Thursday, December 26, 2019
Symbolism Of Shakespeare s The Eyes Of Doctor
The first device you notice Fitzgerald uses is symbolism. The two most important symbols the author uses is the image of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg s eyes and the green light. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg’s represent the eyes of God. The people believed that this billboard over the valley of ashes were the eyes of God watching over them, seeing everything. In this quote â€Å"But above the grey land and the spasms of bleak dust, which drift endlessly over it, you perceive, after a moment, the eyes of Doctor T.J. Eckleburg. The eyes of Doctor T. J. Eckleburg are blue and gigantic- their retinas are one yard high. They look out of no face, but instead, from a pair of enormous yellow spectacles which pass over a nonexistent nose†¦But his eyes, dimmed a little by many paintless days under sun and rain, brood on over the solemn dumping ground.†, proves itself in the book with two characters, Myrtle and George, after discovering her affair with Tom Buchanan said, †Å"God knows what you’ve been doing, everything you’ve been doing. You may fool me, but you can’t fool God!†proving that the eyes represent God. Next, the Green Light. â€Å"He stretched out his arms toward the dark water in a curious way, and, far as I was from him, I could have sworn he was trembling. Involuntarily I glanced seaward – and distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far away†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This is talking about and representing Gatsby s relationship with Daisy, at the simplest level. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Importance of Books in Life - 756 Words
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Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Grapes Of Wrath Essay Prompts Example For Students
Grapes Of Wrath Essay Prompts The Grapes of Wrath The Grapes of Wrath is a novel by John Steinbeck that exposes the desperate conditions under which the migratory farm families of America during the 1930s live under. The novel tells of one families migration west to California through the great economic depression of the 1930s. The Joad family had to abandon their home and their livelihoods. They had to uproot and set adrift because tractors were rapidly industrializing their farms. The bank took possession of their land because the owners could not pay off their loan. The novel shows how the Joad family deals with moving to California. How they survive the cruelty of the land owners that take advantage of them, their poverty and willingness to work. The Grapes of Wrath combines Steinbeck adoration of the land, his simple hatred of corruption resulting from materialism (money) and his abiding faith in the common people to overcome the hostile environment. The novel opens with a retaining picture of nature on rampage. The novel shows the men and women that are unbroken by nature. The theme is one of man verses a hostile environment. His body destroyed but his spirit is not broken. The method used to develop the theme of the novel is through the use of symbolism. There are several uses of symbols in the novel from the turtle at the beginning to the rain at the end. As each symbol is presented through the novel they show examples of the good and the bad things that exist within the novel. The opening chapter paints a vivid picture of the situation facing the drought-stricken farmers of Oklahoma. Dust is described a covering everything, smothering the life out of anything that wants to grow. The dust is symbolic of the erosion of the lives of the people. The dust is synonymous with deadness. The land is ruined ^way of life (farming) gone, people ^uprooted and forced to leave. Secondly, the dust stands for ^profiteering banks in the background that squeeze the life out the land by forcing the people off the land. The soil, the people (farmers) have been drained of life and are exploited: The last rain fell on the red and gray country of Oklahoma in early May. The weeds became a dark green to protect themselves from the suns unyielding rays. The wind grew stronger, uprooting the weakened corn, and the air became so filled with dust that the stars were not visible at night. (Chp 1) As the chapter continues a turtle, which appears and reappears several times early in the novel, can be seen to stand for survival, a driving life force in all of mankind that cannot be beaten by nature or man. The turtle represents a hope that the trip to the west is survivable by the farmer migrants (Joad family). The turtle further represents the migrants struggles against nature/man by overcoming every obstacle he encounters: the red ant in his path, the truck driver who tries to run over him, being captured in Tom Joads jacket: And now a light truck approached, and as it came near, the driver saw the turtle and swerved to hit it. The driver of the truck works for a large company, who try to stop the migrants from going west, when the driver attempts to hit the turtle it is another example of the big powerful guy trying to flatten or kill the little guy. Everything the turtle encounters trys its best to stop the turtle from making its westerly journey. Steadily the turtle advances on, ironically to the southwest, the direction of the mirgration of people. The turtle is described as being lasting, ancient, old and wise: horny head, yellowed toenails, indestructible high dome of a shell, humorous old eyes. (Chp 1) The driver of the truck, red ant and Tom Joads jacket are all symbolic of nature and man the try to stop the turtle from continuing his journey westward to the promise land. .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 , .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .postImageUrl , .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 , .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584:hover , .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584:visited , .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584:active { border:0!important; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584:active , .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584 .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u0d8862d275f4e1f3c49f8ade0863e584:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: More sinned against than sinning Essay The turtle helps to develop the theme by showing its struggle against life/ comparing it with the Joad struggle against man. The grapes seem to symbolize both bitterness and copiousness. Grandpa the oldest member of the Joad family talks of the grapes as symbols of plenty; all his descriptions of what he is going to do with the grapes in California suggest contentment, freedom, the goal for which the Joad family strive for: Im gonna let the juice run down ma face, bath in the dammed grapes (Chp 4) The grapes that are talked about by Grandpa help to elaborate the theme by showing that no matter how nice everything seems in California t he truth is that their beauty is only skin deep, in their souls they are rotten. The rotten core verses the beautiful appearance. The willow tree that is located on the Joads farm represents the Joad family. The willow is described as being unmovable and never bending to the wind or dust. The Joad family does not want to move, they prefer to stay on the land they grew up on, much the same as the willow does. The willow contributes to the theme by showing the unwillingness of the people to be removed from their land by the banks. The latter represents the force making them leave their homes. Both of these symbols help contribute to the theme by showing a struggle between each other. The tree struggles against nature in much the same way that the Joad family struggles against the Bank and large companies. The rains that comes at the end of the novel symbolize several things. Rain in which is excessive, in a certain way fulfills a cycle of the dust which is also excessive. In a way nature has restored a balance and has initiated a new growth cycle. This ties in with other examples of the rebirth idea in the ending, much in the way the Joad family will grow again. The rain contributes to the theme by showing the cycle of nature that give a conclusion to the novel by showing that life is a pattern of birth and death. The rain is another example of nature against man, the rain comes and floods the living quarters of the Joads. The Joads try to stop the flood of their home by yet again are forced back when nature drops a tree causing a flood of water to ruin their home forcing them to move. In opposite way rain can helpful to give life to plants that need it to live. Depending on which extreme the rain is in, it can be harmful or helpful. This is true for man, man can become both extremes bad or good depending on his choosing. Throughout the novel there are several symbols used to develop the theme man verses a hostile environment. Each symbol used in the novel show examples of both extremes. Some represent man, that struggles against the environment, others paint a clear picture of the feelings of the migrants. As each symbol is presented chronologically through the novel, they come together at the end to paint a clear picture of the conditions, treatment and feelings the people (migrants) as they make there journey through the novel to the West. Bibliography The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck
Monday, December 2, 2019
Married Women Having no Capacity to Contrac an Example of the Topic Government and Law Essays by
