Monday, September 30, 2019
America and the challenges of religious diversity Essay
Religion and Theory Introduction            The world today is dynamic such that there is need to recognize the diversity of the people that live in it. People across the world are different in terms of culture, religion and race. However, there are few people that have consistently failed to accommodate diverse beliefs and opinions. One of the diversity factor that has come under sharp focus is religion. All over the world, there are people with special religious sensitivities and thus the need to accommodate diverse opinions when it comes to religion. Such people should be allowed to promote and practice their religious beliefs and practices with little or no interference. However, this freedom should be limited to the fact that the said religious beliefs and practices do not infringe on the rights of other people in the society.            The practice of religious persecutions started man7y years ago when certain religious beliefs and practices were discouraged. The consequences of practicing the discouraged religious practices included harassment and illegal persecution. Today, it is very difficult to identify individuals with special sensitivities and sensibilities from the street. However, there are certain factors that are common with certain religious following. Different religious groups have different code of dressing. This might make it easier to identify an individual with religious sensitivity.            According to Wuthnow, (2011), religious groups such as the Islamic faith require that women dress modestly. Inn more conservative Muslims, women are required to wear veils covering most of their body. This is to reinforce their religious beliefs regarding chastity and behaviour. Muslim men also wear long flowing gowns which also would make them easy to identify. Almost every ethno-religious subcultures ranging from mainstream religious following such as the Hindu to smaller ethno-religious subcultures such as the Amish have a specific dress code. However, the dressing code is not the only way that one can identify people with religious sensitivities. The important thing for every individual in the society is to learn and respect the divergent opinion of the general populous when it comes to religion. References Wuthnow, R. (2011). America and the challenges of religious diversity. Princeton University Press. Source document
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Just in Time Approach in Inventory Management
2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd JUST IN TIME APPROACH IN INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Abdul Talib Bon (Corresponding author) Faculty of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia Tel: +60127665756 E-mail: [email protected] com Anny Garai Faculty of Technology Management, Business and Entrepreneurship Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia Tel: +60137016298 E-mail: [email protected] com. y Abstract Quality improvement and costs control are vital to organizations for work performance enhancement and fulfilling customers’ requirement. Inventories that are stored in large amount of quantities will result in waste and space usage. One effective solution is using Just in Time (JIT) concept as a method to reduce costs, improve quality and meet the ever-changing customer needs. The adoption of Just in Time (JIT) con cepts seems to be the most effective way to overcome these circumstances. JIT is management philosophy that emphasizes on eliminating waste and increase productivity.The main purpose of this research is to find out whether the implementation of JIT would reduce the inventories at Electronics component industry especially at the parts producing stamping of FCM. This research is done by case study. Therefore the data collection would be using secondary data which is the documentation from FCM itself and also via observation. The data were analyzed by doing the comparison before and after the implementation of JIT using Microsoft words excel. From the analysis that had been done, the implementation of JIT had increased the inventories management at the stamping parts production.As the conclusion, the implementation of JIT in the inventory management at the parts production stamping at Electronics component industry had successfully reduce the inventories level while improving the inven tory level. Keywords: Stamping Production, Just in Time, inventory management, electronics component industry. 1. Introduction Globalisation phenomena had created the business without boundaries. Most of the organisation nowadays only focuses in two main elements that can influence the global market, which is customer satisfaction and also the product and services quality.Organisation all around the world need to take the initiative to increase the product quality to satisfy the needs and customer demand that always change besides minimizing the production cost. This initiative is needed to keep the challenge at the market (Canel, et al. , 2000). One of the most effective solutions is with the application of Just in Time (JIT). Application of JIT could involve few important elements at organisation such as production level, marketing level, engineering level and purchasing level. The application of JIT more focuses on management process.Therefore, JIT can be applied at varying proce ss. (Canel, et al. , 2000). JIT is the concept of management that invented specially to avoid waste. This is in order to minimize the waste and increase the productivity (Zhu and Meredith, 1995). JIT is one type of Lean Manufacturing (Yen, 2003). Lean manufacturing is the process to control the production which depends on the demand by the customers. It is also act to reduce waste. The application of Lean Manufacturing can reduce the stock, work space and the production of raw materials. This philosophy can maximize the production (Forza, 1996).At Malaysia context, application of JIT is not popular. According to Simpson, et al. , (1998), JIT had been applied by national automotive firm as a transitory JIT. Transitory of JIT is one of the ad hoc inventory models. This is can give half of the inventory in order to reduce the production 2562 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd cost beside can make the technology transfer at the i nternational level. This research is made to study the application of Just in Time (JIT) in inventory management at stamping production at Electronics component industry. 1. Background of Study At FCM there is lot type of inventories and this requires a huge space to restore it. Therefore FCM need to prepare an enough space. How ever, this situation requires FCM to overcome the cost of restore. But this is not the really big issues to FCM. What really worries FCM management is the huge batch of inventories. The batch of inventories had caused FCM loss in profit because there is no moving out of the output to customer. Therefore the cases are also not only arises due to this problem. Besides that, in Japanese firm, the concept of keeping the inventory is a big waste in industry.Based on this problem, Heizer J. & Render B. (2006), Just in Time (JIT) is the best strategy to increase the operation especially at the inventory management. However, if the raw material cannot be delivered d uring the production, there would be a big problem. 1. 2 Problem Statement This study is to elaborate the JIT application in inventory management at the stamping production at FCM. The problems that occur in this study are what is the importance of application of JIT in order to influence the inventory management at the stamping production at FCM? 1. Objective In this research, researcher has the stand to achieve the objective so that it could be archived. The objective is to study the application of Just in Time (JIT) in inventory management at Stamping Production at Electronics component industry. 1. 4 Scope Of Study The scope of study is focused at the stamping production at Electronics component industry. The main products of FCM are keyboard and relays. Respondents that involved are top management and the staff at stamping production of FCM. Data would be collected through qualitative method and be analysed quantitatively.From this study, the researcher hopes that can help Elec tronics component industry on the applications of JIT in their operation. The researcher hopes that with this study, it can help Electronics component industry and academician which is up to the upcoming researchers. 2. Literature Review JIT is not the new concept in production sector (Stevenson, 2001). It started during 1920 and being used by Henry Ford at the automation industrial. JIT is one of the Lean Manufacturing that had been introduced by Toyota Motor Corporation to increase the work quality and production.The application of JIT in Lean Production will give good return in production process. These philosophies would make the production even faster and to reduce the inventories stock. 2. 1 Lean Production and Lean Manufacturing Lean Manufacturing first introduced as systematic ways to reduce or terminate the waste. It is the management philosophy that require commitment from responsible person that relate with reduced waste, make the work procedure become smooth and optimize the production (Chase, et al. , 2001). Lean Manufacturing firstly introduced by the Toyota Motor Corporation.Which is involved the inventory management, quality control, industrial relationship, 2563 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd employee management and relationship between factory and the suppliers (Bowen and Youngdahl, 1998). JIT is one of the elements in Lean Manufacturing meanwhile Lean Production is known as Big JIT. It is the philosophy of management operation that act to terminate the waste in every aspect in production such as industrial relationship, vendor relationship, technology, raw material management and inventories (Chase, et al. 2001). Lean Production can use to reduce time, inventories, space, employees and production cost. 2. 2 Just In Time (JIT) Usually, JIT process being implemented in the organisation that reached the highest application of JIT. Wagner M. S and Silveira- Camargos V , 2009). This is because organisation and the supplier should have a good relationship and believe because when there is demand from factory, the suppliers can supply them on time. The first way to implement JIT is build a good relationship with the suppliers, customers and also sub-contractor to reduce inventory â€Å"buffer†to few hours.According to Canel, et al. , (2000), JIT aims is to reduce time waiting during production process. Therefore, the cost of inventories not only can be minimized but also the time for the production also shortens. JIT concept is not saying about the standardisation or the way of managing but it really focusing on the zero inventories 2. 3 Benefits of Application of Just In Time in Lean Production The application of JIT would give a lot of benefits such as to the producer to increase the quality to fulfil the customer demands and reduce the inventories and built a good relationship with the supplier (Salaheldin, 2005).Positive of JIT application can successfu lly give benefit to three communities, which is supplier only, purchased only or both. The benefits are, reducing in inventories and time waiting for the inventories, increase the quality and technical support, increase productivity, reduce waste and machine maintenance (Wafa, et al. , 1996). JIT actually help to reduce machine maintenance and at the same time, to make sure the suppliers can produce the inventories on time (Yasin, et al. , 2001). According to Yasin, et al. 2002), the big problem of JIT application is employer issues and the suppliers. Employer issue is about the objection of JIT concept, less supportive of JIT and less of employees. 3. Methodology This study is using action research that is descriptive and makes the research by quantitative. In this study, researcher would use observation and data collection from the result of the observation. 4. Data Analysis 4. 1 Introduction This chapter would discuss and analysis the data that had been collected from FCM.There a re four different data that had been provided by the researcher according to the case. For the first case, the researcher would get the standard time during the raw material collected from the rack and the replace at the turn table using forklift. The second case is the machine die setup. Meanwhile the third case is standard time for winding process. The time is counted during the winding process and the material place at the stand before and after the winding process. For the last case, is during packing and deliver the part to the warehouse.This chapter also would discuss about type of test and analysis to the case to make sure that the data is valid and researcher can get a clear vision about the elements of Just in Time (JIT) being implemented by the FCM. 2564 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd 4. 