that much as he had a short temper, and was very mistrusting. His views were not in favor of the public, as he attempted to replace the Austria-Hungarian dualism with â€Å"trialism†, which would incorp orate the empires slaves to have an equal representation in government (Drozdowski, 1.) He also thought about a form of federalism that wouldRead MoreThe Events Of World War I Essay1234 Words  | 5 PagesThese factors from World War One were the product of each empire and their long-term needs such as nationalism, imperialism, militarism and the alliances. The short-term event that was the final push to start the war was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand. Militarism was one of the key major factors of the war. Soon after Britain created their battleship, Germany revealed their 60 ships from a man named Alfred Von Tirpitz . A naval battle arose between the two and their relationship weakened
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Discussion about Ethical and Financial Services
Question: Discuss about the Ethical and Financial Services. Answer: Introduction The current business structure is based on the changing time and the taste and preferences of the consumers. Every firm functioning in the economy tries to maximize profit by using extensive techniques and strategic business plans so that they can obtain a significant market share. It is seen that many organizations in order to increase market share and profit from the market uses unfair means to reach their goal. In order to do so, the organizations affect the ethics and morals of the society and the employees working within the organizations. The society plays a big role in the development of an organization as he individuals living in the society are the customers of the firm. It is important for every organization to function their business activity by not affecting the morals and the ethics of an individual or the society. Ethics play a big role in the life an individual as it comprises of the principles and moral that direct the behaviour of an individual (Welsh and Birch 2015). These behaviour are essential for conducting various activities in the day to day life. The evaluation of ethics is a significant role in the current life and one of the important tools for evaluating it is through the ethical lens inventory process that helps the students and an individual to understand the various values that determine their choices. It is essential in recognizing how a person prioritizes its values during the time of making an ethical decision. The current paper tries to highlight the ethical lens inventory process and how it affects the future course of life for the Global Citizenship concepts. Primary Definition The term ethics can be vastly explained as determining the actions and values of an individual. During the time of making a choice, everyone knows their values and motivations. The determination of each choice leads to the translation of our values into concrete actions in certain situations (Chartier and Plante 2013). The particular actions are then differentiated into ethical and unethical on the basis of whether the actions are similar to understanding of the observer regarding what the behaviour means. Morality: Everyone has various value sets that is helpful in deciding what to do. Though we share our values with each other in various communities like in the family, professional friends and others, the focus every individual place on the various values and the behaviours that means the living of those values as personal. The character values of every individual is created on their personal morality and it shapes over the life as one selects what kind a person he/she chooses to be and make decisions that is helpful in living those decisions. Ethics: It is known that everyone live in a community. It starts with our family to people we live around; everyone has an expectation about what should be traits of a good individual. As an individual grows up, they are aware of the norms, principles and rules which need to be abided while living our life. There are even conversations about the behaviours and goals that are treated as ethical. With the change in time, there are evolutions of standards and therefore there are continuous discussions what are the behaviours that are seen in a person with integrity, working with courage and provides justice to the community and the environment where they dwell (Collmann and Matei 2016). The term ethic can be divided into personal, professional and organizational ethics. These three types have their own definitions and determination of values that guide the progress of everyone living within the environment. The Ethical Lens Inventory The term Ethical Lens Inventory (ELI) is an online tool that comprises of thirty-six pairs of words or statements with compelled choices. The students or the individuals are given instruction to select the item that will reveal their actions and values if they had the option of choosing. The choices of an individual indicate the favourable ethical lens with the estimation that the default lens of a person is their chosen perspective taken while evaluating the moral dilemma. The ELI instrument keeps the students in their respective quadrants that comprises of one of the four vital ethical outlooks. They comprise of Deontological theories, consequential theories, virtue theories and justice theories that is helpful in allowing the more precise picture of the ethical choice in decision making (Hamori 2016). These above mentioned outlooks later complements to the four Ethical Lenses namely, Results, Relationships, Responsibilities/Rights and Reputation. However, in addition to recognize the four ethical outlooks, the instrument also depends on two perpetuities that express the values often discovered in tensions in the moral dilemma. It is seen that equality versus autonomy and sensibility versus rationality. The ELI instrument evaluates the students inclinations for entrusting sensibility, equality, rationality and autonomy in solving the moral dilemma (Jondle et al. 2013). The below given diagram represents the illustration of the quadrants and values in consideration that makes the ELI. Moral Reasoning It is essential to understand and have knowledge about the moral reasoning of the individuals and therefore, it is mandatory to recognise their judgment of their frameworks, theories and models they made use of while undertaking the moral decision. Similar to Ceranic (2013) the paper even evaluates the moral reasoning with respect to the capability of one person to evaluate and analyze various courses of actions and results while finding out an individuals stance by taking into consideration certain ethical principles or decisional rules. The paper therefore, uses the responses and analyses of the individuals to the Hot Topic Simulations as the method of their moral reasoning. Moral Decision Making There have years of research that reveals that moral behaviour is the effect of a multi-stage procedure. There are have been other researchers who have proposed four levels that acts as a foundation of this research. Firstly, it is essential for an individual to identify the presence of a moral issue or awareness. The next step involves taking a moral judgment also known as moral reasoning and then solves to behave morally even known as moral decision making. The last involves acting on their moral decision by intriguing in the moral behaviour. The process enables to test the moral decision making by looking at the responses to the Hot Topic Simulations (Stonehouse 2012). The answers of the individuals and the students are helpful in providing qualitative information that provides awareness about how they went about to discover