Married Women Having no Capacity to Contract by Expert Tutor Maya | 09 Dec 2016 The right and issues surrounding women have long been a pursuit to reach equality and freedom. For several years, the role of women has long been a topic for debate towards what they can do and what responsibilities they should own. It has long been in existence. As society gears towards the new millennium, with new ideologies and principle, the state of women, her rights and responsibilities, is tagged as a continuous pursuit. In this paper, we will evaluate the treatment of laws and legality issues towards women. Historically, women are not garnered with the right to execute contract. In terms of equality in legal terms, the married women do not possess the rights to it anymore given the feudal principles that surround a person being a married woman. Need essay sample on "Married Women Having no Capacity to Contract" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Our Customers Frequently Tell EssayLab specialists:I'm don't want to write my essay. Because I don't have the timeEssay writer professionals suggest: Multitasking Essay HelperEssay Company Write A Paper Online Online Assignment Help Cheap Essay Writing In the past, single women have the right and capacity to make contracts, holds property, or sued and be sued. But married women have dissolved rights to these because of the religious theory that marriage made a man and a woman one, and this equates a general legal disability for women, the law even disregard married women as legal. As a married woman, the husband now is supposed to be the guardian, provider and protector of the woman. In consequence, he becomes the lord and master according to both chancery and common law courts.(Freed) The power of husbands is asserted within the authority of the husbands to govern and have the influence over the live of the married women. At common law, the married woman can not hold contract between her husband, and any other person. The law permits her to bind her properties and equitable assets, but these do not or are bounded to her personally. At common law again, the married woman can not sue or be sued except in cases where the husband is involved. However, in cases wherein equitable estates are involved, the wife alone is sued for equity. This constitutes the merger-of-identity theory. (Freed) The marriage between a man and a woman also entitles the husband to own the married womans personality and possessions, except for jewelries and clothing, when the woman dies. This also is effective towards the personality the woman had become in the marriage. The husband has the power to make choices in actions and he can enforce them willfully. If the husband fails to take possession, the married woman can take the necessary actions she wants. The merger of identity theory also constitutes the idea that the husband has unilateral duty to support his wife and family. The husband is also entitled to his return of profits and investment. Thus, the husband could convey his interest in his wifes property but the wife would then need the consent of his husband to convey her own interest.(Eisenberg) A married womans lack of legal status was allied by Chancery to evolve in as a protection for a married womans personality and profits and rents. This was done by creating an exclusive equity of estate for the woman. Encompassed as a trust, the woman now has the ownership of a separate property in equity belonging and exclusive to her, whether it may be a tangible or intangible property.(Eisenberg) But this trust is limited only through a conveyance by deed or will in which she can make contracts, although enforceable against her personally but might be enforced against her separate estate. During the mid 19th century, the Married Womens property Acts was conceived as a response to the harsh feudalistic principles of the common law. This Act governs that the wives now has capacity to leave and dispose their own property, to contract, sue or be sued. New York in 1848 is the first state to enact the Married Womens Acts. The Acts became the first attempt to emancipate wives from the feudalistic concepts and patriarchal society women thrive in. another law, the Domestic Relations Law entitled property of Married Women provide married women to their rights to own and entitled their property as theirs if the property was their before they got married. The next provision of this law initiates married women the provision by which they have right to own, manage and dispose their own property was their right to economic independence of their properties. But this section does not strip the husbands of their common right law as a tenant and as a consummate if in case his wife dies. Under the same provision, the wife maintains her right to personal property she brought to the marriage and acquired of her own funds, unless they were gifts to the husband. (Freed) The Married Womens property Act of 1848 now became the General Obligations Law that conveys that married women should have the right to legalities as if she was unmarried, including making contracts and respect to property, acquisition, use and enjoyments of what is hers. Compared to the common law which restrict married women to contracts and her contracts being not honored in the courts, these provisions now have the same power to contract as a single woman. Needless to say, all statutes disabling married women to rights to make contracts, own property and other such rights is answered by the pursuit to elevate the rights and role of women. Any violation of such right by a womans husband or anybody else is unconstitutional. The provisions of the laws and acts that concern the rights of married women to be treated as a single woman when in terms of their properties and right to contract serves as the legal basis in which acts that violates them are unconstitutional and women can express their desire to do action on it. As a stand, society have this impression that women are now garnered with equality the same with men. But that is not the case. As mentioned, the feudalistic concepts and the influential patriarchal society the women thrives in is a major factor why women still have insufficient rights and freedom. Although there are already laws and acts protecting rights of women, some states do not agree with them and as part of their right to impose their common laws, has continued the inequality shown towards women. A single woman even has the slight advantage over married women because married women are bounded by the contract of marriage and the stance of their husbands. But as a stand, I would like to address that inequality between genders still exists. The laws and acts provided by several states are not sufficient to give married women, and in general women, their own rights and freedom as members of the society. Women are seen as an inactive participant in the process of change within a society but that is not the case. The role of women in the society, especially married women who raise family, is still being undermined in a society which promised freedom for all and equality of mankind. The fact that married women have the provisions protecting them, there is more changes to be look upon, and improvements that can enhance the welfare and stand of women in the society. Reference: Eisenberg, B., Ruthsdotter, M. "Living the Legacy: The Women's Rights Movement 1848 - 1998". Santa Rosa, CA, 1998. The National Women's History project. March 8 2007. Freed, D., Brandes, J. and Weidman, C. "Law and the Family: Married Women Rights." New York Law Journal (1991). Anonymous. "Married Women's Act of 1957". March 8 2007. . WpL. "The Women's Family Code". 2007. Women's Learning partnership. March 8 2007.>.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Babylonia and the Law Code of Hammurabi
Babylonia and the Law Code of Hammurabi Babylonia (roughly, modern southern Iraq) is the name of an ancient Mesopotamian empire known for its math and astronomy, architecture, literature, cuneiform tablets, laws and administration, and beauty, as well as excess and evil of Biblical proportions. Control of Sumer-Akkad Since the area of Mesopotamia near where the Tigris and Euphrates rivers emptied into the Persian Gulf had two dominant groups, the Sumerians, and Akkadians, it its to as Sumer-Akkad. As part of an almost endless pattern, other people kept trying to take control of the land, mineral resources, and trade routes. Eventually, they succeeded. Semitic Amorites from the Arabian Peninsula gained control over most of Mesopotamia by about 1900 B.C. They centralized their monarchical government over the city-states just north of Sumer, in Babylon, formerly Akkad (Agade). The three centuries of their domination is known as the Old Babylonian period. The Babylonian King-God Babylonians believed the king held power because of the gods; moreover, they thought their king was a god. To maximize his power and control, a bureaucracy and centralized government were established along with the inevitable adjuncts, taxation, and involuntary military service. Divine Laws The Sumerians already had laws, but they were administered jointly by individuals and the state. With a divine monarch came divinely inspired laws, violation of which was an offense to the state as well as the gods. The Babylonian king (1728-1686 B.C.) Hammurabi codified the laws in which (as distinct from the Sumerian) the state could prosecute on its own behalf. The Code of Hammurabi is famous for demanding punishment to fit the crime (the lex talionis, or an eye for an eye) with different treatment for each social class. The Code is thought to be Sumerian in spirit but with a Babylonian inspired harshness. The Babylonian Empire and Religion Hammurabi also united the Assyrians to the north and the Akkadians and Sumerians to the south. Trade with Anatolia, Syria, and Palestine spread Babylonian influence further. He further consolidated his Mesopotamian empire by building a network of roads and a postal system. In religion, there wasnt much change from Sumer/Akkad to Babylonia. Hammurabi added a Babylonian Marduk, as chief god, to the Sumerian pantheon. The Epic of Gilgamesh is a Babylonian compilation of Sumerian tales about a legendary king of the city-state of Uruk, with a flood story. When, in the reign of Hammurabis son, the horse-back invaders known as the Kassites, made incursions into Babylonian territory, the Babylonians thought it punishment from the gods, but they managed to recover and stayed in (limited) power until the beginning of the 16th century B.C. when the Hittites sacked Babylon, only to withdraw later because the city was too distant from their own capital. Eventually, the Assyrians suppressed them, but even that was not the end of the Babylonians for they rose again in the Chaldean (or Neo-Babylonian) era from 612-539 made famous by their great king, Nebuchadnezzar.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Unknown Citizen VS The enormous radio essays