2 Results of Study In this study, researcher would discuss the results that researcher gets from the study. All the data that had been collected by the researcher would be divided according to the case and according to the flow chart of stamping production refer to Figure 1.Figure 1 shows Standard Time (ST) and Cycle Time (CT) according to the cases that had been studied. ST = 10. 8 min CT = 10 times ST = 480 min ST = 5. 37 min ST = 17 min KES 1 KES 2 KES 3 KES 4 Raw Material Stamping Process Winding Packing Warehouse Figure 1: Stamping Flow Chart 4. 2. 1 Analysis of Case 1 This section would show the data collected from case 1 for the application before and after the part production stamping. In this case 1 (refer Figure 2) the standard time would be the counting from the raw materials from the racks to the turntable using forklift and then the return back of the forklift to the place.Refer from Figure 3 as shown the graphs for before and after the applications of JIT for case 1. ST/CT Raw Material Stamping Process Figure 2: Case 1 2565 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 3: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 1) 4. 2. 2 Analysis of Case 2 For case 2, (refer Figure 4) is to reduce the standard time that is using for die setup. Figure 5 showed the graph before and after application of JIT. . ST Stamping Process Figure 4: Case 2 Winding 2566 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING d nd Figure 5: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 2) 4. 2. 3 Analysis Case 3 For case 3, (refer Figure 6) is to reduce standard time for winding process. Figure 7show before and after application of JIT for Case 3. ST Winding Figure 6: Case 3 Packing 2567 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 7: Graph Before and After Application of JIT (Case 3) 4. 2. 4 Analysis Case 4 For case 4, (refer Figure 8) is to reduce standard time during packing and deliver to warehouse. Figure 9 show the application of JIT before and af ter. ST PackingFigure 8: Case 4 Warehouse 2568 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd Figure 9: Graph Before and After Application JIT (Case 4) 5. Conclusion The purpose of this study is to make sure the application of concept Just In Time (JIT) at Electronics component industry especially at the stamping production. This chapter would discuss about the results of the analysis according to the objective and problem statement. The discussion would focus in certain case at stamping production depend of the results that analyze from before and after the application of JIT.Besides that, this chapter also would discuss the suggestion. After the analysis, application JIT in inventory management at stamping production is depend on the activities below: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Raw material always in enough quantities. Work in process always at the minimum quantities. Finished good would directly deliver to buyers. Wasting work in process seldom occur. Buffer stocks always at the minimum quantity. Delivering raw material depends on demand only. Space for inventories is small. Time table scheduling is made by the suppliers.Delivering materials is more often and only at small size. 2569 2 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC RESEARCH (2 ICBER 2011) PROCEEDING nd nd (x) (xi) (xii) Long term relationship is built between suppliers. Suppliers is advised to use the application of Just in Time (JIT) , and The employers should give the commitment on inventories and quality. Besides that, researcher has little suggestion to the upcoming interested researchers with the concept of Just in Time. The suggestions are: (i) this research only limited at one factory which is Electronics component industry.The next researcher should broaden their scope of study; (ii) Future study on the application of JIT concept especially in the purchasing and engineering level; and further study about the elemen ts associated with JIT. References Bowen, D. E. & Youngdahl, W. E. (1998). Lean Service: In Defence of A Production-Line Approach. International Journal of Service Industry Management. 9(3). 207-225. Canel, C. , et al. (2000). Just-in-time Is Not Just for Manufacturing: A Service Perspective. Industrial Management and Data System. 100(2). 51-60 Chase R. B. , et al. (2001). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. th ed. N. Y. : McGraw-Hill. 394-417. Forza, C. (1996). Work Organization in Lean Production and Traditional Plants: What Are the differences?. International Journal of Operation and Production Management. 16(2). 42-62. Salaheldin, S. I. (2005). JIT Implementation in Egptian Manufacturing Firms: Some Emperical Evidence. International Journal of Operation and Production Management. 25(4). 354-370. Simpson, M. , et al. (1998). Case Study: Transitory JIT as Proton Cars, Distribution and Logistics Management. 28(2). 121-142. Malaysia. International Journal of Physical St evenson, G. (2001).Just-in-time: The Reincarnation of Past Theory and Practice. Management Decision. 39(10). 866-879. Wafa, M. A. , et al. (1996). The Impact of Supplier Proximity on JIT Success: An Information Perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management. 26(4). 23-34. Yasin, M. Y. , et al. (2001). Just-in-time Implementation in the Public Sector. International Journal of Operation and Production Management. 21(9). 1195-1204 Zhu, Z. & Meredith, P. H. (1995). Defining Critical Elements in JIT Implementation: A Survey. Industrial Management and Data System. 95(8). 21-28. 2570
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Management of Risk and Protection of Vulnerable Individuals in Health Essay
Management of Risk and Protection of Vulnerable Individuals in Health and Social Care - Essay Example The goal has shifted to creating frameworks for action upon which the responsible agencies are called to work in consultations to assure coherent policies in protecting vulnerable persons from risks of abuse as well as effective and consistent responses from circumstances ascertained from concerns of formal complaints and anxiety expressions (Heaslip and Ryden 65). The primary aim of agencies includes preventing abuse in areas possible and establishing preventive strategy progression. Agencies require an assurance that there are robust procedures in place to deal with any incident of abuse. Circumstances for which exploitation and harm occurs is popular for the extreme diversity and membership of at-risk groups. The problematic issue is the identification of subsequent steps in making responses to such diversity (Young 121). The healthcare policies ascertain that service availability and existence of illness symptoms is substantiated in explaining the application of services. Service s can be availed even without the use and may be utilized in a manner that is not established in the performance (Larkin 87). People can seek the help of various problems above others without seeking help from the reflection of intended services provision. Scoping reports identify mismatches between patients’ needs and professional expectations to the service uptake patterns. The description of problems for the delay, as well as non-uptake for health services, appears to have a link to the underlying social deprivation structures and specific membership for cultural groups (Leathard, Goodinson-McLaren and McLaren 87).
Friday, September 27, 2019
Children are victims of TV Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Children are victims of TV - Research Paper Example Watching television by the young children was considered by the analysts as cognitively passive (Kirkorian, Wartella, and Anderson 40). According to (Singer), the busyness created by watching television forms a sensory bombardment which generates a range of orienting responses which affect the reflection as well as cognition. This hinders children’s ability to process the content of television and learn from it. According to (Groebel), media has a big role in the formation of world views, world beliefs, cultural orientations, and the way values and images are distributed globally. (Huesmann and Eron) attribute the scapegoat role of television to the acceleration of violent crime as it has entered the homes of children. Watching television not only affects the academic and social life of children, it also spoils their habits. The research carried out by (Pine and Nash 529) led them to the conclusion that English children that view the television in general and particularly thos e who watch it alone are socialized in such a way that they become consumers at a very early stage in their life. â€Å"Young children have a limited understanding of commercial markets, and are unaware that advertisements are motivated out of a desire for profits†(Pine and Nash 530). They want to spend money and because they cannot get enough from their parents, their relationship with their parents distorts. Watching a lot of television increases children’s tendency to become criminals. It raises their aggression which they display in their schools and are likely to join gangs to participate in violence as they grow up. A study done by (Eron cited in Slotsve et al. 26) revealed that children that watched the most movies and television during their childhood had more tendency to be convicted of violent felonies or get arrested. Likewise, a research carried out by (Bogart) led to the finding that 22 per cent of the 100 criminals involved in the research had imitated t he acts of crime they had seen before over the television. Watching television affects the academic performance of the children in a bad way. Many research studies have tested this hypothesis that the attention spans of the children are shortened because of watching television (Singer; Healy). According to (Christakis et al.) and (Hartmann), watching a lot of television increases children’s vulnerability to a lot of complicated conditions like hyperactivity, attention and other issues of impulsivity. Likewise, (Koolstra and Van der Voort) concluded from their research that watching television leads the children to reduction of concentration in studies and lack of reading. Some studies have shown that watching television can be good for the academic performance of children. Most of these studies (Gentzkow and Shapiro) and (Fisch) have emphasized the role of educational programs in increasing children’s learning. However, the fact is that these educational programs make very less in proportion to the overall different kinds of programs shown on the television. Children are generally more interested in watching cartoons, commercials, and movies than the educational programs. Consequently, the negative effects of watching those programs entail. With proper intervention, it is possible to reduce the negative effects of television on children. In their research, (Rosenkoetter, Rosenkoetter, and Acock) made an attempt to reduce the negative effects of television violence on the lives of school-going children. The
Thursday, September 26, 2019
FASB Revenue Recognition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
FASB Revenue Recognition - Essay Example ccounted principles (GAAP) establish the standards, rules and procedures which accountants must follow when realizing bookkeeping and accounting work. The GAAP framework is developed through a series of assumptions, principles and constraints. Two important principles Legal Plan Services should keep in mind are revenue recognition principle and the matching principle for expenses. The revenue recognition principle stipulates that revenues should be recognized when the work is realizable and earned. Receiving cash does not imply the business has performed the work. â€Å"Expenses are recognized not when the work is performed, or when the product is produced, but when the work or product actually makes its contribution to revenue†(Wikipedia). Administration expenses do not follow the matching principles since they are not directly linked to the creation of specific revenue, they are considered period costs. The best way for Legal Plan Services to present a report that clearly presents the amount of revenues and expenses in a reliable, comparable and consistent manner is through the financial statement called income statement. The income statement is divided into two parts within the report. At the top of the report revenues are illustrated, while the bottom part gives the user information about the expenses the company incurred. In the income statement the company should include notes to the statement to explain the practices utilized for creating revenues and recognizing expenses. The company has serious flaws in both its revenue and expense recognition methodology. The company is collecting money from customers for a service they will provide in the near future. This event behaves like unearned revenue. Unearned revenue is sometimes referred to as deferred revenue (Weygandt & Kieso & Kimmel, 97). In the ledger of the company the journal entry would be a debit to cash and a credit to unearned revenue. At the time the company provides the service the journal entry