that the moral concerns of the concerned time was most significant. Ethical Perspectives The value preferences of the individuals leave us in a particular ethical lens, which concentrates on various secondary values, the values that arrive from the meeting point of the values on the primary continuity (Long, Mertins and Searcy 2012). This placement explains that we need to giver importance to various values, which provides various prospects on the ethical issues. The position on the grid shows the preferred ethical lens and the pros and cons of the desired preference. Rights/Responsibilities Lens: The individuals in this lens focus on the core values of sensibility and autonomy. This quadrant has the symbol of a telescope as it takes a long view to discover the ideal values that are crucial for human beings (Litzky 2012). This lens highlights the works that shows the ethical issues known as Deontology. Result Lens: This quadrant concentrates on the core principles of sensibility and autonomy. This quadrant is symbolized by a microscope sign. This lens concentrates everyones attention on the actions as we make choices that will be useful to obtain the goals that have been set in life. This lens even concentrates on individual results and aims as they question everyone to identify what would make everyone satisfied and happy (Torres Jr 2012). As the concentration is on the results of the actions, these ideologies become a part of the technological tradition also known as utilitarianism. Relationship Lens: This quadrant looks ver the core principles of rationality and equality also known as the theory of justice. The symbol of this quadrant is of a binocular. It does not look at the extreme view but are encouraged to survey a definite community as justice is searched. This lens looks through a prophetic tradition, which asks to have a fundamental cleanliness and stimulates everyone to care for people who are unfortunate (Drover, Wood and Fassin 2014). Reputation Lens: This quadrant is similar to relationship lens as the core values of this section are equality and sensibility. The symbol of this section is represented by a camera and concentrates on recognising the functions, which are to be fulfilled in life and the aspect in which the work is done. The other idea that this section highlights is the frames and name of all the activities that is seen in our daily life. This lens abides with the technological tradition, which is known as virtue ethics (Isaacson 2013). The concentration of the lens is on the specific virtues the community believes that need to be cultured by the individuals who are in the responsible position. The secondary principles refer to those, which are in relation to a good character that is created through addictive reflective behaviour. Implications The understanding of the connection between the individuals ethical prospects, moral reasoning, moral decisions and moral awareness is crucial as it provides intuitions about how the designing of the ethics curriculum is undertaken and the efficiency with which students and the individuals are prepared so that they can deal with the moral dilemmas in life and society. If the results show that the business students moistly depend on a definite prospect while resolving the moral dilemmas, and helping them to understand and emulate on their ethical prospective references that that enables them to understand the relative strengths and weaknesses that every theoretical prospective offers when interpreting through the moral dilemmas and creating moral decisions (Finlay 2012). Moreover, if the analysis show that few prospects tend to the creation of greater moral awareness and enhanced moral decision making, this method establishes a base for the development of teaching arbitration to raise the flexibility of the students to make use of the other prospects. Furthermore, if for instance, it is seen that the individuals and students in the Reputation Lens are likely to display moral awareness and moral decision making, it can be seen that a design can be created. The design is created for learning activities, which concentrates on the culturing of characteristics within an individual that is worth a thought in their perceptions and has honest purpose. The implication of ethical lens inventory through all these concepts is helpful to the Global Citizen as the instrument takes into the consideration the total population and tries to underline the various principles available in the global community (Covrig, Ongo and Ledesma 2013). The ELI therefore analyses the cultural and intercultural values of various societies globally. Conclusion The above study therefore looks at the importance of ethics and morality of individuals and students all over the world by evaluating the various cultural values in different societies and communities and evaluates their effects on the moral character of a human being. The paper even highlights the point of moral reasoning and sensitivity that exist in the mindset of a human being as the individual grows up resulting to their activities in present life. The way a person leads his life is made up of all the moral and ethical awareness that they receive from their local community and family. The Ethical Lens Inventory is therefore a crucial tool in analyzing all the perspective of ethics so that the idea of a developed future Global Citizen in the world can be attained thereby making the individuals more ethical and good. Reference List Ceranic, T.L., 2013, July. Time for a Tune-Up: Engaged Learning for a New Generation of Business Students. InProceedings of the International Association for Business and Society(Vol. 24, pp. 269-277). Chartier, A. and Plante, B., 2013. Is/It Ethical Issues As A Corporate Social Responsibility: Revisiting Strategic Business Planning Under The Lens Of Is/It Ethical Preoccupations.The possibilities of ethical ICT, p.100. Collmann, J. and Matei, S.A., 2016.Ethical Reasoning in Big Data. Springer. Covrig, D., Ongo, M. and Ledesma, J.L., 2013. Integrating four types of moral leadership into your organization. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, 6(1). Drover, W., Wood, M.S. and Fassin, Y., 2014. Take the money or run? Investors' ethical reputation and entrepreneurs' willingness to partner. Journal of Business Venturing, 29(6), pp.723-740. Finlay, L., 2012. Five lenses for the reflexive interviewer. The SAGE handbook of interview research: The complexity of the craft, pp.317-332. Hamori, A., 2016, July. Ethical and Value Orientations through the Lens of Religiosity, Belief and Personality: The Case of Some Hungarian Settlements. InThird ISA Forum of Sociology (July 10-14, 2016). Isaconf. Isaacson, L., 2013. The principal's purpose: A practical guide to moral and ethical school leadership. Routledge. Jondle, D., Maines, T.D., Burke, M.R. and Young, P., 2013. Modern risk management through the lens of the ethical organizational culture. Risk Management, 15(1), pp.32-49. Litzky, B.E., 2012. Review of EthicsGame Simulation. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 9, pp.485-488. Long, J.H., Mertins, L. and Searcy, D.L., 2012. IRCS: Valuing ethics at the expense of inventory. Issues in Accounting Education, 28(1), pp.153-172. Stonehouse, V.P., 2012. Rough ground of character: a philosophical investigation into character development, examining a wilderness expedition case study through a virtue ethical lens. Torres Jr, M.S., 2012. Gauging Ethical Deficits in Leadership and Student Discipline: An Analysis of Fourth Amendment Case Law. Journal of School Leadership, 22(2), pp.261-284. Welsh, D.H. and Birch, N.J., 2015. The ethical orientation of US small business decision makers: A preliminary study.Journal of Small Business Strategy,8(2), pp.41-52.