Unknown Citizen VS The enormous radio essays The Unknown citizen by W.H. Auden and The enormous radio by John Cheever both share the same idea about society. Both the poem and the short story are hypocritical and show how individuals hide behind the shield of conformity. In the Unknown Citizen Auden describes the perfect man, yet in whos eyes does he meet perfection? The first time I read the poem I interpreted it differently than I do now. I first thought that the character was the ideal person who reached ultimate perfection yet as I read it a second time I realized I was wrong. In all of the lines that I thought were complimentary, as I reread them I found them very impersonal and vague. In line nine Auden says he wasnt odd in h is ways, In lines fourteen -fifteen he bought the paper everyday...reactions ...were normal in every way, and also in line twenty-three he held proper opinions for this time of year. I read all of these as very general, like the speaker is rewarding him for being a perfect clone of what every one else is. The speaker in this poem is always referred to as we therefor the speaker must be society. In the conclusion of the poem the speaker questions wether the man was happy and free and answers it himself by saying the question is absurd and if he was not okay, they would know. Yet Im sure everything was not perfect in this mans life, but they didnt know. I also interpreted the title differently, the unknown citizen this also contributed to my idea of this man being just like everyone else. Because he is unknown for his accomplishment because it is the norm, he did nothing more and nothing less than what was expected of him. He didnt get fired and noone complained about him yet the speaker doesnt go on to explain the important role he played. The speaker identifies the man as JS/07/m/378". ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
In relation to perception,what does it mean that we all lok at Essay
In relation to perception,what does it mean that we all lok at different situations in the work place though different lenses Why it is important for a manager - Essay Example The mind then processes it and makes it available for retrieval. The perceiver then responds according to the interpretations of the perceived situation or object. In the workplace, it is very important for a manager to understand how perception may help or hinder his management. There are different situations happening within the workplace that may affect the performance of the management and the employees depending on their perception of the issue or situation. The issues and events happening around the workplace are interpreted differently depending on their rank and status in the workplace. For example, an employee may see a rewards program as ineffective because of the lack of enticing rewards it offers and a manager may see it as ineffective because of the lack of participation from the employees. Depending on his role in the workplace, the individual interprets the situation in relation to his level of work. Understanding that the workplace is a vast field of opinions and interpretations, the manager can use his perception and that of his subordinates to improve their work performance and work relationships. The primary responsibility of a manager is to oversee and to manage the business or his assigned department, including the people within. With this responsibility comes the different situations in which he has to use his decision-making skills effectively and efficiently. Perception is very important in fulfilling this responsibility. Filtering out information that are not necessary to fulfill the task is important (Howard n.d.). Knowing what is needed information and what is not needed is important as it will define how the manager interprets and analyzes the situation. When making decisions, analyzing facts is more important than judging the situation based on intuition. Perception of an action depends on the meaning attributed to the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Competitive Benefits Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Competitive Benefits - Research Paper Example Therefore, this discourse kicks off by analyzing the benefits that come with compensation components and ways in which organizations whose employees are unionized can remain competitive. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employees who are represented by a union receive higher salary as compared to the non- union workers. Moreover, they have more access to various benefits such as medical insurance, despite the declining rate of union membership. Research shows that in the year 2001, only 18 million workers were under a union as compared to 16 million workers in the year 2011. Nevertheless, it is without doubt that unions have an affirmative effect on various aspects of job quality such as employee benefits and wages (Long, 2013). Therefore, this treatise focuses on analyzing how a firm whose workers are represented by a union can remain competitive against the non-unionized workers. It will also give limelight to the role of benefits and the components of an employee benefit package. It is without doubt that compensation benefits play a major role in reducing turnover, enhancing productivity, and increasing the rate of morale among workers. Employee benefits are non-wage compensation that is offered to workers in addition to their normal salaries. For organizations that endeavor to hire competitive workers, they have an attractive benefits package that is either monetary or non-monetary. For instance, the monetary compensation benefits can include bonuses, profit sharing, and stock options among others. There are also the non-monetary benefits such as health insurance, pension plans, disability insurance, paid holidays, educational assistance, flexible working hours, sick leave, work at home oriented programs, retirement plans, and dental insurance among others. It is to be noted that such benefits are paramount in attracting, motivating, rewarding, and retaining workers (Reddick & Coggburn, 2012). Research shows that
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Thinking and Decision Making Essay Example for Free
Thinking and Decision Making Essay The following are the three different styles of thinking that would be discussed in this paper a) Pragmatists, b) Synthesists and c) Realists. Pragmatists: People possessing this thinking style are practical thinkers. They do not believe in making long-term plans or setting long term goals. Rather they set small goals to be accomplished in a short phase of time. So their penchant for quick results means they divide the long-term goals in different parts and accomplish them one by one, which gives them a sense of achievement from time to time. They are very quick at acknowledging others’ ideas and possess a good sense of humor. They consider conflicts as a means of understanding other people’s viewpoint and make maximum use of it by brainstorming and experimenting its impact. Since they try to make use of every situation, good or bad they are very creative in nature. They easily adopt any strategy that suits the situation or has the potential for success or further growth. They are innovative and pay attention to minute details as they think that every minute step or detail play a significant part in the larger picture. They have the zeal and stamina of accomplishing their goals, come what may and also have the potential to make others believe that what they are doing is right. This style of thinking is what makes one a leader. They convince everyone about their vision by moulding the same idea in different ways so that it looks convincing enough to everyone. They plan the risks beforehand so there is little chance of them not being able to handle a crisis situation. Synthesists: The people belonging to this style of thinking love arguments and conflicts. They do not have the patience to wait for the conflict to get fully blown up. So they try to trigger up the trouble so that the problem gets solved as soon as possible rather than waiting for it to gradually come in full force. Even when there is not much conflict or commotion in a particular situation, they find one point or the other to be satirically amused or skeptical. In conflict situation they observe both the sides of the argument and come up with a new angle or idea. Hence this style of thinking helps in building good observation skills and fuelling creativity. Synthesists want to grasp all that is going in a person’s mind. They are smart enough to understand but still in order to let the person open up, they start a debate then