Short answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Short answers - Essay Example 2. To the grandmother, a man is a "great man" if his qualities are adjusted to her own. Red Sammy is "great" in light of the fact that he trusts individuals indiscriminately and waxes nostalgic about more pure timesâ€â€both of which the grandma can identify with. The Misfit is "great" in light of the fact that, she reasons, he wont shoot a woman a refusal that might be in keeping with her own particular good code. Her supposition, obviously, turns out to be false. The main thing "great" about the Misfit is his consistency in experienced his ethical code of "no joy yet meanness." 3. The iron as a symbol represents the tasks and obligations that kept the storyteller from captivating with Emilys life all the more significantly. he dreary movement of the iron moving over and over again over the surface of the pressing board emulates the storytellers perspectives as she moves here and there and then here again over her life as a mother, endeavoring to distinguish the wellspring of Emilys present challenges. 4. Readers find that regardless of the way that Kathy and Tommy imparted an interesting relationship, the way that Kathy says she wasnt crying wild after his consummation and that she drove off to wherever it was she should be, just about puts over the thought that Kathy has learnt to acknowledge the way that she will in the end complete along these lines does not respond in the path in which say, we might in the discouraging and bleak circumstance. In a manner we feel that the "start" that has been in Kathy since the begin has vanished and that the blamelessness of Kathy that has completed the novel, regardless of every last one of rowdy exercises, has
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Who are the decision makers in the European Union Essay
Who are the decision makers in the European Union - Essay Example The spirit behind formation of the trading block was that countries with high trade interdependence had higher chances of being peaceful. The goal was to establish peace, stability and prosperity among member countries for improved living standards (Europa, 2013). Since its formation, the trade block has undergone significant changes from an economic trade block to a political organization overseeing policy issues affecting economic, political and environmental issues in the region and beyond. Some of the noticeable transformations the EU has undergone include change from European Economic Community to European Union - EU in 1993. Currently, the membership has increased to 27 members drawn from the Euro zone. Most significant of all these changes is the level of development in decision making in matters pertinent to the region and global trade. Decision making has been strengthened by strict adherence to the rule of law, Constitution for Europe, treaties and establishment of strong d ecision making institutions. Some of the key decision making institutions within the EU are; The European Commission, The European Parliament, European Central Bank (ECB), European Council, The Council of European Union, Presidency of EU council among other bodies (Europa, 2013). Mungersdorff (2009) noted that the co-decision procedure is often a rule other than an exception where the European Commission, the European Parliament, The Council of EU and ECB are key decision making institutions of the EU. This paper primarily focus the main decision making organs of the EU and the politics behind that tend to strengthen the trade block in its quest to achieve its vision and mission. The analysis covers the country and regional levels of influence in the decision making process. Subsequent sections of this paper discuss the decision makers in economic, political, social, environmental and arbitration issues affecting the trade block. Decision making in EU is spread across several bodies mandated to oversee specialized functions and operations in harmionising and facilitating operations in the world’s most effective trading block. The paper operates each of the EU bodies mandated to oversee trade, legal, political, justice among other aspects in the trading block and how these bodies work alongside others to support EU in all its functions. Objectives of the European Union The main objectives of the European Union are â€Å"to promote peace, the Union’s values and well-being of its peoples (Europa, 2013).†They are explained in detailed in Article 1 – 3 of the Constitutional Treaty, which outlines both the internal and external objectives of the Union. Decision Making Institutions in EU The Constitutional Treaty of the EU provides a multi-level decision making process where different institutions are involved. Actors in these organizations are drawn from the region as well as from persons from member countries. The decision making struct ures exhibit a high level of interdependence where intra and cross-institutional alliances, as opposed to long-term coalitions is pronounced (Cini and Borragan, 2010; Mongersdorff, 2009; Thomson, Boerefijn and Stokman, 2004). Key decision making EU bodies include; The European Commission, The European Parliament, The European Council, European Central Bank (ECB), European Investment Bank, Council of European Union, EU Court of Justice and the EU presidency. The institutions work closely with other bodies and organizations of the EU including the European Ombudsman, European Court of Auditors, European External Action Service, European Economic and Social Committee,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Do Talking Gorillas and Signing Chimpanzees and Bonobos Have Rights Research Paper
Do Talking Gorillas and Signing Chimpanzees and Bonobos Have Rights and What Distinguishes Them from Human Rights - Research Paper Example First of all, human beings must realize the fact that the members of ape family are able to make a number of signs to express their desires and emotions. This is similar to the words and signs used by human beings for communication purpose. Bekoff (2010), states that â€Å"Some of the reports by ape language researchers suggest that nonhuman great apes may be remarkably creative in producing new signing combinations†(p.307). The research works based upon the sign language used by apes prove that they are special among the animals because they make use of signs as the medium of communication and are able to improve the same. On the other side, the chimpanzees and bonobos are able to use some symbols for the purpose of communication. Burling (2007) states that, â€Å"Several captive chimpanzees have gestured spontaneously in iconic or indexical ways to show their human companions what they want†(p.79). The research work based on chimpanzees in captivity proves that they make use of their sign language to communicate with human beings. This is important because chimpanzees make use of their verbal or nonverbal mode of communication to interact with human beings. ... Smith (2002) opines about a bonobo (Kanzi) that â€Å"It would appear that Kanzi in some sense has the faculty of language and, as he can indulge in pretend play, he may also be endorsed with a ‘Theory of Mind’†(p.83). One can see that bonobos make use of sign language as the mode of communication and some bonobos possess comparatively high intelligence. So, these animals are with high intelligence and ability to communicate and they have the individual right to be treated like human beings. Besides, these animals make use of signs to generalize certain objects to a wider context. For instance, the word ‘dog’ is used to signify dogs, not a particular dog. From a different angle of view, this habit of generalization is similar to the children who are not aware of the importance of grammar in communication. But these animals are unable to speak because their vocal cords are not similar to that of human beings. In short, one can see that similarity in i ntelligence between these animals and human beings prove that these animals have certain rights. If human beings possess individual rights, the members of ape family deserve the same. The scenario of human rights is limited to the context of certain rights assigned to human beings. Within this context, the most important right is the right to live. One can see that most of the human rights activists fight to defend this right. At the same time, some members of ape family are special and these animals must have certain rights. For instance, the apes that can use signs and symbols to communicate with each other and with human beings must be considered as similar to human beings. The members of ape family must not be considered as mere animals because their intelligence level
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Emergency Action Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Emergency Action Plan - Assignment Example Inside the booth are phone directories that bear the frequently used emergency phone contacts. Other than the booths, an alarm has been installed in one the adjacent building. The alarm is used to alert the participants in case of danger so that they can leave the swimming pool with immediate effect. The participants with Autism are usually at a higher risk during the swimming lessons (Mary, 2010, pp23). They can accidentally fall in the water and get trapped inside without being noticed. Since their speaking is sometimes distorted, they may not be in a position to alert others for help. To care of these individuals, lifeguards have taken it upon themselves to ensure that they swim under a close watch. Fellow students are advised to partner with an autistic friend while in the pool. In case of emergency such as drowning or seizure in water, the lifeguards and trained student captains are usually to lead the rescue plan (Red Cross, 2015). Rescue plans and methods vary with the kind of emergency. If one is trapped under water, deep-swimmer lifeguards have the sole responsibility of performing the search and bringing the victim to the surface. In case of fire, the participants have been instructed on how to ring the alarm and use the fire extinguishers. While the main role of the lifeguards is to perform a rescue operation, the Adapted Aquatic Instructors have a general role of giving directions to the participants. These include swimming tactics for various purposes such as emergency. The instructor assistants usually wok alongside the senior instructors and represent their seniors when they are away. They give the participants a general orientation of the facility and are always available for the students during swimming lessons. When there is an emergency that is beyond the capabilities of the staff, it is always advisable to seek for an external help through phone calls. 911 is always a central rescue number. However, there is always a chain
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Current Issues in United States History Essay Example for Free
Current Issues in United States History Essay The article, Mentoring Experiences of Women in Graduate Education: Factors that Matter, focuses on women’s relational approaches which are affected by their gender socialization. The said article studies the various subjective experiences a woman encounters when teaching, counseling and mentoring. It also explores the different aspects that contribute to these experiences exclusive to women in graduate school, the costs and benefits of these relationships for women, and the women’s role models in the familial and professional areas. The article takes on a feminist approach as it differentiates the traditional male to male mentoring relationships from that of the women’s. It asserts that in the male to male relationships, there is an acceptance of patriarchal and hierarchal organization. On the contrary, the women employ a more relational approach, which gives value to the emotional factor involved in the female relationships. But presently, the prevailing standard employed by mentoring environments is that of a traditional patriarchal environment. It can therefore be said that women in mentoring fields are currently in struggle with the prevailing norms. The article undertook a study which aimed to investigate factors that affect women’s mentoring gender socialization. The study yielded seven key topics which suggest that female undergraduate students and their faculty members share same views about their respective mentoring experiences as well as views in the mentoring field. They all commonly voiced their desire for an empowering relationship. This, according to the surveyed collegiate students and teachers, is illustrated by the kind assistance, â€Å"CURRENT ISSUES IN UNITED STATES HISTORY†PAGE #2 inspiration, faith, pride, cooperative hand, and personal growth they gain from these student-teacher relationships. Also, the study explores the sense of obligation that both sides feel for each other, the overall mentor’s investment in the student-teacher relationship (personal/emotional, professional development, time/availability, and financial investment), the factors that affect the growth of their relationship towards each other, and their capacity to balance of their own personal and professional life, experiences in the male mentoring domain, and peer mentoring. The study’s results depict the multi-dimensionality of the women mentors’ needs in order to be successful in their personal and professional mentoring careers. The study also showed that these needs did not alter when compared with the past researches on the same subject. Also, this study suggests that women, in general, have corresponding views (and at the same time) distinct desires to their mentoring relationships in contrast to the more traditional, patriarchal setting typified by the male to male mentoring conditions. Generally speaking, the study only focused on the mentoring experiences’ good points. Unfortunately, it did not include the hardships that women encounter with regards to their being women. It did not tackle the prejudice that women are subjected to in the patriarchal education system. If only the study explored that particular downside, the study would be so much useful and practical. But all in all, the study would indeed be important for reflection on our current educational system with regards to the women in a male dominated field. REFERENCE Rayle A. D. , Bordes V. , Zapata A. , Arrendondo P. , Rutter M. , Howard C. (2006, May). Mentoring Experiences of Women in Graduate Education: Factors that Matter. Current Issues in Education [On-line], 9(6). http://cie. ed. asu. edu/volume9/number6/