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Notes of a Hunter Review Essay Example
Notes of a Hunter Review Paper Essay on Notes of a Hunter Good evening, young reader. . Good evening veterans of the literature Today, Ill talk to you about the work of the beloved and loved me a writer -. Turgenev I do not know about you, but I was a bit shocked when he first read the works klascikov not from the curriculum. It was a long time ago, but I still remember the feeling. I think you, too, have experienced similar. This feeling like ecstasy pervookryvatelya. They say thats it, that he was looking for all my life and what was rejoicing grains. It is very difficult words to describe the delight of thinking whirlwind, but now, as I write these lines, I can not articulate all I want to say:) We will write a custom essay sample on Notes of a Hunter Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Notes of a Hunter Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Notes of a Hunter Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Turgenev genius. Let it easier than Chekhov, Im pretty sure that the last untrained reader will not understand if you do not read the first one. Turgenev sets short stories without beginning or end. After all, his characters, like Chekhov, live their lives. They lived it before as a writer described them and continued to live after finished the last story line. I can not predstvait realize how strong it is necessary to have imagination as a powerful and penetrating mind, how much should be develop the ability to notice, which would write something like this! Modern writers somehow want to hit the reader. Or surprise him. Perhaps this is the meaning of commercial literature .. But now is not about that. I highly recommend reading this book and all of Turgenev, as this is just my favorite genre of literature, which does not pop your throat chewed knowledge, and makes you think and think. Forges of you Homo Sapiens. By the way, for some reason, the entire cycle of my most memorable story Death. Very subtle. Clever. Sad. Merciless and hopeless. Read this book. Set aside everything and read. even if read. Even if in front of you new govnotvorene Lukyanenko, which you will certainly want to discuss with your friends. Set aside everything and re-read this book again, even if you read it. It can be read an infinite number of times. And even if you will not be able to brag to your friends with its unique literary taste, if not be able to for a while to say Oh, I was given the esteem of the author here, is very popular in France, and you all the cattle, even his name do not know - still read Turgenev The great book.. The greatest writer. Everything.
Monday, March 9, 2020
Longest paragraph in print goes on display - Emphasis
Longest paragraph in print goes on display Longest paragraph in print goes on display If youre struggling to read the latest lengthy management report, it could be worse. Take a look at this. Its the original manuscript scroll for Jack Kerouacs seminal novel, On the Road, which goes on display in Europe for the first time at Birminghams Barber Institute today. Kerouac wrote the novel on sheets of tracing paper and taped them together to form a scroll 120 feet long, in what must be the longest single paragraph in print. (Even the human genome sequence report is broken up into sections on individual chromosomes, although some would argue its not such a good read.) But that didnt stop it inspiring an entire generation to drop out of society and seek an alternative to the nine to five (a burden that the author found too much to bear: he deliberately drank himself to death according to former friends). He reportedly completed it after 20 days of continuous typing, fuelled by nothing stronger than coffee. We wouldnt really recommend Kerouacs somewhat eccentric approach as an example of best practice, so dont try this at home (or the office). For advice on how to write an effective report, better to read ten tips for writing high-impact documents.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Sustainable Practices in the Redevelopment of Canary Wharf Research Paper
Sustainable Practices in the Redevelopment of Canary Wharf - Research Paper Example This paper will highlight the success of the Canary Wharf regeneration or redevelopment based on reviews and analysis through use of sustainable design. As an aspiring architect, carrying out further research on the sustainability of Canary Wharf as a major development project will guide me as well as fellow learners about the importance of sustainability and innovating in design to achieve it. Summary Canary Wharf, a marshland located in the Isle of Dogs in Borough of Tower Hamlets in East London used to be one of the busiest ports in the world since it opened as West India Docks 1802. Its peak was seen from the 1930s when the Port of London carried about 35 million tons of cargo carried by some 55 thousand ships until its peak in 1961 when it handled about 60 million tons of cargo. The decline of the port industry in the 1950s led to its closing in 1970s. It has undertaken several seemingly insurmountable steps and processes since then to replace its glory days. Today, it is a majo r business district of about 1.3 million square metres of offices and retail space (Canary Wharf Group, 2012). Introduction Redevelopment projects are usually major challenges for built environment industries including the designers and architects in a given team. The many factors that redevelopments consider are double against new developments: temporary relocation and displacement of residents and workers in the given area, the disruption of economic, social, and other activities, addressing decay, re-design in consideration of history and the tradition of the people in the given area, funding and other requirements, regulation and governance, and external factors that may be adversely affected by the project. The major obstacles to the redevelopment of the Canary Wharf have been many and its success owed much to the various architectural feats implemented. The design and architectural approaches that need to address the challenges motivated me to research using secondary data (me thodology) and provide a report on the Canary Wharf redevelopment. Discussion Canary Wharf Canary Wharf was became a high concern after the closure of the docks due to its economic impact. Secretary of State for the Environment Peter Walker assigned consultants Travers Morgan to undertake as study of the Thames-side area between London Docks and Barking Creek and the consultants proposed in January 1973 a wide range of options which did not prosper. By 1976, the Docklands Joint Committee or DJC created the London Docklands Strategic Plan or LDSP. Redevelopment, however, can be traced from the creation of the London Docklands Development Corporation by the local Government Planning and Land Act 1980. By 1982, the Isle of the Dogs became an Enterprise Zone that offered tax breaks for developers and investors within a ten-year life cycle. In 1988 when then Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher launched the Canary Wharf construction project, it was considered one of the world’s larges t developments. As a major project, Canary Wharf met a lot of challenges including perception that â€Å"Large projects are liable to focus benefits on relatively few individuals, and impose costs over a wide group whose members each have relatively little to lose,†Hall (1981, 15). Redevelopment was led by Canadian developer Paul Reichmann (LDDC, 2009) through the Canadian the Olympia & York- an international property development firm. Tax breaks provided by government to regenerate the rundown areas was provided them and they bought the