quietly observe his feelings. They love to ruffle up hidden reactions. People possessing this style of thinking don’t set aside others’ ideas. Rather analyze different viewpoints to understand a situation well. Synthesists style of thinking makes a person good at speculation. They have the ability to brainstorm and come to different solutions or reactions of a situation, which can be termed a creative activity. So nothing surprises them much, because their minds are engaged in so much of speculation that nothing is unexpected for them. Realists: The people possessing this type of thinking style are ‘no-nonsense’ kind of people. They are frank, forceful and direct. Instead of relying on others’ point of view, they rely on themselves the most to discover things. They are always engaged in empirical discoveries and love concrete facts. In order to handle a crisis or conflict situation they ask straight questions. They always know where they are heading because they have a set objective, know what resources they have at hand and have the capability of analyzing how those resources could be used in the best possible way. They very well know their strong and weak points and do not hesitate to take outside help in areas where they are not capable enough. They break a problem into several logical parts and then solve them one by one. They calmly handle situations but can get aggressive if someone or something is very ambiguous or unrealistic. If the three styles of thinking are compared and contrasted then it is quite evident that the three of them overlap in certain areas while are poles apart in others. Both pragmatists and synthesist’s believe in quick solutions. Both these styles of thinking facilitate creativity. Goodbrand had described pragmatists in the following way: â€Å"they dont shy away from conflict but neither do they relish it like the synthesist.†(para.24) This aptly brings out the contrast between the two.            Like realists, pragmatists have a definite goal and they too break the task into small targets and try to accomplish them systematically. Both the styles of thinking believe in acknowledging any outside idea that has been used in the process of thinking. Both these styles of thinking oozes confidence and strong will power. While people of pragmatist style of thinking are good tacticians and find one or the other way to get a task done, the realistic styles of thinkers are very frank and straightforward. It is difficult for them to use any tactics rather; they propagate the ‘matter of fact’ aspect of getting a task done.            The following qualities are common in both realist and synthesist style of thinking: â€Å"Understanding that people see situations from their own perspective and that all perspectives have their own viewpoints and that as much can be learned from looking at a situation from another viewpoint as can be learned from looking at it through your own eyes.†(Goodbrand, para15) However, where synthesists believe in speculation, realists believe in matter of fact and empirical evidence. Also, in order to get other’s point of view or a hidden fact synthesists might ask ambiguous or dumb-smart questions. The realists abhor ambiguity.            Since critical thinking means dividing information into categories and sub categories, realist and pragmatist style of thinking affect critical thinking because both these styles of thinking focus on this format of problem solving or target achievement. Since one of the steps of critical thinking is synthesis, synthesist style of thinking naturally has an affect on it too.            In the workplace scenario the process of decision-making involves the following three steps: a) intelligence, b) design and c) choice. According To Rue and Byars (1992, p.52) â€Å"The intelligence stage involves searching the environment for conditions requiring a decision. The design stage entails inventing, developing and analyzing possible courses of action. Choice, the final stage, refers to the actual selection of a course of action.†The different stages of critical thinking overlap with the decision making process. In workplace conflict the motive of both decision-making and critical thinking is to bring an end to the problem.            The three styles of thinking discussed in this paper can be explained in the context of critical thinking and decision making by the help of the following workplace example: An organization’s, departmental head is under pressure by the conflict between his two colleagues. He wants to bring this conflict to an end because it affects the work of the whole department. Now we assume that he has the pragmatist style of thinking, he would use tactics to end the problem. He would try to speak to both the subordinates separately and try to mould them to come to a common viewpoint and settle their conflicts. He would find out who of the two is less rigid and try to convince him that if he behaves more rationally then the whole department would benefit. He will not try to jump in the problem but wait for the right time to confront both of them together. On the other hand if he has the synthesist style of thinking he would not wait for the problem to aggravate further. Rather he would try to coax them to speak up their mind and let them argue. He would consider this argument as an opportunity to observe both the sides of the story. Then he would critically analyze the whole situation and decide their further course of action. If the departmental head thinks from a realistic angle he would ask both the parties to have a meeting with him and would fire straight questions to them to get the entire reason of the conflict. Then on the basis of the concrete fact he would try to come to a decision in the best possible way and calmly sort out the problem between the subordinates by dealing with each aspect of their problem one at a time. References Rue, L.W., Byars, L.L. (6 Ed.). (1992). Management Skills And Application. USA: IRWIN. Goodbrand, A.D. (1997) The Art of Thinking. Retrieved Jun. 28, 2007 from      /seng/698/alang/minor.html Wikipedia. (2007) Critical thinking. Retrieved Jun. 28, 2007 from       Thinking
Friday, November 15, 2019
Dialogue Essays - Freshly Cut Grass -- Dialogue Essays
Dialogue Essays - Freshly Cut Grass The air sings with the fragrance of freshly cut grass. As a backdrop to other things, children are at play, swinging too and fro, running and skipping; there are toddlers who toddle and mindful mothers who watch on in painful and patient distraction. The sun is everywhere: in the corners of the pavilion, bearing down on the tennis courts, caressing the flower beds, the convection of its heat pulling at the carpet-like lawns, dragging out bodily its scent. Meanwhile the park keeper potters about, the days' work done, reluctant to leave his eternal garden with its endless memories. Standing in the shade of elm he drifts away, and almost never comes back. He half-watches half-feels the bumble bees bumble from flower to flower. Else where, there is great inactivity, and everyone is busy doing it to a degree close to perfection. The park keeper, a simple man in blue overalls, T- shirt, straw hat, blue pumps and pockets full of silence, seeks out the cool of deeper shadow, retiring to the hidden security of his tool shed, where he sits in the stripy curve of a well worn deck chair. Door ajar, pipe smouldering, gazing out into the summery world through eyes bright with the light of nearly wisdom, he surveys his universe with unhurried care. A days grass cutting concluded, the park keeper presently plays part of an extra, superfluous to the tale's needs, and knowing this, he fades from focus. Over a ways, cross legged, mounted on a blanket and hiding on the inside of a book, sits the person of Doris, who, like her name, is of another age. On display, for the world to see, like a dusty exhibit in the quiet, unvisited corner of a dead museum, she aw... again. She saw him everyday for the rest of her life. It was all so long ago, akin to a dream. It had been real enough though, and she is strangely thankful for it. Thankful to have known existence, and felt the terrible pain of it. She can almost feel the echo of its sorrow. Doris is all but dead, and she all but knows it. The fire of her life is fuelled by a few remaining drops of hope, but even they will soon be exhausted. She stands to leave. Walking by the park keeper in his hide-away, he gives a smile of recognition. Of his routine, she knows it well. Next Friday he will once again mow the lawns, releasing their fragrance into the air, to fill the world with sweet perfume. Doris will be there, to breathe it deeply, gasping for more, until it fills her mind, until she becomes drunk, once again, with that smell of freshly cut grass.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Edgar Allen Poe