Friday, September 20, 2019
Analysis of the EU Enlargement Process
Analysis of the EU Enlargement Process The aim of the group is to gain a first class mark. We want this report to represent our ability to work efficiently together in a group. We endeavoured to produce an end product, which is concise and thorough, highlighting the enlargement aspects of the EU. Our objective is therefore to fully research all areas of the EU enlargement, as our question is Enlargement rationale; How much bigger should the EU expand and why? Upon completion of this report the goal is to have gained a broader knowledge on the European Union (EU) as a whole and have a good understanding of current major issues. Methodology The EU enlargement process is very rigorous. In the past the European Union has undergone many rounds of enlargement (see fig 1). But to what conditions and guidelines must candidate nations comply by? The main guideline is the Copenhagen Criteria which was signed on 21st/22nd June, 1993. This states that by the time candidates join, they must according to the Folketing EU Information centre: [Have] achieved stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities, the existence of a functioning market economy as well as the capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the union (Folketing, conclusions of the presidency). These criterion were laid down by the heads of state and government of the member states at the European council meeting in Copenhagen in 1993 (ibid). In outline the Copenhagen Criteria can be divided into three conditions, which form the minimum entry requirements, before a country is considered for EU membership. These are: The political criterion i.e. democracy, rule of law, human rights and respect and protection for minorities. The economic criterion i.e. a functioning market economy and must be capable of withstanding the pressure of competition and market forces in the European Union. The criterion presupposing the ability to incorporate one entire body of laws and regulations of the EU à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" the aquis communautairÃÆ' © (Source à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Folketing EU Information centre) The country must be able to assume all the obligations flowing from membership, including the aim of political, economic and monetary union (ibid). After all of these requirements, the country is screened and if approved, the Council of the European Union and its country draft a Treaty of Accession. This then goes to the European Commission and European Parliament ratifications and approval. If successful after this process, the nation is able to become a member of the EU ( Screening is the first step in the negotiations stage, when considering a country for membership (EU Commission). Its an in depth analysis of the EU laws with which the candidate country must abide by (known as the aquis). A screening report is then drawn up for each country (ibid). Negotiations take place at ministerial level between permanent representatives for EU countries, and ambassadors or chief negotiators for candidate countries. But why do countries want to join the EU in the first place? This question is asked by Clive Lindley of the Central Europe express (Charles Jenkins, 2000). This author quotes an American journalist as writing What does Europe want to be when it grows up? Julie Smith, Head of the European programme at the Royal institute for international affairs, also begins to explore the boundaries at which the expansion of the will be no longer feasible. She states that How [will] the EU be able to function with thirty or more member states (Charles Jenkins, 2000). According to her, it is a problem that clearly exercised many of Europes leading politicians in 2000. 3.0 When the European Coal and Steel Community was created in 1957 it was with an aspiration to form a trading block of peace and economic prosperity. For more than half a century, the current European Union has exerted its soft power, attracting almost every country in Europe and completed six successful enlargement rounds (fig 1). (fig 1 à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" source:à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦) After the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, Central Eastern European Countries (CEECs) started to show interest in applying for EU membership (EU27 on enlargement). As a result of this, the Copenhagen Criteria was set out in December 1993 declaring the requirements that any potential country wishing to join the EU, would need to meet. This was the first time the EU had made a clear commitment to enlargement, and provided Europe with evidence of their engagement in becoming a bigger and more influential trading block (Lippert et all 2001). Since then, as shown in the timeline, the EU has expanded substantially, and includes today a total of 27 member states. This leaves only 14 European countries (excluding Russia) as non members, four of which are candidate countries, five potential candidates, two who have been declined membership, two with an ENP Action Plan and one with not many EU relations. The size of any further EU enlargement is therefore confined by the borders of Europe and the enlargement rationale, is determined by the economic opportunities and the promotion of security in these 12 remaining countries (Nugent 2004). 4.0 In this part of the report we are going to discuss the economic side of the EU enlargement. Firstly we will be taking a more statistical approach in evaluating the economy. We will then take some candidate countries, and discuss what will happen if they join the EU. Since 1994, when the 10+2 candidate countries was selected they have had significant progress in their economy, they have gained an average growth of 1.3/2.1% GDP per year in between 1994-2004 (European Commission, 2001) but more importantly their GDP would have reduce by 0.1% if they was not chosen as candidate countries( Maliszewska 2003). This showed that the economy was developing quickly, many factors contributed to this including Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), imports and exports. Intra trading plays an important part in EU enlargement allowing companies to take advantage of comparative advantages in new Member States and candidate countries. Intra trading has increase from only accounting for a third of EUs trading in 1960, EU-6, to over 70% of EUs trade in 2007, EU-25. Intra trading encourages competition, and enhances productivity and efficiency within the EU. With additional new Member States the EU is now the largest trading bloc importing and exporting 16.7% and 18.8% respectively, where as the US is only exporting 11.1% and importing 17.4% (IMF, EUROSTAT 2009). This gives the EU more power when discussing trade policies at the WTO and more influence on the global economy. FDI plays an important part of EU enlargement and the new Member States GDP growth because an increase of FDI would increase the level of investment, employment and productivity. Breuss (2009) estimated that FDI inflows gave the new States and Member extra growth of 1.75 % GDP on average from period 2000-2008, moreover Bulgaria and Romania could gain an additional 0.5% GDP up to 2020. But other research has shown even though the candidate countries can attract high level of FDI they might not necessarily be able to maintain it, for example in years 2001 and 2002 Cypruss FDI inflow rate actually fell by over half and in Malta FDI was actually reversed. Using Bosnia and Herzegovina as an example if they were to become a member of the EU, the old Member States might have more confident to invest in them, thus rising their FDI rate and unemployment rate, which are the two main underlying issues relating to the economy factors although some issues has to be resolved first like distorted wages setting and low labour mobility which are both halting job creations and the labour market. Also in Albania unemployment rate is high due to the lack of health and safety regulations which could drive foreign investors away, even though they have currently approved for a strategy for health and safety it will be awhile before it will fully take effect. From these 2 examples it shows that even though candidate countries have the economy benefits of an EU member such as free trade, but with different underlying issues in each country preventing them from further economic growth it will be a long time before any candidate countries are near the level of expansion. Therefore in conclusion from the economic overview and evidence I think that it is too early for talks about enlarging the EU further and with the 2008 global recession still in effect I think that even if the EU was to expand it would not be in short future and they will have to be extremely careful with the next enlargement. 5.0 This part of the report is going to be discussing the possible benefits, conflicts and problems that enlargement may cause to the citizens of the EU, the existing member states of the EU and the EU at a global level. In the past, the citizens of the EU didnt have as much freedom or possibilities to travel freely as they do now. But since the events of the fall of the iron curtain or in any of the EU enlargement rounds, more citizens have agreed that the living standards in the Central and Eastern Europe has improved and that the changes from these events have brought more freedom to everybody within Europe (View on European Enlargement à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Analytical Report). However some citizens have voted that they feel more insecure after enlargement and believes that it has contributed to redundancies and job loss in their country (View on European Enlargement à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" Analytical Report). For instance, in Britain, over the past 2 years 139, 000 immigrants have found jobs where as the number of British workers have dropped by 654, 000 (The Daily Mail) also critics say that the pressure from high levels of immigration on housing, public transport, water and energy is highly damaging (T he Daily Mail). So it seems that enlarging would mainly benefit the citizens of the CEECs more than the original EU15s citizens as they are able to freely move within the EU and are able to find work elsewhere. Enlarging the EU may abolish arguments and disputes between conflicting countries, and could mean that they will have stronger relationships in the future i.e. Charles de Gaulle, who was French President at the time opposed the UKs application in both 1961 and 1967 because he believed that the UK was going to attempt to thwart his desire to place France at the centre of the European stage (European Union Enlargement). When France changed their President in 1969 to Georges Pompidou, the UK was finally accepted into the EU for full membership (BOOK). Now in 2010 with France electing a new President, he and the Prime Minister of the UK have joined forces and have both signed a Defence Co-Operation Treaty (MoD), this shows positive progress of enlargement and that it could build a stronger EU. At the core of the EU is the single market, the aim of it is to allow all member states to be able to trade fairly and communicate with each other with ease (Business Link), and if trades are successful it will build trust and reliability between countries à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" which would build stronger relationships within the EU. Enlarging would mean more members to trade with, more communication across the globe and in past events and has effectively shown an increase in the EUs weight in world politics à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å" also making it a stronger world power (PDF). Sometimes in the EU, there will be problems that cant be resolved, this may make some members want to leave the EU and propose a referendum. For example, each member state is allocated a certain number of seats within the European Parliament (EP), which effectively means how much influence they have within the EU. In 2004 Denmark had 16 seats before the EU became the EU25, after they enlarged Denmarks seat allocation had decreased to only 14 (book), enlarging again could mean that they would lose even more seats in the EP and more influence within the EU altogether, they may not be very happy about this and could propose a referendum as they may feel that they are being treated unfairly. In conclusion, even if one country decides to leave due to enlargement, the EU wouldnt suffer that much as they would have new members coming in and would still have the other existing member states to run the EU. So this report supports the act of enlargement as it will give the EU citizens more freedom and possibilities to travel, may produce stronger relationships between countries and would make the EU a stronger world power. 