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Quality of Women's Lives after Retirement Research Paper
Quality of Women's Lives after Retirement - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that the participation of women in the workforce is considered as a modern breakthrough. Working in offices, factories, and other forms of workplaces have become the major activities of women. Indeed, the increased economic value of women has improved countries. Some women became political leaders and were in the forefront of shaping the new society. Others have continued to improve their overall value in the society. Because of these improvements, women have enjoyed improved quality of life. The income earned by women has allowed easy access to basic necessities and other forms of luxuries. This report explores that the determination of life quality is approached subjectively. Most individuals contend that quality is tantamount to contentment. Others believe that the quality of life is dependent on the holistic perception that is developed on individuals. Specifically, the quality of life seen among retired 75 year old women requires several discussions. Women who are bracketed in the mentioned group marginally comprise the population of the society. Despite this fact, discussing the quality of life that the group of women has provides interesting results. It is expected that views on this issue will be different. Varying perceptions are critical in comprehending the entire picture. The impetus of this study extends beyond the determination of life quality observed among retired women aged 75 and above.... 1.1. Statement of the Problem The determination of life quality is approached subjectively. Most individuals contend that quality is tantamount to contentment. Others believe that the quality of life is dependent on the holistic perception that is developed on individuals. Specifically, the quality of life seen among retired 75 year old women requires several discussions. Women who are bracketed in the mentioned group marginally comprise the population of the society. Despite this fact, discussing the quality of life that the group of women has provides interesting results. It is expected that views on this issue will be different. Varying perceptions are critical in comprehending the entire picture. In light of this discussion, the following questions will be addressed: 1. How is contentment viewed by retired women who are in the age of 75 and above 2. What are the different aspects that contribute to the identification of life quality 3. Are there differences in which the aspects affect the quality of life as determined by the respondents 4. How does their current state affect the perception of women in relation to the quality of their lives 1.2. Purpose of the Study The impetus of this study extends beyond the determination of life quality observed among retired women aged 75 and above. Primarily, the study will explore the different aspects that affect the views on the quality of life. First, the physical state of women included in the study is a primary indicator of life quality. Good physical condition indicates that the quality of life is also good. Wellness is an important aspect that determines the quality of life. Second, the economic activity of retired women is serves as a vital indicator of life quality. After retirement, women are provided with
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Pakistani Indian Relations
Pakistani Indian Relations Introduction: From the beginning the seeds of conflicted have been impartially implanted in the roots of Pak-India Relations. These two nations never considered each other as their friends but remained and wanted to be foes. At the time of the partition, about half a million Muslims and Hindus were killed in mutual insurgences following the partition of British India. Millions of Muslims living in India and Hindus and Sikhs living in Pakistan immigrated in one of the most massive transfers of population in the modern era. Both countries blamed each other of not providing suitable security to the minorities immigrating through their territory. This served to increase tensions between the newly-born countries. This created instability in the area and never lead each other to prosper economically. The relations between India and Pakistan have been influenced by a number of historical and political issues, and is defined by the crucial partition of British India in 1947, the Kashmir dispute and the number of military conflicts fought between the two nations. No doubt that the nations share the same historic, cultural, geographic, and economic terms In the Sub-Continent and their relationship has been critical by aggression and doubts. Countries Comparison: Wars, Conflicts and Disputes: Kashmir Issue: The emerging, countering and the most deadly issues in the world is the cause of major tension and conflict between two countries. It was from the beginning when the Ruler of Kashmir decided to remain independent at the times of division. Now after the division Pakistan is claiming its Dominance and India is claiming its reunion with Kashmir which is leading to a critical situation and insurgency. 