Edgar Allen Poe Research Paper Since the beginning of time, people have been interested in dark and depressing stories about horror. Edgar Allen Poe was a great writer of his time. Many people enjoyed his dark and gloomy stories. Edgar Allen Poe wrote during the romantic era and his dark and depressing life greatly influenced his gothic writing and his famous story The Cask of Amontillado. Edgar Allen Poe lived a really depressing life. Poe married his 13-year-old cousin, Virginia Clemm. He died two years after his wife in 1949 due to brain lesion. TCA) (gothic literature) Before his death he went to the best schools then later joined the army, after he was forced out of school due to bad depts, where he published two of his collections. (TCA) After he got discharged from the army he joined the United States Military Academy at West Point were he published his last collection. (TCA) Poe Published three collections. (TCA) His first collection published while he was in the army, Tamerlane, and Other Poems â€Å"by a Bostonian. †Went unnoticed. TCA) His second collection, AL Aaraaf, Tamerlane, and Minor poems published in 1829 only received slighty more attention when it appeared. (TCA) His third collection Where Peoms was published in 1831. (TCA) Poe wrote during the romanticism period. Although Poe wrote in the romanticism era, Poe mainly wrote gothic literature. (gothic literature) Romanticism was the era of writing the focused on humankind and used emotion to show its writes works. (gothic literature) Romanticism began in the mid 18th century, the n later picked up 19 century, and then declined in the late 19th century. gothic literature) Romanticism was very touching to most individuals during its time. (gothic literature). The romanticism era included writers such as Edgar Allen Poe , Nathaniel Hawthorne, and many other writers of its time frame. The Cask of Amontillado is one of Poe ’s famous stories. (TCA) The Cask of Amontillado is like many of Poe’s other stories, One in particular The Tell-Tale Heart I, another one of Poe’s famous stories. (TCA) Were in most of his murderers, Montressor doesn’t understand his antagonist. Read also Edgar Allan Poe DrugsMany of Poes other stories have a narrator harming another human. (TCA) The Cask of Amontillado is about two men Montressor and Fortunato who are great friends. (TCA) One day  Montressor made Fortunato believe that they were just going to see an Amontillado, a type of alcoholic beverage called cherry. (TCA) When really Montressor lures Fortunato into his families wine cellar. (TCA) Were Fortunato gets very intoxicated. (TCA) As Montressor and Fortunato get deeper into Fortunato’s families wine cellar Fortunato gets even more intoxicated. TCA) Until Montressor Later traps Fortunato into a room very deep into the cellar, were Fortunato later dies. (TCA) Edgar Allen Poe wrote during the romanticism era and his dark and depressing life greatly influenced his famous story The Cask of Amontillado. Edgar was a well know american poet and short story writer. Poe was particularly important to the ongoing influence of the Gothic on contemporary liter ature Edgar depressing life lead him to be one of the world’s most know horror writer of his time. â€Å"Gothic Literature. Literary Movements for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Literary Movements. Ed. Ira Mark Milne. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2009. 281-309. Gale U. S. History In Context. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. www. galegroup. com Benton, Richard P. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado: Overview. †Reference Guide to Short Fiction. Ed. Noelle Watson. Detroit: St. James Press, 1994. Literature Resource Center. Web. 26 Oct. 2011. www. galegroup. com Clendnning, John. â€Å" â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Edgar Allen Poe. †Short Story Criticism Ed. Anna Sheets Nesbit.Vol. 35. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. 335-341. Stewart, Kate. â€Å" â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Edgar Allen Poe. †Short Story Criticism Ed. Anna Sheets Nesbit. Vol. 35. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. 347-350 â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado†Edgar Allen Poe †Short Story Criticism Ed. Anna Sheets Nesbit. Vol. 35. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001. 297-298 Poe, Edgar A. â€Å"The Cask of Amontillado. †Web. 9 Dec. 2011. . Didn’t know how to make the single equation mark so I just used another equation mark*
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Comparative Study of Wuthering Heights, Translations, and I’M No Scared
The texts that I have studied and prepared for my comparative course are: Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, Translations by Brian Friel, and I’m not scared directed by Gabriel Salvatores. When I address the cultural context of a text I refer to the worlds of the texts, the circumstances which face the plots and the characters of the texts. Some elements of the cultural context of each and every text are the world’s attitudes, social rituals, and structures. Coming to grips with the general norm of the society with in each texts and how the characters behave enables me to enjoy each text all the more.Understanding the world in which each text is set in and thus being able to compare the aspects of their society and what is involved in their material and spiritual lives ostentatiously influences the resolution of the narratives which gave a better impact and added to my enjoyment. I greatly enjoyed seeing the connections between the texts and how their worlds were intert wined in their similarities and differences. Particularly these connections were more vivid to me in the areas of Role of Women in Society, Setting, and Class Structure, within the Cultural context of each text.All three texts revolve around a patriarchal system where the men were the primary authority figure and were central to society. They hold the central roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property. The entailment of female subordination is most apparent in Wuthering Heights where only through marriage is a woman able to gain recognition, position, and a place in society. Being compelled by this, Catherine Earnshaw betrays Heathcliff and really herself as well due to her love for him.Unable to cope with marrying a slave and an outcast in her patriarchal world she accepts Edgar Linton’s proposal for marriage. Edgar’s family were the most elite family in the novel thus giving Catherine a better future than what circumstance she might be in if she marries Heathcliff. Catherine: â€Å"It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff now. †In the same way, Maire doesn’t marry Manus in Translations due to his lack of position, property and his inability to provide for a family. Maire sees that the man that she marries will dictate her position in society and so decides that marriage with Manus was not the foremost option.Maire: â€Å"You talk to me about getting married – with neither a roof over your head nor a sod of ground under your foot. †In both circumstances, a society where men hold prestige constrains women to be only able to aspire to be a wife. Marriage, in their patriarchal world, seems to be the only possible way to be able to make a living. The subservient role of women is further illustrated by Wuthering Heights’ patrilineal system which inhibits the property and title of a family to be inherited by the female lineage.Heathcliff effectively utilises this system for his benefit. Knowing that the wealth of a family can only be inherited by the male lineage, he arranges the marriage of young Cathy and his son Linton. Since Edgar died with no son to carry on his family name, his family’s inheritance would therefore be handed to whoever young Cathy marries. The male is dominant and is clearly seen as the head of the family. Similarly to I’m not scared, we see a macho world where power and strength are valued and power rest with the males.Pino tells his son to do his press-ups and they arm-wrestle. Anna, Michele’s mother, is physically assaulted by Felice, one of the gang. In his household, Pino is very much in charge and his wife is obedient to him. Even though in each text, women were inferior to men we also see in some cases where the text subverts the traditional or stereotypical idea of women and their place in society. In translations Bridget shows control when she directs Doalty to hide the animals when the army threatens to kill them .Maire is described as: â€Å"†¦a strong minded, strong bodied woman†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She works as hard as any man in the community at the hay harvesting and plans to go to America in order to provide for her household in which she the head. Maire: â€Å"The best harvest in living memory,†¦ (Showing Jimmy her hands. ) Look at these blisters. †Maire: â€Å"There are ten below me to be raised and no man in the house†¦. †During the Victorian era in Wuthering Heights, women were expected to be obedient, disciplined and faithful. Catherine does not conform to these expectations.There is also a subtle reversal of roles in young Cathy’s marriages where, contrary to traditional norms, she appears to be the dominant partner. She tended to Linton who was a spoilt, sickly weakling. Later Hareton also needs help and encouragement to develop after years of degradation at the hands of Heathcliff. Comparing the cultural context of the narratives heightened my en joyment and helped me have a better experience and insight into the role of women and how they lived their lives subservient under men in a patriarchal society.One of the aspects of cultural context I enjoyed covering on my comparative course is how the class structure in each narrative is divided up. Social class is not solely dependent on the amount of money one has. Rather, the source of income, birth, and family connections plays a major role in determining one’s position in society. England in the nineteenth century was an extremely class-conscious society and social class is an important element in Wuthering Heights. We see the distinction between the two families in Emily Bronte’s novel and their rank on the social ladder.At the top of the locality’s social class, one finds the rich and refined Linton family who live in the sumptuous surroundings of Thruscross Grange. The Lintons were superior to the Earnshaw family and live in Wuthering heights. Within t hese ranks we also see how the cultured from the rustics and those higher up the social scale from those lower down are separated. Speech patterns and accents