6.0 This section looks at the security of the EU by analysing the major security threat to the EU today, terrorism. It aggregates the findings of past reports to make sure the safety of the EU citizens is not over looked when deciding whether the EU should expand. It will look at the following in this order- European defence and security policy (EDSP),-Organised crime (OC) and its links to terrorism,-Candidate countries progress. Due to the nature of the topics the information used is mostly of official report base as independent reports have lacked technology and resources to reference and back up their findings especially within the rarely traceable OC and terrorism domains. European defence and security policy pushes for increases in EU military cooperation and joint missions. There have been joint missions to Afghanistan to the terrorism war zones and 3200 EU personnel are currently deployed on joint missions (C.Ashton EDA bulliten 2009). Increasing cooperation at external borders are also main policies, whilst increasing links with EU police forces is also part of policies to help combat terrorism. (EU presidency report 2009) (EDA head report to council 2010) OC and links to terrorism is a major issue. Organised crime is large inside the EU and also externally, trying to enter the EU. Drug trafficking, the exploitation of human beings and illegal migration, fraud, Euro counterfeiting, commodity counterfeiting and money laundering, are all the major OC areas. (Europol OCTA report 2009). A country which the EU allows in must be able to tackle these problems because undoubtedly the Schengen Area, the abolition of the filter border control to the movement of goods, services, capital and people, facilitates criminals, because once in the territory of one member state, they can move freely to the destination of the criminal markets. (A.SACCONE 2006). (Europol OCTA2009) points out the links between OC and Terrorism. It explains that terrorism uses it for funding. A recent (SkyNews) documentary shows Middle Eastern terrorist explaining that they create funds through OC. Any expansion of the EU to a country which cant handle a possible increase in organised crime could increase funding of terrorism, which at the moment the EU is part of fighting a war against. There needs to be emphasis on improving links between military and police forces to tackle this problem. (A.SACCONE 2006) (Europol OCTA2009) Candidate Countries progress reports analyse their current situation. In the following reports it is chapter 24 of the EU rationale which analyses Security. Croatia has set up very good training and systems to regulate borders and has started cooperating with Bosnia and Herzegovina. But Croatia lacks officer numbers to tackle OC. (Croatia progress report 2009-10). (The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonias progress report 2009-10) finds that, police and military officers skill and ability levels are high and they are capable to tackle organised crime and terrorism. They can also handle borders very well, although bad internal cooperation between institutions, decreases success dramatically. In Turkey there havent been improvements in border control, tackling organised crime or investigating and tackling terrorism. There are no steps expected in the future to change this at the moment. (Turkey progress report 2009-10) Croatia and The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, have good l inks with Europol and EU militaries whilst Turkey has failed to do this because of its lack of data protection laws. (Candidate progress reports 2009-10) In Conclusion of this section EDSP aims to increase EU military cooperation, and links between military and police. EDSP is trying to create a more secured coordinated EU and it is presenting very possible positive steps. With increased joint military missions there may be potential increases in terrorist threats to EU members and also future EU members. OC needs to be a number one target so we can fight terror at its root. Current candidates to join the EU must be prepared to tackle OC and an increase in OC before we accept them. An increase in depth to chapter 24 before we allow them to join is needed. Turkey poses major risk without data protection laws because of the demand on links between police and military. External borders need to be regulated more to stop threats getting i whilst internal borders need better regulation to stop facilitation of OC which links to terrorism. This highlights a need for a review of the Schengen area. From a security analyses I would not expand th e EU, because the major threats have new dimensions and candidates to join are not prepared for them. 7.0 Since the negations for Turkeys accession into the EU began in 2005, rather than seeing a speeding up of the process there has been a slowing down. To date only 13 of 33 chapters of negotiations for Turkeys accession have been opened, and only one, on science and research, completed. Nineteen have been frozen, over the issue of Cyprus, or due to other objections by EU members. (Head, 2010) Since Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan was elected in 2003, he identified Turkeys EU entry as a top priority, pledging reforms to make Turkey more democratic and pluralist and bring it in line with the Unions membership criteria ( However, the biggest challenge now; from those working on Turkeys EU bid is having no certainty of membership in the end. This has all but killed public enthusiasm for Turkey to join the EU. (Euro-Dialogue, 2009.) Figure . Turkish Prime minister: Recep Tayyip Erdogan Further supporting this statement was the response of Hulya Kars Lamb a 2nd year Criminology and Forensic Science student at Manchester Metropolitan University and native Turk. When asked how she felt about Turkey joining the EU, she commented; The public who are already poor will become poorer and the rich become richer. The public does not want to join the EU because everything will become more expensive, foreign people will come to Turkey, buy properties easily and this will increase house prices and lead to even more homeless people. Turkish people will move to different countries as they may feel, they will have a better life and security for themselves; this would be considered by poor and rich. Are EU members ready to open their doors for Turkish immigrants? So we can then ask will Turkey ever join the EU? 7.1 Turkey has many obstacles that they need to overcome before they can gain accession to the EU. The 2010/11 European Commission (EC) strategy report examines Turkeys application amongst other potential and candidate countries. Two of the main stumbling blocks it identifies are the unresolved issues between Turkey and Cyprus (Ugar, 1995) and secondly, the view of Member countries such as France and Germany towards Turkey joining the EU. Turkey still has not complied with its obligations as outlined in the declaration of the European Community and its member states of 21 states of 21 September 2005 and the December 2009 conclusions it does not meet the obligation of full non-discriminatory implementation of the Additional Protocol to the Association Agreement and has not removed all obstacles to the free movement of goods, including restrictions on direct transport links with Cyprus (EC, 2010) France and Germany are somewhat opposed to Turkeys application. With Turkey being a secular Islamic state (Arikan, 2006) it raises concerns for two of the major powers in the EU. Turkey would become the first Muslim country in the EU and in their minds conflicts with the rationale highlighted in Section 3.0 in that it doesnt promote security within the EU. (Nugent, 2004). In conclusion, Turkey has a long way to go before they are accepted into the EU. They need to make drastic changes in areas such as Human Rights for example. Even if they do make the major changes and meet the criteria to join the EU. Opposition may still come from the current member states and prevent them gaining full membership to the Union. We can probably conclude that Turkeys application will not be concluded in the near future. So who will be the one to bend first, Turkey or the EU? Appendices
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Northern Lights and Swallows and Amazons Essay -- Literary Analysis, B
Rudd’s (2009) essay evaluates Enid Blyton’s work offering a different perspective to account for the appeal and popularity of the author. This essay looks at the aspects raised by Rudd. How Blyton, Pullman and Ransom illustrate the different aspects of a good or a bad book. The way critics confer prestige on a book or author and the arising criticism. How the agenda of the committees affects the selection of prize-winners. Finally, looking at the factors involved in success. The set books used in his essay are Pullman (1995) Northern Lights and Ransom (2001) Swallows and Amazons. Critics view the books by Pullman and Ransom as examples of literary excellence. In order to evaluate this opinion it is necessary to discuss what aspects critics consider contribute to a good book and how these books illustrate them. The American Library Associate (ALA) uses the term ‘edubrow’ (Kidd, (2009) p158) to mean the middle ground of literature with an educational emphasis. This emphasis is at the centre of the criteria for a good book by increasing the experiences of the reader through varied language, dynamic themes, rounded characterisation with comprehensive plots. The critics favour works that involve the reader in a non-passive manner to gain insights into universal aspects of human existence like love, identity, revenge, sexuality and betrayal. Pullman has written a basic adventure story laced with multiple themes, metaphors and ideas. He uses intertextuality to enrich his text and enhance his ideas and arguments (Squires, 2009). His novel is mainly a critique of the theology surrounding the Judaeo-Christian myth of the Fall where the gaining of experience replaces the loss of innocence. He compares this idea with the journey of his m... created controversy where his books are studied and dissected by academics. He is outspoken and interacts with critics about the themes in his book, which are the antithesis of C.S Lewis Narnia series. Controversy and debate are forms of creating interest in a book that send sales soaring. Everyone wants to read the book that is creating such a furore. In conclusion, critical evaluation of what makes a book good or bad depends on the selection criteria and agenda of those making the evaluation. The prizes have been criticised through the years and the selection committees have risen to this by changing the selection process, even if this change has been slow. Children’s Literature is in flux due to the ever-changing ideas and perceptions of childhood. Children’s books seen as prestigious today may become, like Blyton, unpalatable to the critics of tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Youth Sports - Little Girls Need Sports! Essay example -- Argumentativ