1965 War Kargil War (1998-99) After the independence, India had left no stone unturned to bring harm to the sovereignty of Pakistan. Moreover their actions of the 1965 war claimed their aggression towards Pakistani community. Moreover it is still pressurizing the army of Pakistan. Another incident when Pak become nuclear superpower in 1999 the Kargil war broke out. But some analysts claim that they have been the victim of releasing of tensions from the both sides. But both were solved by the International communities. Water dispute Since independence the water dispute emerged as major dispute between the two nations about rivers Ravi,Sutlej,Chenab,Beas,Jehlum and Sindh.So after the cooperation of World Bank, In 1960, Indus Treaty was signed to resolve the conflict.Pak get Chenab,Indus and Jehlum and India got Ravi, Sutlej and Beas according to the treaty. Bangladesh Liberation War Since independence, Pakistan was geo-politically divided into two major regions, West Pakistan and East Pakistan. East Pakistan was occupied mostly by Bengali people. In December 1971, following a political crisis in East Pakistan, the situation soon risen out of control in East Pakistan and India intervened in favor of the rebelling Bengali people. The conflict results in a brief but bloody war and lead to the independence of East Pakistan. In the war, the Pakistani army swiftly fell to India while forcing the independence of East Pakistan which separated and became Bangladesh. Control Line Issues A number of times when the relations and tensions between India and Pakistans seemed to be decreasing the control line issues came into existence by the Military of both cuontries. The true example is Kargil war (1998-99).Firings, bombings and arresting of innocent people are key findings of these issues. Conflicts Reborn: Samjhota Express Bombings (2007) The 2007 Samjhauta Express bombings was a terrorist attack targeted on the Samjhauta Express train on 18 February. The Samjhauta Express is an international train that runs from New Delhi, India to Lahore, Pakistan. It is one of two trains to cross the India-Pakistan border. At least 68 people were killed. Mostly were Pakistani civilians but also some Indian security personnel and civilians. Prasad Shrikant Purohit, an Indian Army officer and leader of a Hindu Fundamentalist Group.It was identified and investigated as a key suspect responsible for the bombing. The attack was a turning point in Indo-Pakistani relations, and one of the many terrorist incidents that have effected relations between the two countries. Mumbai attacks (2008) The 2008 Mumbai attacks by ten Pakistani terrorists killed over 173 and wounded 308. The single surviving gunman, Ajmal Kasab (who was arrested during the attacks), was found to be a Pakistani national. This fact was acknowledged by Pakistani authorities. In May 2010, an Indian court condemned him on four counts of murder, waging war against India, conspiracy and terrorism offences, and sentenced him to death. India blamed the Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistan-based militant group, for planning and executing the attacks. Islamabad resisted the claims and demanded evidence. India provided evidence in the form of interrogations, weapons, candy wrappers, Pakistani Brand Milk Packets, and telephone sets. Indian officials demanded Pakistan deport suspect for trial. They also said that, given the sophistication of the attacks, the criminals must have had the support of some official agencies in Pakistan. Role of Media in Promoting Peace: No doubt, over the last two decades, media has been playing a vital role over the peace and trade development talks of Pak-India relations. Not only Pakistani media but foreign media is also participating very actively. From ages these sides have never been to the soft corners of the issue but are always the grand part of mishaps. The both media men and media partners are also demanding their home countries to ensure easy visa policy to promote harmony among the countries. Singers like Atif Aslam and Rahat fateh Ali khan also go India for performing musical activities for the film industry of India. This shows a major peace initiative by media side. The Lighter Side of Diplomatic Relationship: Aman ki Aasha: â€Å"Aman ki Aasha†(Hope for Peace) is a campaign jointly started by the two leading media houses The Jang Group in Pakistan and The Times of India in India. The campaign purposes for mutual peace and development of the diplomatic and cultural relations between the two nations in South Asia. It was started on January 1, 2010. The campaign never received warm response from India and Pakistan. Shoaib and Sania Relationship: The one of the greatest relationships ever made in the history of world and the most renowned one is â€Å"Shoaib and Sania Marriage†which has weaken the strong holds of hatred and anger between two nations. This has also presented a soft image of Pakistani personnel in the light of Indian dilemmas. Bilateral Sports Promotions: Sports have always been a key player in promoting peace and harmony. Both countries were mutually involved in number of sports like Cricket, Hockey and Kabbadi. And both countries important persons often and several times go to their neighbors to see these cricket and hockey matches. Moreover, the recent Kabbadi Final match was warmly attended by Chief Minister Punjab, Mian Shahbaz Shareef. This was an important initiative regarding peace promotion. Trade and Development Talks: In Second Indian Expo on December 14, 2013, Leader of Businessmen Group (BMG) and former President Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI), Siraj Kassim Teli, has advised business community of India to pressurize their government to resolve issues and normalize trade and political relation with Pakistan. While Inaugurating 2nd Indian Expo at Expo Center, he said that both the countries should visit each other’s country frequently and conduct trade. He was of the view that army and politicians both the countries, do not like to normalize relation whereas the business community and general public are in favor of normal relations. There should be no restriction on movement between the two countries. In New Delhi on December 9, 2013, a Pakistani delegation led by Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) said there is a need to take bold steps to encourage business relations and to make changes in investment laws in both the countries. According to him, It is time to take action and to take bold steps. Tourism is an important sector and there is a need to promote tourist movement. There is the need to change the existing investment laws in both the countries. Railways Minister of Pakistan Khawaja Saad Rafique has said that the Pakistan Railways will soon send a delegation to New Delhi. According to the minister, the main purpose of the visit is to learn about the functioning of the Indian Railway System. Rafique acknowledged that the Indian Railways is a profit-making entity unlike the Pakistan Railway. Pakistan also needs to take help and guidance from the Indian Railways to make it economically possible and bring it back on the right track. Addressing a press conference at Pakistan Railway headquarters in Lahore, he also said that Indian Railways, one of the largest railway networks in the world, has 115,000 km of track with a route of more than 65,000 km connecting 7,500 stations. We have to do away with the policy of hatred with neighbors, especially India, as we cannot afford it today. MFN Talks: India-Pakistan relations got an additional setback after the announcement made by Pakistan’s Finance Minister that the MFN status, i.e. the most favored nation status, to India will not be considered. Although the improve trade relations would have a significant impact on the political issues between the two countries, and