distinguish the servants such as Zillah, Joseph and Nelly Dean from their masters. An example of this would be Joseph’s Yorkshire dialect and young Heathcliff’s outsider accent which he spoke when he was brought from Liverpool.Equally noticeable in Brian Friel’s Translations is the subtle class diversity between the more educated who were able to speak English as well as Irish and the less educated who only speak Irish. Also noticeable is the feeling of social superiority felt by the English to the Gaelic community of Baile Beag as reflected in Captain Lancey’s condescending attitude. This parallels with Hindley’s deprivation of Heathcliff to a servant. Hindley is a well-educated man who has an outstanding stand in society while Heathcliff was seen as an illiterate vagabond brought in from Li verpool by Mr Earnshaw.Turning to I’m not scared we see how the village of Acqua Traverse is in keeping with the film’s premise that Southern Italy was a deprived place where the people, out of desperation, could understandably turn to crime. The buildings are shabby and clustered around a dusty courtyard. It is reminiscent of Baile Beag with its hedge school in a dusty barn and Hugh’s description of the place with its Hugh: â€Å"Mud cabins and a diet of potatoes. †The people’s aspirations in I’m not scared are simple. Anna dreams of visiting the seaside and eating in a restaurant. The people in Southern Italy were poor and run-down.The difference between the social standing of Southern Italy and Northern Italy lead to the country experiencing spate of kidnappings hence the kidnapping of Filippo. Filippo is from a family among the ranks of the higher hierarchy of Italy at that time. This caused him to be held against his will to be held fo r ransom by the people of Acqua Traverse in hopes that their lives might change for the better and for them to be able to climb higher in their social ladder. Similar to the situation in Translations, Maire desires to go to America in order to acquire a better subsistence.In each text, class structure plays an important role and affects the behaviour of the characters in how they respond to society and the norm and in what choices they make in connection with their rank the class system. Studying the significance of class structure in the cultural context of each narrative benefitted me in my understanding of each text which made my study all the more pleasurable. The setting in the cultural context of a text is definitely important when looking at character development, conflict, and the overall plot.It's the setting for all that is to come; it can convey so much about whom the people are and the way they live. The setting of a narrative can be a character of its own. In all three narratives, the setting is conveyed in a remote, rural location far from any centre of population. I’m not scared shows scenes depicting children romping through the endless fields of golden corn under a blue sky or cycling along dirt-track roads baked solid by the sweltering sun. The entire plot of I’m not scared unfolds over a few days of scorching sunshine near harvest time.This parallels with Translations where Baile Beag is experiencing an unusual heat wave, and similarly just after the hay harvest. We see Owen tell Yolland that it is†¦ Owen: â€Å"The first hot summer in fifty years and you think it’s Eden. †This reminds us in Wuthering Heights where Catherine stays at the Lintons for a few weeks after being bitten by a dog. Cathy receives a taste of luxury and she is drawn to it and is deceived to think that she desires to marry Edgar due to the luxury which she relishes.In the end, both Yolland and Cathy have to face the consequences of the pursuit of their vain desires. Wuthering Heights, however, is in opposition to Translations and I’m not scared. Bronte has placed her novel in a variety of ambience. Ranging from the opening scenes of snowfalls and lashing gales, to blooming springs, radiant summers, and drowsy autumns. In Salvatore’s film, as we see the camera pan across the rolling hill and valleys and sweep over the fields of waving grain, one is struck by the beauty and the emptiness of the landscape.The only sounds are of animals, birds, and insects. Our eyes take in the vivid colours of the red and orange poppies. Then we trace the horizon dividing the golden corn and the purple petals of other flowers from the blue sky to create a wonderfully rich effect. This countryside reminds us of Bronte’s descriptions of the moors. Young Cathy: â€Å"†¦with the bees humming dreamily about among the bloom, and the larks singing high up overhead, and the blue sky and bright sun shining steadily and cloudlessly. †Whether in I’m not scared, Wuthering heights, or Translations, one should not be fooled by mere appearances. The cawing of a crow and the hissing of insects create an ominous effect suggesting all is not well. For underneath the beauty of the landscape lies a terrible secret. In the country side near the tiny village of Acqua Traverse, a young boy named Filippo is being kept hostage in a hole in the ground. In the same way the potatoes in Baile Beag gives a deceiving sweet smell. As Maire says: Maire: â€Å"Sweet smell! Sweet smell!Every year at this time somebody comes back with stories of the sweet smell. Sweet God, did the potatoes ever fail in Baile Beag?†¦ †The sweet smell became the blight of the potatoes in the Great Famine of Ireland. Likewise in Wuthering Heights, Mr Lockwood perceived Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange to be quite a lovely place to be from seeing the beauty of its landscape. Only until later in the novel do es he come to realize that the landscape had a different story to tell with its storms and prevailing winds which reflect the turmoil the families of the landscape endures.Gathering together all that I have learned from my study of the cultural context of Wuthering Heights, Translations, and I’m Not Scared in reference to Role of Women in Society, Class Structure, and Setting, I was able to compare and differentiate the cultural context of these texts for my comparative course. In doing so it further enhanced my understanding and enjoyment of the narratives and made my experience more real and gave a greater impact.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Broadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form
Broadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form Broadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form Broadcast vs Broadcasted as Past Form By Maeve Maddox DM wonders about the usage of words such as â€Å"cast, broadcast, and cost.†As far as I can remember the past tense and past P. of broadcast is broadcast; however recently I checked an online dictionary and it has broadcasted. Is this an American standard or has it always been like this?†¨ The three examples, cast, broadcast, and cost belong to that dwindling category of strong verbs that continue to change their past forms. Broadcasted has already made the leap. The alternate form broadcasted is in the big dictionaries on both sides of the Atlantic. Merriam-Webster lists it among the inflected forms: broadcast also broadcasted; broadcast also broadcasted; broadcasting; broadcasts The OED gives it a nod in very tiny type after its definition of the radio transmission use: Inflected pa. tense and pa. pple. broadcast. occas. broadcasted. AskOxford is unequivocally accepting: broadcast: verb (past broadcast; past part. broadcast or broadcasted) 1 transmit by radio or television. Although broadcasted has gained acceptance in the realm of radio transmissions, I would hesitate to use the -ed form to refer to sowing. Broadcast entered the language as an adjective to describe the spreading, or casting, of seed by hand, as opposed to planting it in furrows or holes. The first recorded use of the adjective is 1767. The first documented use of broadcast as a verb, still in the context of spreading seed, is 1813. It acquired its radio sense in 1921. When it comes to the regularized forms â€Å"costed’ and â€Å"casted,†writers will want to exercise caution. In modern usage casted is not universally accepted. It’s not even in the online Merriam-Webster Abridged (yet). It is in the OED, but only as an obsolete form of cast. â€Å"Elijah Wood was casted as Frodo Baggins,†sounds horribly incorrect to my ears, but an online search for casted without quotation marks brings up 3,030,000 hits; with quotation marks, 1,250,000. These numbers suggest that â€Å"casted†as the past tense of cast, at least in the context of choosing actors for a role, will eventually make it into standard usage. The form casted also crops up as a suffix in computer jargon: Using modern OpenGL and GLSL for preprocessing and ray-casted visualization, the BlockMap and its evolution are used to build a realtime multiresolution renderer for large urban models. The OED entry offers 83 numbered definitions for cast as a verb, including its use to express the casting of metal, the casting of lots, and the casting of aspersions. For these the standard past form is undeniably cast. (My search also turned up numerous examples of the nonstandard form casted in connection with the casting of metal.) Costed has not replaced past tense of cost in ordinary speech. I don’t think that many native speakers above the age of five would say â€Å"The gum ball costed a quarter.†As a transitive verb meaning â€Å"to estimate or fix the cost of production of an article or piece of work,†however, the accepted past form is costed: Rich world money systems place no value on coral or Amazonian rainforest. They cannot be traded, so they cannot be costed. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Pairs of One-Word and Two-Word FormsWhat the heck are "learnings"?