Little Girls Need Sports! You may have seen the ad on television. It is one of the few advertisements using the voices of little girls that isn't promoting unrealistically figured Barbie dolls or the likes. The ad starts with a 10-year-old girl in a swing set and presents a series of images of different young girls saying: If you let me play sports I will like myself more; I will have more self-confidence, If you let me play sports. If you let me play, I will be 60 percent less likely to get breast cancer; I will suffer less depression. If you let me play sports, I will be more likely to leave a man who beats me. If you let me play, I will be less likely to get pregnant before I want to. I will learn what it means to be strong. If you let me play sports. If you let me play sports. Although the product being sold is never mentioned, the ad, which was produced by Nike, in just 45 seconds delivers one of the most powerful and thought-provoking messages on T.V. about the benefits gained by girls who play sports. Women in sports is an issue that has dated back for many years. The breakthrough for women was in 1972 when Title IX, an amendment to the 1965 Civil Rights Act, was passed. It was designed to address sex discrimination in all areas of education, including athletics. Although Title IX was implemented many years ago, women and girls are still fighting for the right to play despite much evidence that sports make our girls stronger women and teach them to avoid a whole host of risk-taking and self-destructive behaviors. Research from the Women's Sports Foundation show female athletes have lower rates of teenage pregnancy, are more likely to delay their first sexual experience, and have, on ave... ...tiveness, and teamwork, skills that everyone will need in life. Girls learn that you're going to fail sometimes, but they also learn perseverance and that failure is not permanent. The Nike ad drew much attention to the female need. It helps to draw a picture in the minds of educators and parents that preventing girls from participating in sports hinders their emotional and physical growth. Sports can make girls strong and not afraid to be vocal; they can teach girls how to succeed and how to cope with failure. They can help girls to know their own physical and mental strength and build confidence and self esteem. So when a girl asks if she can play, instead of telling her no, let her play. Work Cited Goff, Karen Goldberg. "Playing For Keeps; Youth sports credited with imparting lifelong benefits." The Washington Times. 10 November 2002. 19 April 2003.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Jewish Art :: essays research papers
Jewish Art On many occasions art has the power to tell a story or even express how someone feels. The speaker on Jewish art was very interesting. She translates many Jewish stories and commandments while portraying it through art. Very few people can accomplish this but I thought she did a pretty good job of it. Her pieces once explained told great stories of Jewish history. One thing that I found very iteresting was her idea of adding new riuals to the jewish religion through her art. I'm glad that I have always liked art because it helped me to understand her feelings towards it. The speaker showed a lot of enthusiasm and love for her art. She seemed to be very care-free and almost worry free. I though she was very cool and really did a good job of expressing her feelings toward her art. One important aspect of her art was that for her seeing her pieces come out of a fire was a reward in itself. She was not in it for the mmoney or material rewards. I think a lot of times people are only in it for material reward and it gets in the way of great art. It seems to me that this helped her to become such a good artist      Her focus was mainly on very well known Jewish objects. Some of these include Menorahs, Sadaka boxes, and Mezuzahs. These where very evident part of her slide show. All of them were very obscure and odd looking but each told a storyf which only she knew. At first glance they were not so great but after her explanation they became beautiful.      Her idea of creating new rituals for our religion through art really striked me. I found her ideas to be very interesting because it was som      I think that many times Judaism is expressed through art because there are so many beliefs on what it means to be a Jew. Many people cant explain how they fell in words so , in this case, a more fun and interesting way was used. Even though many religious people don't agree with this way of expression I feel that it is obviously better than nothing.      It was evident that the Holocaust Had a major influence on her works. She said that she liked the fact that even after her pieces were burned they
Earthquakes And The Subtle Power Within Essay
Outer Banks is located in North Carolina. It is a narrow chain of barrier stretching 175 miles long. The area is frequented by high winds and storms. It is basically made up of sand dunes. Sand dunes are formed due to the prevailing winds. The winds come from opposite direction, northeast and southwest. Because of the natural occurrence, sand dunes were formed. The tallest active sand dune in Outer Banks is Jockey’s Ridge. Some interesting features about the Outer Banks is that it housed the talled lighthouse. It also has the tallest san dune, Jockey’s Ridge. Duck Beach is named one of the top beaches in America. Animals especially birds and horses are actively seen the area. Outer Banks 3 Outer Banks, North Carolina Outer Banks in North Carolina is a narrow chain of barrier islands. It is one mile wide or 1. 6 km. It stretches more than 175 miles along the coast. Main islands are Bodie, Roanoke, Hatteras, Ocracoke, Portsmounth and Core Banks. The area is prone to severe storms and high winds (Outer Banks, 2007). Outer Banks’ natural processes evolved from a predetermined conditions. Outer Banks can be well describe by its sand dunes. Migration of sand dunes is an important process on the Outer Banks. It is basically formed by two prevailing winds, northeast and southwest. Due to the different directions of the wind, volume of sand build up. With its sand dunes, Nags Head Woods were developed. It was inherited from what used to be sand dune and swale or a depression found between dunes and beach ridges more than 100,000 years ago. In some areas, the swales were internally drained and now contain freshwater ponds (Frankenberg & Tormey, 2000). The Jockey Ridge is the most tallest active sand dune in Outer Banks. The sand is mostly quartz rock which comes from the mountains million of years ago (Ecology, 2006). Some very interesting features can be provided by the Outer Banks (Interesting Facts about the Outer Banks, 2006) ? Wild Ponies, descendants of Spanish Mustangs, still travel the coast. As per record, they run wild North Carolina since 1523 until present time. ? Tallest lighthouse in America, Cape Hatteras Lighthouse is located in Outer Banks. It Outer Banks 4 is 198 feet tall. It has 257 steps. Beacon light can be seen as far as 20 miles out the to sea. ? Duck Beach is one of the ‘Top Beaches’ in America. This was named because of the number of waterfowls that flocked during migration. ? Jockey’s Ridge is the largest active sand dune in East Coast. Outer Banks 4 References Frankenberg, Dirk & Tormey, Blair. (2000). The Northern Outer Banks. Carolina Environmental Diversity Explorations pp. 3. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from http://www. learnnc. org/lp/editions/cede_nobx/3 Infoplease. (2005). Outer Banks. Retrieved January 22, 2008, from http://www. infoplease. com/ce6/us/A0921656. html Jockey’s Ridge Sate Park. (2006). Ecology. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from http://www. jockeysridgestatepark. com/ecology. html Outer Banks Vacation Guide. (2006). Interesting Facts About the Outer Banks. Retrieved January 22, 2008 from http://www. visitob. com/outer_banks/trip/facts. htm
Monday, September 16, 2019
A Book Critique of The Advancement: Keeping the Faith in an Evolutionary Age Essay
Introduction In L. Russ Bush’s Christian apologetic work, The Advancement: Keeping the Faith in an Evolutionary Age, he details the development and apparent fallacy associated with the modern naturalist worldview. Bush, a professor at Southeast Baptist Theological Seminary, focuses on the idea of inevitable progression within the modern worldview and provides an overview of this view’s promulgation within epistemology. Bush asserts Christians are no longer socially the majority in their beliefs regarding a world created by God and thus the civil authorities are no longer there to protect their beliefs, as in centuries past. Therefore, it is critical to have a Christian response to modern naturalism. Bush approaches this evolutionary worldview from a philosophical perspective and not as a scientist. The goal of his thesis is not to convince the reader of the scientific merits of Christianity, but to expose the erroneous beliefs found in the modern naturalistic worldview when compared to Christianity. Summary Bush’s overall purpose in this book is to show the failings of the modern naturalist philosophy, especially when compared to the truths found in biblical Christianity. Bush organizes his exposition into eight chapters, which sets out to dismantle the modern naturalistic worldview. Early on within the book, Bush adopts the phrase â€Å"Advancement†which he uses to describe the naturalistic philosophy for inevitable progress within the modernist worldview. Advancement, as Bush explains, is an applicable term for both modernist and post-modernist philosophies. The modernist worldview blends natural historic development with inevitable progress and Bush describes this view is moving into uncertainty, because of its relativistic nature that only lead to chaos. Bush traces these worldviews throughout human history and details the development of modern naturalistic thought. The book reveals humanity’s view of epistemology has changed from the view of a world created by an all-powerful creator God to a random creation brought on by a series of happenstances, which lead to the creation of all life that inhabits the world. The author defines the modernist worldview through the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle, and up through the enlightenment philosophers of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Furthermore, Bush compares the significant differences between the Christian and modernist worldview. This comparison reveals instability is found in the relative naturalistic worldview, and stability is present in Christianity. The Advancement focuses on the unchanging God of the Bible who offers stability unlike naturalism, which only offers inevitable chaos. Bush details the rise of the scientific method and Darwinian evolution within progressive society, which inaugurates the decline of the Christian majority in modern society. The result of the advancement thought process created a theme within society that God was no longer in existence or that God had died. The process of events within the history of the world began to be viewed as the results of accidents within a complicated process. Bush details un der the modernist worldview there is no objectivity because the mind is merely a result of random processes. Moreover, Bush notes the turning point from a dominion Christian worldview to the naturalistic worldview began with the introduction of Deism within the church. The author presents the theological ramifications of blending the Christian faith with naturalism in an attempt to reconcile the two worldviews. According to Bush, the fallacy in the modern worldview is exposed through his presentation of the â€Å"Ten Axioms of Modern Scientific Thought.†These axioms define how modern naturalism understands reality and how other sciences build their assumptions on its data. Bush concludes his book by detailing the reason why the advancement worldview must be rejected in light of the biblical worldview. Bush writes the antidote for the effects of the advancement worldview is authentic Christianity. The stability of Christianity is the only answer to the relative and erratic naturalist view. Book Critique Bush’s thesis within his book was the view that stability is found in the biblical view of the created world, which presents itself in rational order. Bush argues the naturalistic view relies on changing and erratic scientific reason, which creates an environment of instability. The Advancement disassembles the philosophy of naturalism in a matter that can be easily understood by those outside of academia. The Advancement presents several strong arguments regarding Bush’s claims on modern naturalism. Bush’s strongest argument lies within his view that the modern naturist worldview as relative and deceitful. The presentation of the logical conclusion of the evolutionary worldview, which led to the Nazi movement in Germany, was an extremely powerful way to expose the logical trappings of this advancement mindset. The gauge in which humanity views its progress and achievement through naturalistic thought is subjective and skewed to this atheistic philosophy. Bush unveils advancement thinking as false by revealing the lack of inevitable progress within human history. The continued advancement of science and technology does not create the utopian world envisioned by those who proclaim the modern naturalist worldview. Bush smartly presents the problem with medicine that despite the great achievement perceived by humanity there is still the presence of disease equal to the levels in times past. Bush’s use of the â€Å"Ten Axioms of Modern Scientific Thought†defines the science of naturalistic thinking and demonstrates how other scientific disciplines build their assumptions regarding evolutionary theory, which is based on this data. Another strength Bush presents can be found in his final chapter when he presents Jesus Christ as Lord. Bush finalizes his apologetic in a matter that every Christian should end with when engaging in apologetics, which is a focus on Christ. Bush presents Christ as the focus of truth regarding God and the world. This presentation of Christ gives those engaged in the apologetic argument a chance to hear the gospel and understand the absolute truth found in Christ. However, The Advancement presents several weaknesses, which may be difficult for a reader to understand regarding the themes within Bush’s book. Bush uses multiple terms, often interchangeability, for his invented term â€Å"Advancement.