this announcement makes it more likely that bilateral relations will continue to weaken at current low levels. The latest figures show that India’s 2012 trade with Pakistan accounted for a mere US$2.15 billion of its total trade of US$778 billion (less than 0.3 per cent). Exports to Pakistan accounted for only 0.56 per cent of India’s exports, while imports constituted 0.11 per cent. Given the size of both countries’ economies and the complementarily of their trading baskets, the present level of trade should be higher. The rejection of MFN status compounds these difficulties, and reduces the effect of positive steps taken by both countr ies over the last few years. MFN status would not only help provide stability in trade relations between the two countries but would also assist Pakistan in technology upgrades, greater productivity gains, and increased revenues from legal trade. It is reported that India-Pakistan informal trade (trade occurring through a third country) accounts for more than formal trade (which is around US$4 billion). Further, consumers would experience lower product prices and greater variety. Despite Pakistan’s recent rejection of MFN status to India, India could unilaterally reduce all kinds of non-tariff barriers that would be capable of creating confidence among Pakistani traders. A good and stable political relationship would help trade but opposite is quite possible. Whereas, nowadays Pakistan is closely watching the high-decibel campaign for Indias general elections, andNarendra Moodi has surprisingly emerged as the favorite candidate for many across the border who want peace and trade with India. They believe that Moodi, who boosted trade and investment in Gujarat, may also give a big push toIndo-Pak trade. Observing the Most favorite Nation (MFN) status to India by Pakistan would be a positive step forward in improving the relation between the two neighbors, Islamabad may decide on it after the elections in India, said James Dobbins (U.S Special Representative). Global Views: At their much anticipated meeting in New York, Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh guaranteed to find ways to restore calm on their disputed border in Kashmir as an initial step towards reconciliation. An Indian official said that the two leaders have decided to task senior military officers to â€Å"find effective means to restore the ceasefire†in Kashmir. U.S. Special Representative James Dobbins said ahead of an expectedmeeting in New York between the prime ministers of the two neighboring countries.Improvement in Pakistan-India relations is akey to South Asian stability and Washington would support any initiative towardsthat goal. He also said that on India and Pakistan relations, we would support any initiativeswhich led to an improvement in those relations. We think it’s importantfor both countries, it’s important for the stability of the broader region, it’simportant for the world, at Washington’s Foreign Press Center.He was commenting on peace prospects between the two nuclear powersthat saw a cooking of tensions this summer with repeated violations ofnegotiating periods in the disputed Jammu and Kashmir region. Prime Minister Nawaz Sharifand his Indian counterpart Manmohan Singh are expected to hold peace discussions in New York, where they will both address the 68th UN General Assembly session. They ’re both nuclear-armed powers, and a conflict between them wouldbe disastrous not just for them, but for everyone. The special representative also reminded U.S. backing forimprovement in Afghanistan-Pakistan relations specifically because it would easesome of the pressures and tensions that give rise to the conflict in Afghanistan. And so from our point of view, there is everything to be gained from animprovement in the relationship between two countries. Current Scenario: The Global Discussions for maintaining peace between India and Pakistan are at its peak these days. The newly elected Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Nawaz Sharif has taken a step forward towards India. Peace between the two nations seems to be his first priority. Mian Nawaz Sharif in his several speeches talked about the betterment of relation between the two nations. He also talked to one of the leading media group of India to play a positive role in this situation. He also invited Indian Prime Minister to visit Pakistan. Recently, Chief Minister of Punjab, Mian Shahbaz Sharif visited India and watched Kabaddi match between the teams of both nations. He said if India wins the match we will congratulate you as our neighbors won and if Pakistan wins, India should do the same as their neighbors won. He invited Chief Minister of Indian Punjab to visit Pakistani Punjab. This shows the positive stance of Pakistan’s government. On the other hand, India is not showing any response to this due to several reasons in which Indian elections are one of the main. Elections are going to take place in India hopefully this year and Monmohan’s government in about to finish its tenure. It seems that Monmahan Singh’s government is not willing to take any step for the peace between the nations as it might harm their party in the coming elections. At the same time, the Prime Minister candidate of BJP India, Mr. Narinder Moodi is using Anti-Pak relations as one of its main stance in his campaign. Both India and Pakistan are looking forward to improve their status economic development, globally. Both the nations are seen in a competition. Conclusion: To sum up this scenario, only one-sided soft corner is seen which is from Pakistan as they are not leaving a single chance to improve the relations but Indian government is not looking forward to it. The relations cannot be improved until or unless both the governments sit together and resolve their issues. The gigantic spending on Defense Budget from both countries is leading them to an economic â€Å"Black Hole†. They should follow the famous sayings; â€Å"Let Bygones, Be Bygones†The Government of Pakistan has decided to give the MFN status to India after their elections. This status will increase the trade between then the two countries through land border and it is hoped that trade normalization can help in resolving the issues. References: conflict.html
Monday, January 20, 2020
Langston Hughes Uses Poetry as a Tool for Self Discovery :: Biography Biographies Essays