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Slippery Slope Fallacy - Definition and Examples
Slippery Slope Fallacy s In informal logic, slippery slope is a fallacy in which a course of action is objected to on the grounds that once taken it will lead to additional actions until some undesirable consequence results. Also known as the slippery slope argument and the domino fallacy. The slippery slope is a fallacy, says Jacob E. Van Fleet, precisely because we can never know if a whole series of events and/or a certain result is determined to follow one event or action in particular. Usually, but not always, the slippery slope argument is used as a fear tactic (Informal Logical Fallacies, 2011). Examples and Observations To judge from the news stories, the entire nation is coming to resemble San Francisco after a heavy rainfall. In the press, the phrase slippery slope is more than seven times as common as it was twenty years ago. Its a convenient way of warning of the dire effects of some course of action without actually having to criticize the action itself, which is what makes it a favorite ploy of hypocrites: Not that theres anything wrong with A, mind you, but A will lead to B and then C, and before you know it well be up to our armpits in Z.(Geoff Nunberg, commentary on Fresh Air, National Public Radio, July 1, 2003)The slippery slope fallacy is committed only when we accept without further justification or argument that once the first step is taken, the others are going to follow, or that whatever would justify the first step would, in fact, justify the rest. Note, also, that what some see as the undesirable consequence lurking at the bottom of the slope others may regard as very desirable ind eed.(Howard Kahane and Nancy Cavender, Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric, 8th ed., Wadsworth, 1998) The Slippery Slope of Voluntary EuthanasiaIf voluntary euthanasia were to be legalized it would prove impossible to avoid the legislation, or, at least, toleration, of non-voluntary euthanasia. Even if the former can be justified, the latter clearly cannot. Hence, it is better that the first step (legalizing voluntary euthanasia) not be taken so as to prevent a slide into non-volunteer euthanasia.(John Keown, quoted by Robert Young in Medically Assisted Death. Cambridge University Press, 2007)The Slippery Slope of Public MuralsI hope the art mural at 34th and Habersham will not be allowed. You open the gate for one, you open it for all and youll have it all over the city. A person wanting to paint on buildings is nothing more than upscale graffiti. More than likely it will go too far.(anonymous, Vox Populi. Savannah Morning News, September 22, 2011)All Politics Takes Place on a Slippery SlopeLogicians call the slippery slope a classic logical fallacy. There’s no reason to reje ct doing one thing, they say, just because it might open the door for some undesirable extremes; permitting â€Å"A†does not suspend our ability to say but not B or certainly not Z down the line. Indeed, given the endless parade of imagined horribles one could conjure up for any policy decision, the slippery slope can easily become an argument for doing nothing at all. Yet act we do; as George Will once noted, All politics takes place on a slippery slope.That’s never been more true, it seems, than now. Allowing gay marriage puts us on the slippery slope to polygamy and bestiality, opponents say; gun registration would start us sliding into the unconstitutional morass of universal arms confiscation. An NSA whistle-blower, William Binney, said last week that the agency’s surveillance activities put us on a slippery slope toward a totalitarian state . . .. And this week we’re hearing a similar argument that President Obama’s decision to arm Syrian re bels, however meagerly, has all but doomed us to an Iraq-style debacle . . .. These critics may be right to urge caution, but in their panicked vehemence, they’ve abandoned nuance and succumbed to summoning up worst-case scenarios. UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh points out that metaphors like the slippery slope often start by enriching our vision and end by clouding it. Decriminalizing marijuana doesn’t have to turn the U.S. into a stoner nation, nor does sending M-16s to Syrian rebels inevitably mean boots on the ground in Damascus. But that’s not to say we shouldn’t watch our footing.(James Graff, The Week. The Week, June 28, 2013) The Slippery Slope of Immigration ReformIn a well-meaning effort to curb the employment of illegal aliens, and with the hearty good wishes of editorialists who ordinarily pride themselves on guarding against the intrusion of government into the private lives of individual Americans, Congress is about to take this generations longest step toward totalitarianism.There is no slippery slope toward loss of liberties, insists Senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming, author of the latest immigration bill, only a long staircase where each step downward must be first tolerated by the American people and their leaders.The first step downward on the Simpson staircase to Big-Brotherdom is the requirement that within three years the federal government comes up with a secure system to determine employment eligibility in the United States.Despite denials, that means a national identity card. Nobody who is pushing this bill admits thaton the contrary, all sorts of safeguards and rhetorical warnings about no t having to carry an identity card on ones person at all times are festooned on the bill. Much is made of the use of passports, Social Security cards and drivers licenses as preferred forms of identification, but anyone who takes the trouble to read this legislation can see that the disclaimers are intended to help the medicine go down. . . .Once the down staircase is set in place, the temptation to take each next step will be irresistible.(William Safire, The Computer Tattoo. The New York Times, Sep. 9, 1982)
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The role of the technology in facilities management Case Study
The role of the technology in facilities management - Case Study Example , maintenance and operations plans, corporate facilities processes, space inventories, real estate, projects through construction, renovation and design, equipment and furniture inventories. Facilities management is a critical interdisciplinary field in the modern business world which encompasses the coordination of people, space, organization and infrastructure especially in association with the administration of hospitals, hotels, convention centres, office blocks, schools, arenas, shopping complexes etc. Facilities management is used to facilitate a wide number of activities in business and is slowly emerging as a core function within a business from being a supporting function in businesses. There are eleven key competencies associated with facilities management which is applicable in the facilities management processes, irrespective of in which sector the facilities management is applied. These core competencies include emergency preparedness, communication, finance, strategy an d leadership, property management, real estate, business continuity, environmental stewardship, human factors, maintenance and operations, quality, property management, sustainability, project management and technology. This case study deals with the technology factor in facilities management with respect to the role of technology in facilities management in the hospitality and other relevant tourism sectors across the world. The information technology support provided to the facilities management in an organization can significantly improve the functioning of facilities management in an organization as a main supporting services. However, with the integration of new technologies, facilities management is evolving as a main business function and is ceasing to be a supporting service in any organization, especially in the capital intensive industries like construction, manufacturing, hotel industries etc. Technology is highly needed in facilities management. The main function of the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Deniers of Genocide Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Deniers of Genocide - Essay Example One of the most controversial cases of genocide occurred in Nanking China in 1937-38 when occupying Japanese forces tortured, brutalized, raped, and murdered hundreds of thousands of Chinese men, women, and children over a six-week period. Its limited duration and scale of devastation portrays it as one of the most intense periods of violence in world history. Yet, decades of denial by the Japanese government and conflicting first hand accounts have fuelled a debate in regards to the accuracy of the event, and it has even been questioned as to its authenticity. As the story continues to evolve and more facts come to light, historical researchers revise the history of the incident and are themselves targets of controversy and risk the accusation of being revisionists. Psychological, cultural, and pragmatic forces delayed and minimized Japans public acknowledgement of their involvement in the Nanking massacre and have routinely impeded the historians efforts to adequately record the ev ent. History is not a set of facts, but is a dynamic concept of evolving knowledge that is interpreted in the context of the past and re-evaluated in the framework of the present. Terms such as genocide, ethnic cleansing, massacre, and atrocities suffer from semantics and the diverse subjectivity of worldviews can characterize an event to a nations advantage or disadvantage. Determining when an excessive use of force crosses over into genocide can make, "Politicians, scholars, relief agencies, and distinguished judges at international tribunals regularly agonize over whether to apply the label".1 States may suppress information or produce disinformation in a self-serving attempt to protect their image and self-interests. Historical scientists grapple with these complexities as they attempt to draw a clearer picture of past events, and suffer when activists rewrite historical accounts based on their own political or social agendas.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Lack of a clear plan, ineffective leadership, marketing effectiveness, Term Paper