†â€Å"Advancement†defined by Bush describes a hybrid of naturalistic modern thinking, but Bush does not utilize this term throughout the book. Moreover, the term used in the subtitle of this book the â€Å"evolutionary age†is not clearly defined or used, which may provide a level of confusion for those unfamiliar with the term. Bush alludes to a post-Christian age in which the creationist view held by many within the western world has fallen to the wayside for the modern view of naturalistic evolution, but he does not expressly use the term evolutionary age. Although, this is not a scientific book Bush does not define the advancement sciences that have led modern society away from God. A Christian should be able to use this book to engage in an apologetic debate on the philosophical grounds of modern naturalism with an evolutionist and be able to expose the fallacies and ramifications encapsulated within that worldview. However, Bush’s work would not be applicable for a scientific debate on the merits of creationism verse evolutionary theory. Conclusion The Advancement: Keeping the Faith in an Evolutionary Age presents a valuable and sound argument for the Christian worldview when compared to the worldview of modern naturalism. This book answers questions for those interested in the failings of modern naturalism when compared to Christianity and defeats the idea of man’s inevitable advancement within this worldview. The naturalistic worldview incorrectly measures scientific and technological advancements and claims these advancements are progressing for the betterment of humanity. Bush assaults the ideas of natural theology by revealing the lack of inevitable progress. Furthermore, he reveals the tradition Christian view of God and the world can be compatible with science. This book would be a value for any student of apologetics, who is interested in an introduction into the deception of a modern naturalistic worldview. However, this book does not provide the detail needed to argue from a scientific position on the merits of the Christian understanding of nature and the created world. Bibliography Bush, L. Russ. The Advancement: Keeping the Faith in an Evolutionary Age. Nashville, TN: B&H Publishing Group. 2003.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
A University Education Is Not Essential for Success’ Essay
In a general point of view, university education is necessary for success and that is why parents nowadays would ask their children to finish their Bachelor degree as a minimum request. They think that university education is an essential element for success. However, I do not think that that is true at all. University education is only one of the keys for success but not the only key to achieve success. Some people may think that what success is being a millionaire or even a billionaire. Nevertheless, in the reality, being that kind of capitalists does not require any degree of education. It is a truth that having a higher degree of education can let us apply a higher salary job but it is not essential for being the tycoons. There are some real life examples to prove my argument is truth. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Richard Li choose to give up their opportunity to finish the university education and start their businesses. Although they do not have any diploma of graduation in the university, they can still run their business very well and earn a huge sum of money. University education is not an essential element for being a millionaire. Earning enormous figure of income does not request any degree. Moreover, what success is not only making a huge sum of money but also making our own dreams come true. Not everyone is giving weight money to a high position and what he or she wants is to accomplish his or her dreams. Different people have different dreams and some of the dreams may require a high level of education such as being a doctor or a lawyer in Hong Kong. It is necessary for the one who has these dreams to have a good academic result in A-Level exam and finish the university study to get the certification. However, some dreams do not claim any degree such as travelling around the world and having a perfectly satisfactory family. Therefore, we can grasp that how essential a university education is according to the one’s dreams but university education is not essential for every dream. In addition, there are many other keys for success, such as the talents, intelligence, communication skills, social skills etc. To be successful in a career, we need those elements I mentioned above and cannot ignore their importance for success. The diploma is only just an admission ticket in our career. What the boss paying attention is not our level of education but our working ability. That’s mean the ability to get the project done in order to help the boss earning profit. Although one has a high education level, the boss would still fire him or her if he or she makes troublesome to the company. Therefore, the university education is not that essential as people think. In conclusion, the university education is only one of the key for success.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Resource Management Act Essay
Relevant books and articles discussing tyre performance, tyre maintenance, social responsibility, marketing and the environment were analyzed. Different opinions of writers have also been examined to fully understand the subject of the study. Sources from the Internet have also been visited in order to take a look at forums and online databases that may include materials relevant to the topic at hand. These web pages would include official web pages of concerned agencies and offices in New Zealand. The relevant statutes and laws in New Zealand were also looked upon in determining the legal issues that may be touched by the implementation of the proposed subject. These laws would include the Treaty of Waitangi, Resource Management Act of 1991, the Bill of Rights 1993 and the Employment Relations Act 2000 as such. A survey was also conducted in order to appraise the possible reaction of consumers and to further evaluate the feasibility of the proposed project. The survey was also deemed necessary in order to discover how much the public knows about tyre maintenance and what additional information should be included and highlighted by the tyre shop in the program. Survey questionnaires were randomly distributed to a number of participants in the furtherance of the study. The participants were selected among friends, lectures, staffs and general publics. Fifty-three responds were received out of sixty-five distribution. Two versions of the survey were distributed; the paper and the electronic version. The electronic version was distributed via emails, and the paper version was handed out. Charts 1 and 2 illustrate the number and percentages of respondents and versions distributed, respectively. The questionnaires and the overall results are attached in Appendix D and the result will be further elaborated in the Findings in the next section. Questionnaires were selected as the data collection method for this study because it is convenient to disseminate, time-effective for respondents to fill out and provided anonymity. Questions could be answered in less than ten minutes and respondents could be honest and open with the tyre maintenance questions. Chart 1 Illustrate the Percentages of Distribution and Responds of the Questionnaire Most questions were geared toward measuring how a tyre awareness program must be designed to effectively meet the car owner’s requirements. This provides the best possible information for program design based on the descriptive data. Questionnaires involve individual questions such as identification and background characteristics (Morris, 2004). The questionnaire was created as a short form of information gathering about the awareness of vehicle owners regarding tyre maintenance and their frequency of tyre maintenance. The Participants Information Sheet informed the respondents of a brief background of the research and assurance of their confidentiality. It presented to the respondents the importance of providing a balance between business and social responsibility through the facilitation, education and information given for the customers and the general public. It also presented the objective of implementing a tyre maintenance awareness program. Respondents were chosen according to the important qualification of being vehicle owners. The respondents needed to own a vehicle because they were the ones who were targeted to benefit from the tyre maintenance awareness program. However, since the survey was randomly distributed therefore there were no way of knowing in the first place whether they are car owners, thus the result includes the responds from non-car owners. Out of 53 respondents three were non-car owner but does frequently drive a car. Respondents were also asked basic nominal information such as their age and gender. The questionnaire for this study focused on the respondents’ awareness of tyre maintenance and their potential acceptance of a tyre maintenance awareness program. The purpose of the questions revolved around planning to introduce this program under the impetus of social responsibility. The data collection method deliberately asked whether respondents were car owners to selectively target those who held the responsibility of maintaining their vehicles. The questions involved the frequency of tyre maintenance practiced by the respondents. Car owner manual use distance traveled rather than periods of time to calculate the frequency. However, the questionnaire uses period of time which better reflects real world car owner experience. This was attributed to the convenience this type of monitoring would bring for the public, as it is assumed easier to remember dates than distance traveled. Investigating the awareness of tyre maintenance included whether the respondents had looked into the owner’s manual of their vehicle. Important information about tyre maintenance is located in the manual and it is important to check if the respondents’ awareness was related to their familiarity with the owner’s manual. Also, asking this question reveals if manuals, if in fact read, provide sufficient information for proper tyre maintenance. The questionnaire also considered the practical question of the convenience of maintenance awareness programs. It considers whether customers would prefer such a program while they were waiting for their tyre service to be done. However, this approach tends to only target people who regularly had their tyres maintained. This question gauges how much time car owners were willing to spend in attending tyre awareness programs. The questionnaire also explores the awareness of car owners regarding their tyres’ life expectancy and measures owner awareness of their tyres. Such questions prompt owners to consider the necessity for a tyre maintenance program. Visits to tyre shops and garages were also conducted (how chosen and how many? ) in order to know if the proposed program can ac in order to know if the proposed program can actually be implemented. The current status of tyre shops were also observed and where appropriate and ethical questions were also asked, in order to determine if currently, these shops are actually imparting information to their customers as regards to tyre maintenance and the important advantages of regularly maintaining their tyres. The shops or garages visited were also randomly chosen, specifically those around the Auckland Central due their locations as the centre of the research, hence to the convenient and due to the availability of variety of sizes, that is this area have small garages and larger garages. A total of 13 tyre shops and garages were visited. Also during oversea visit due to available opportunity visits were also conducted to some garages to observe the set up and available services. The Industry visits (Observation) and the overall findings are attached in Appendix E and the result will be further elaborated in the Findings in the next section. Lastly, visits were also made as regards enterprises engaged in the sale of goods of services that will be needed by the tyre shop in the marketing and implementation of the program in order to take note of prevailing market rates, and ultimately, in computing the estimated cost that would have to be shouldered by the tyre shop in the course of the marketing and implementation of the program.