Langston Hughes Uses Poetry as a Tool for Self Discovery When Langston Hughes was given this assignment by his college professor, he used it at a self discovery tool. I think this poem is merely letting him dig into himself to find out who he really is, and what his role is in society. Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of you-- Then, it will be true. We could all take advice from this teacher. I don't think that the professor's words are to be taken very literally, as I know some of the other close readings will discuss. I think that the reason this assignment was given was to allow the students, or Hughes himself, to recognize some of the things about himself that he had never known or faced before. Sometimes when we write for someone else or for a specific class, we focus solely on what we are writing about and we tend to block off any part of ourselves that would escape onto the pages. In contrast, when we write in a journal, or freewrite, we tend to let all of our emotions out, and it is a way for some of us to deal with issues that are facing us, on a day to day basis. This is a way to get to know yourself better, and a way to deal with anger and unsettled emotions. Basically, I think the teacher wanted this assignment to be simple. He or she merely wanted the next assignment to be more personal, which Hughes took to that level if not beyond what was expected. From this poem I think we learn a lot about Hughes as a person, compared to some of his other works. Many of his other poems generalize the black man as an entire society, and in this poem we see the black man as Hughes himself, which to me, was very interesting. He lets us take a closer look into his life, and we are able to understand more of his heritage, and the things that inspire him, as a person, and as a writer. For example, in the very first stanza of the poem, he explains to us where he was born, where he was raised, and where he lives now, which is very important in understanding where someone gets their beliefs.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Types of Economic Activity
Types of economic activities 1. Primary industry * First stage in the production process * Major employer in poor countries * Involves the exploitation of natural resources * Includes activities such as agriculture, mining, fishing and forestry * Products are of low economic value * Products are either food for human consumption (e. g. fish) or raw materials for other economic activities (e. g. rubber for the tyre industry) 2. Secondary industry * Second stage in the production process * Also called the manufacturing industry Involves processing raw materials from the primary industry to add value to them* Products are of higher economic value than those of the primary industry * Output is either a final product (e. g. computer) or a part of the final product (e. g. microchip for the computer) 3. Tertiary industry * Involves the provision of services to companies or final consumers * Includes the financial services, health care, education and tourism sectors * Contributes more to the economy as a country becomes more developed * People are the main resource * Output is of high economic value Economic development in the Caribbean The capital city is usually the single prosperous core while the hinterlands are less prosperous * Large and successful industries tend to be located in and around the capital * The rural areas will have fewer and less successful or even declining industries * Governments have set up industrial estates in poorer areas to reduce the income disparity* Disparities in economic wealth between Caribbean countries have made integration difficult * Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) is a small group formed within the CARICOM to help with the economic development of member states Measuring economic development . Gross Domestic Product (GDP) * Total market value of goods and services generated within a country over a given period 2. Gross National Product (GNP) * Total market value of goods and services generated by a country’ s citizens, both domestically and overseas, during a given period Primary industry: Forestry * The art, science and practice of studying and managing forests and plantations, and related natural resources* Guyana and Belize have significant forestry industries * Trinidad and Tobago, Dominica, St Lucia and St Vincent also have substantial forest resources * Jamaica, Barbados and Haiti have almost epleted their forest resources Tertiary industry: Tourism * Provision of services to people who travel to and stay in places away from their place of residence for leisure purposes or otherwise * Generates income for a country through the sale of domestic goods and services to tourists and the employment of its people in tourism-related businesses * Major contributor to GDP * Accounts for more than 60% of the GDP in countries such as the Bahamas, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, and the Netherlands Antilles Earns 90% of the foreign exchange for some countries Major tourist destinations in the C aribbean (2005)Destination | Total tourist arrivals | Destination | Total tourist arrivals| Anguilla| 62,084| Grenada| 98,244| Antigua & Barbuda| 245,384| Guyana| 116,596| Aruba| 732,514| Jamaica| 1,478,663| Bahamas| 1,514,532| Martinique| 474,126| Barbados| 547,534| Montserrat| 9,690| Bermuda| 269,576| Puerto Rico| 1,449,785| British Virgin Islands| 337,135| St. Lucia| 317,939| Cayman Islands| 167,801| St. Vincent & Grenadines| 95,505| Cuba| 2,319,334| Suriname| 144,899| Curacao| 222,070| Trinidad & Tobago| 460,195| Dominican Republic| 3,690,692| US Virgin Islands| 697,033| Case study: Tourism industry in Jamaica Jamaica has a strong global presence * The country is noted for its excellent beaches such as Negril and Doctor’s Cave in Montego Bay.* It is also known for the Dunn’s River Falls, YS Falls, river rafting on the Rio Grande, cliff jumping at Rick’s Cafe and many other attractions. * Tourism earns the country up to US$970 million a year in foreign exchan ge * The industry is well developed compared to other Caribbean countries. Activities occur both day and night throughout the year with something to interest everyone. Physical factors influencing the tourism industry in Jamaica 1. Climate Warm and sunny throughout the year * Attracts people from cool temperate regions such as the northern parts of the US * Tourists can enjoy the beaches all year round 2. Natural resources * White sandy beaches * Clear seas rich with marine life * Beautiful scenery (e. g. Blue Mountains) * Lush vegetation * Wide variety of flora and fauna 3. Proximity to markets * Near to Canada, the US and Europe, which are where the bulk of the tourists come from * Travel to Jamaica is relatively cost-effective and time-efficient for these tourists Human factors influencing the tourism industry in Jamaica
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Constitution Of The United States Of America - 1941 Words
The Constitution In 21st Century America The Constitution of the United States of America (U.S.) since its ratification in 1787 has seen its fair share of challenges such as conflicting interpretation as well as constant evolution such as ratifying new amendments to Bill of Rights as it is a living document. And with this constant conflict and evolution, some who have gained power within the United States Federal and State Governments have at times used their delegated powers against the American people or for their own use unconstitutionally. Therefore, as 21st Century Americans, we must ensure the security of the rights enumerated in the Constitution and add to it if there are rights that are not within the Constitution whether it is in the State Constitutions of the Federal Constitution. We as a society must focus upon securing our rights because if we do not then those who wish to deprive our lives of liberty will be free to do so and the American dream will dissipate and eventually become folklore. As the world continues to react to the Technology Revolution, easy access to technology that can use the Internet to find and spread information within a quarter of a second has become the lifeline to global interaction for millions across the world. And this ability to spread information has begun to worry the governments of countries that people rely heavily upon the internet. And for counties like China that have censored most of the free thinkers within their society,Show MoreRelatedThe Constitution And The United States Of America1267 Words  | 6 PagesThe Constitution helped the United States of America move forward in progressiveness and equality through several ways. It provided the citizens of America with basic rights and liberties through the Bill of Rights. It helped to make a stronger central government that could protect the governed by raising arms in defense. It helped secure a democratic government and prevent it from turning into a tyranny or dictatorship. In do ing this the Constitution has managed to become the single most importantRead MoreUnited States Of America Constitution845 Words  | 4 PagesUnited States of America Constitution The United States of America is by far the most successful Republic governed country in the world and has managed to survive for over 223 years. The success can be contributed to the foundation that the farmers created, which is the United States Constitution. The framers knew that with time the needs of the people would evolve due to changes in society. That being said, they knew that the regulations in the Constitution would need to be adjusted or expandedRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States Of America Essay1700 Words  | 7 Pagesorigins. In the American system, the Constitution is held up as the ultimate document on how government functions in America. However, the writers of the Constitution had very different ideas about how government was to function ideally. These ideas formed two distinct camps of ideology: federalism and republicanism. The federalists were primarily concerned with how the collective was to function. In their eyes, every citizen had a responsibi lity to the state, the institution that expresses the willRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States Of America1620 Words  | 7 Pageslegislature. ¨ The constitution, signed on September 17, 1787, created a bicameral national legislature, containing two separate chambers, The Senate and The House of Representatives. While Colonists had rebelled against British rule during the Revolutionary War, they drew out ideas about a new government centered around and pertaining to their experiences as British subjects. During this time it was obvious to why the delegates needed and formed an entirely different government. The constitution s preambleRead MoreThe United State Of America Constitution1523 Words  | 7 PagesOur founding fathers designed the United State of America Constitution under three uniquely different branches of government. This move was to create democracy and a state of mind of allowing people to have more power over their government. They wanted to create a n establishment in where people can live by democracy and the government did not execute extreme power like Europe did back in the early 1700’s. The three branches that existed consisted of the Legislative branch, consisting of CongressRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States Of America1877 Words  | 8 Pagespast, reach back to â€Å"The Constitution of the United States Of America†. Take a minute to think of the first three words of the Constitution, â€Å"We the People†. Those words, we the people in the year 1787 were not referring to a disadvantaged class of people referenced within this paper. They being women and people of color. Progress has taken place in the 1900’s to include classes of people beyond the group of â€Å"White Males†inferred in 1787, when the United States Constitution was signed. As for theRead MoreThe Constitution Of The United States Of America1864 Words  | 8 Pagespast, reach back to â€Å"The Constituti on of the United States Of America†. Take a minute to think of the first three words of the Constitution, â€Å"We the People†. Those words, we the people in the year 1787 were not referring to a disadvantage class of people referenced within this paper. They being women and people of color. Progress has taken place in the 1900’s to include classes of people beyond the group of â€Å"White males†inferred in 1787, when the United States Constitution was signed. As for the pastRead MoreAmerica Under The Constitution Of The United States Essay1079 Words  | 5 Pagesbrought along much promise, however, it was going to be difficult for the United States to bring together its diverse population and keep control of its vast amounts of land while simultaneously trying to create a new nation. I. America Under the Constitution A. The Articles of Confederation 1. The first ratified Constitution of the United States was the Articles of Confederation, drafted by Congress in 1777 and ratified by the states four years later. a) The main idea of the Articles was to protectRead MoreThe United States Of America Has Been Governed By Two Constitutions1800 Words  | 8 PagesThe United States of America has been governed by two Constitutions in its entire history. The Articles of Confederation came into play on March 1, 1781 and was later ratified on June 21, 1788, later known as The Constitution. These important documents allowed our nation to protect itself and ensure the existence of The United States of America. The Articles of Confederation as well as The Constitution allowed for boundaries and rules to be set in place to protect the basic rights of citizens andRead MoreGovernmental Foundation in the Declaration of Independence Essay867 Words  | 4 Pages On July 4, 1776, the United States of Americas Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Second Continental Congress, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This document, primarily written by Thomas Jefferson, announced that the thirteen colonies we re declaring their independence and, in doing so, were independent states apart from the British Empire. The Declaration of Independence is comprised mainly of colonial grievances and assertions of human rights. The Declaration of Independence formed a
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