Friday, September 13, 2019
International Financial Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1
International Financial Management - Assignment Example Fluctuation of the exchange rates between the different currencies the firm transacts through has the potential of exposing the firm to financial losses. The major exposure risk the firm is likely to experience is the transaction risk that distorts the cash flows realized. This is due to the recent behavior of the US dollar against major international currencies. The US dollar has of recent been depreciating against Euro and pound currency. Thus, the cost of the purchases the firm makes using dollar has the potential of increasing when it is converted to Euros or pounds in determining the profit earned. Consequently, it is critical for the firm to undertake measures to manage the exchange rate risks to mitigate probable financial losses in future. Managing the exchange risk facing a firm engaged in cross-border trade requires the management to determine the exposure risks been faced, hedging strategies capable of mitigating the risk and the existing instruments that can be used to cushion the exchange risks. This is done by adopting hedging strategies that help in reducing or eliminating currency risks. A number of hedging options are available in managing the exposure risks the firm faces under it cross-border trade. One of the hedging methods that can be used in managing the exchange risk facing the firm is forward contract. Forward contract allows a firm to exchange foreign currencies at an agreed exchange rate in future (Levi, 2009). Consequently, SN can undertake a forward contract that will guarantee the exchange rate that will be used in exchanging the foreign currencies in future date. The pre-fixed exchange rate that will be used in converting the foreign or domestic currency will counter the exchange rate fluctuation since the firm will be shielded by the agreement from such exposure. This arrangement will allow the firm to convert the Euros or Pounds it is possessing to dollar
Thursday, September 12, 2019
An analysis of CSR in UK Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 15000 words
An analysis of CSR in UK - Dissertation Example ata 38 3.5.1Data Collection Methods and Instruments 38 3.5.2Data Analysis Aspects 39 3.5.3Data Presentation 39 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND FINDINGS 41 4.0Introduction 41 4.1Answers to the Research Questions 41 4.1.1Research Question One 42 4.1.2Research Question Two 44 4.1.3Research Question Three 45 4.2Results from the Firms under study 45 4.3CSR, Competitive Advantage, and Economic Value 48 4.3.1Results and Findings from Interviews 48 4.3.2Hypothesis Testing 49 4.4Conclusion 51 CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS 52 5.0Introduction 52 5.1Discussions and Analysing the Organization 52 5.2Discussions and Analysis from the Interviews/Questionnaires 54 5.3Overall Discussions 55 5.4Conclusion 60 CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS 61 6.0Conclusion 61 6.1Practical Recommendations 62 6.2Limitations 63 6.3Reflections and Areas of Further Research 64 REFERENCES 65 APPENDICES 69 Appendix 1: Questionnaire for the Interview 69 Appendix 2: Timeline for the Study 72 Appendix 3: GRI Guidel ines 73 GRI Performance Indicators 73 Appendix 4: ASDA 5-Yr Financial Summary 74 Appendix 5: Centrica 5-Yr Financial Summary 76 Appendix 6: Barclays Bank 5-Yr Financial Summary 78 Appendix 7: Sainsbury 5-Yr Financial Summary 80 Appendix 8: Tesco 5-Yr Financial Summary 82 Appendix 9: Vodafone 5-Yr Financial Summary 84 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1: Stakeholder Theory of CSR (Polonsky, 1995) 24 Figure 2: Social Contract Theory (Bamberg and Moser, 2007) 27 Figure 3: Aspects of CSR Policy in an Organization (The Economist, 2008) 32 Figure 4: Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow & Herzberg, 1954) 43 Figure 5: CSR policies as per the GRI Guidelines 47 Figure 6: Comparing EPS and CSR 48 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Summary of the Sample UK Firms under study 17 Table 2: Summary of the Factors Identified for CSR Success 44 Table 3: CSR Policies under the GRI Guidelines 46 Table 4: Comparing Financial Information and CSR, EPS and CSR 47 Table 5: Comparing Financial Information and CSR, Profitability and CSR 48 Table 6: Descriptive Statistics of the Responses 49 ABSTRACT Contemporary businesses continue to suffer from the dynamisms and turbulences within the environment as a result of increased competition. Consequently, several strategic options have been identified to assist in achieving competitive advantage, which assists in increasing the profitability and sustainable business success. One such strategic option has been the use of corporate social responsibility. The majority of contemporary corporations believes in the economic value of CSR unlike their classical counterparts that perceive CSR as an economic burden. In a bid to judge whether CSR is an economic
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Importance of Following Rules and Regulations Essay
Importance of Following Rules and Regulations - Essay Example The rules are appointed for the benefit of all by a higher command. This allows the experience of experts to be brought into the lives of inexperienced people. Each person can position himself or herself more easily within a clear and consistent framework. This requirement to take up a position and follow rules and regulations is most obvious in the military. The Navy, for example, as part of the United States government, establishes its own requirements for all its staff to follow. It has a high level of responsibility, and the only way to guarantee that this responsibility is carried out, is to ensure that the command chain is observed. The rules allow the senior officers to steer all members in the required direction. The importance of command is that it guides and helps the members to uphold the rules. It must ensure that this happens, and that any errors or omissions are followed up and corrected. At times the rules may seem to make little sense to junior members of the Navy, but the main point of the command system is to train everyone in following the rules with professionalism and discipline. This is what marks out the military from civilian life and it can mean the difference between life and death in some situations. The service operates as a tightly controlled unit, and this is why it is important to follow its rules and
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Description of Investment Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Description of Investment Banking - Essay Example In addition, investment banks can also assist the mergers and acquisitions of companies and provide services such as trading of derivatives and securities. It trades and promotes securities for assets or other securities (i.e. derivatives) on its selling side. On the other hand, it also advises individuals and companies on how to invest their monies as its buying function. Advise typically dispensed by investment banking usually involves equity, insurance companies, mutual funds and hedge funds. An investment banker or the person who provides investment banking services to his or her clients are licensed and subject to the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Financial Regulatory Authority (SEC). a. Front office – is the most common function of investment banking where it helps its client to raise capital for their business or give advise during acquisitions and mergers. Raising funds for its clients could take in the form of issuing marketable securities (such as stocks), coordinate and negotiate with the company to be acquired or merged with and coordinate with bidders. Investment banks do not take in deposits from the general public and instead, it involves itself in the buying and selling of investment securities and other tradable securities. The investment banker assumes the role of a trader as he or she buys and then sell securities with a spread or margin on every trade completed. This function of investment banking, however, was blamed as the culprit of the recent financial crisis because the â€Å"financial bubble†that burst and precipitated the crisis came from reselling of complex derivates and debts that cannot collect until ultimately, it took its toll on the US financial system. b. Middle office – the middle office involves the research function of investment banking.
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