Lack of a clear plan, ineffective leadership, marketing effectiveness, and lack of execution are common problems of a small business and how strategic planning can help avoid them - Term Paper Example Independent ownership implies sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or any other legal form (U.S. Small Business Administration, 2010). Irrespective of the industry, a small business operates in; it has been found that they suffer from largely the same types of problems. Small size of a business enterprise ensures that the management acts as a sharp cost controllers and active member of routine operations. This gives rise to many leadership related problems and loss of far-sighted visions. The discussion below further details the types of problems faced by small businesses. A major problem that infests a small business is ineffective leadership. Leadership, to be effective, should be influential enough for the employees so as to motivate them to work ethically and create values for their customers (Grenny, 2009). Most of the leaders today have no concrete idea of their work. They get involved in the hassles of routine instead of focussing on the long term goal of the business. The problem appears to more widespread in small businesses because the compulsion to save costs are higher. Hence, to cut down upon the number of employees, leaders end-up becoming a part of the operations instead of managing the operations. Also, leaders of such small businesses are often not trained scientifically and their decisions are the outcome of their experiences rather than established managerial practices. Another common problem among small businesses is lack of a clear plan (Harsberger, 2010). Lack of a plan results in short sightedness of the business and distracts the manager in aligning all the activities towards the common goal of the organization. Ultimately, non-essential activities result in wastage of cash resources which otherwise could be applied more usefully. There appears to be a direct correlation between the clarity of plan and the success of the business (Perry, 2001) Even if a business has proper marketing strategy and plan, the execution
Monday, October 28, 2019
Marilyn Manson and His Impact on Sub-culture Essay Example for Free
Marilyn Manson and His Impact on Sub-culture Essay Marilyn Manson has been pushing the envelope of the right to freedom of expression since his controversial shock rock antics began in the early 1990s. His methods are strange and rejected by most of society, as it cannot understand what he is trying to achieve. Many people believe that Marilyn Manson is bizarre, seeing him wearing womens clothing, applying heavy facial makeup, and covering himself with jewelry. His success can be attributed not only to his entertainment abilities, but even more so to the incredible marketing campaign organized to promote himself and his crazy actions. His actions give the media a scapegoat to fall back on and a figure which they can blame all of societys problems. He has amassed a large following throughout the 1990s and even today as the self-proclaimed Anti-Christ Marilyn Manson. His fans understand where he has come from, what he has been through and are familiar with rejection from society. The Marilyn Mansons following is normally associated with the Gothic or Goth subculture. At first examination, this seems to be the case as Manson followers and those of the Goth community share remarkable similarities; although true Goths label Manson follows as merely Spooks or Mall Goths, and not real members of the Gothic following. The similarities have been exploited by the media and have linked his music to violent acts against society. It was following the Columbine incident that the media began routinely tagging Marilyn Manson as goth rock despite the fact that Mansons music had little relation to gothic music or sub-culture. (Marilyn, Wikipedia) This essay will explore the reasons why Marilyn Manson is who he is today, why he has such an influence over a particular subculture, and if these followers are actually part of the Gothic community. Who Is Marilyn Manson? Marilyn Manson, the alias and alter-ego of Brian Warner, was created using Marilyn Monroe and serial killer Charles Manson two opposites in society. (Marilyn, Brian Warner, who formed the band in 1989 and whose apparent business savvy and flair for controversy turned them into a success. Using androgyny, satanic images and themes of rebellion and death, Manson irked bystanders and proved that outrageous rock was still a viable form of entertainment. (Marilyn, The band originally started in South Florida as a small industrial Goth band, and by 1990, Marilyn Manson, along with four other musicians became Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids. They opened for Nine Inch Nails (NIN), and Trent Reznor was very impressed with them and would help them in the future in many different ways. They got a contract from Trent Reznors new label Nothing and got a spot on Nine Inch Nails 94 tours. Manson got to meet Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey. He is the founder of the Church of Satan. Dr. LaVey named Manson as a priest of the Church of Satan. Hence, the title Reverend was given to Manson. (Stanton, Bizarre) Mansons interest in Satanism began when he as a young boy. He spent most of his childhood at his grandparents home. Manson and his friend didnt have anything to do except explore his grandfathers (Jack Warner) basement. They find out that his grandfather is a cross-dresser and a user of explicit pornographic material such as bestiality. This is where Manson was first introduced to perversity. He attended a Christian school and had Christian beliefs forced upon him even though he was Episcopalian. He was teased and ridiculed because of this. This aside, he always knew that their was something different about him. After being detested by his peers, he gradually began to hate his school and take exception to everything that he was told. He turned to music to free him of the troubles that exist in his life, and instead finds out who he really is. He becomes the exact kind of person that he was once scared of as a youth. (Long, Manson and Strauss) Manson began his teenage years in public school where sex, drugs, rock, and the occult were laid in front of him and he began embrace them. Here he meets many people with the same interests as he has. Manson also begins to experience his sexuality with women. From his school experiences to his involvement with sexuality, Manson begins terrorizing the people who have mistreated him. He started to experiment with black magic, began an enduring drug habit, and displayed his disgust for mainstream citizens by stealing from stores. All of this is what Brian Warner was, and who Marilyn Manson was to become. (Long, Manson and Strauss) As Mansons reputation developed, so did the disturbance surrounding him and his actions. His concerts were regularly protested by civil rights groups, and his music was the target attacks from religious and more specifically, Christian groups. This image was created using Mansons genius for marketing. At the peak of this controversy, Manson had a cover story in Rolling Stone Magazine as well as a best selling autobiography: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell. Why Does He Have Such A Following? Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (Bill of Rights) Manson, along with many other artists, fully embraces their first amendment right to free speech to get their message across. This message mainly appeals to younger generations who can relate to Mansons songs. Younger audiences are more accepting of his attitude and beliefs, partly due to the fact that teens are more susceptible to mass influence and are easily confused. His communication and identification through music allowed him to amass a loyal following of discontented teens, also know as Mansonites. Mansonite can also be used to refer to anyone who has chosen to identify with the Goth subculture without having any idea of its actual nature or composition. Generally, an overnight Goth, or Spooky Kid, will adopt certain aspects of the Goth aesthetic (predominantly black clothing, copious amounts of eyeliner) and loudly proclaim themselves Goth. (Mansonite, Older generations are quick to assume that it is Mansons antics which appeals to his followers. But, if no attention was paid to Manson, and his songs and actions didnt receive the attention that they do, there wouldnt be such controversy over his religious beliefs or whether he is actually influencing delinquent teens. Teens that are labeled as outcasts can identify with Manson because the media portrays him as an outcast. He dresses differently, often in womens clothing and he pretends to be a homosexual something which is a hot topic of acceptance in todays society. Teenagers these days have very short attention spans and turn to someone like Manson to entertain them by doing extreme things. The Emergence of Spooky Kids goth (g th) n. A style of rock music that often evokes bleak, lugubrious imagery. A performer or follower of this style of music Courtesy of Mall Goth or Spooky Kid is a disparaging term for someone not supposed to be a real Goth, whose commitment to the Gothic is seen as shallow, pretentious, or dependent on shopping mall-purchased Goth clothes. Their taste is narrowly subjective to mallcore/nu-metal. There have been accusations that (some of, at least) those who listen to the music of Marilyn Manson, Korn, and Slipknot are mall goths. Many mall goths shop at the popular clothing store Hot Topic. (Mall Goths, Real Gothists would refer to Mansonites as posers, who pretend to know about a particular subculture, but in reality only know a few choice buzz-words and what style of clothes to wear. The Real Goth Subculture How do you define Goth? Goth is short for Gothic, and we typically associate Goth with people that wear black or blood-red coloured clothing . These clothes are often made of leather, lace, and fishnet, and are adorned with spikes, studs, or other shiny metal objects. Sometimes metallic, black, or dark makeup is worn by both the male and females. Some go so far as permanent body modifications such as full body tattoos, tongue splitting, or vampire teeth implants. Those in the Goth scene tend to view the Goth concept rather as an expression of individuality, something they take part in because it seems comfortable and natural for them to do so, rather than because its something they want to be. And as such, Goth is a state of mind. Goth is not about being cool-hip, up-to-date. Goth is more about being cool-chilly as in unemotional, detached, unmoved at least on the surface. Theres an inner calmness, tranquility to it. A need for being given and giving the others space to be at one with themselves. Respect towards the individual at least as long as it is a fellow Goth. (Goth, BBC) After conducting a thorough research of the particular subculture, it really is difficult to define Goth. It is ambiguous and open for interpretation. If Marilyn Manson followers acts or dresses a certain way because of their expression for individuality, then they could be considered Goth. If a Marilyn Manson follower acts or dresses a certain way just to follow the crowd or fit in with this subculture, then, based on the quote above, they would not be considered Goth. Works Cited: The Long Hard Road Out of Hell: Marilyn Manson Neil Strauss Regan Books (April 1, 1999) Goth A Lifestyle, BBC Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson,, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Mall Goth, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Mansonite,, the free encyclopedia. Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson, Available via HTTP: Marilyn Manson, Available via HTTP: Stanton Lavey, Bizarre Magazine Available via HTTP: The Bill of Rights, US Department of State Available via HTTP:
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Essay on Spirituality in the Works of Linda Brent, Toni Morrison, and Sapphire :: compare and contrast essay examples
Inclusive Spirituality in the Works of Linda Brent, Toni Morrison, and Sapphire - Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Song of Solomon, and Push      What would it be like to be torn from your home and sent so far away you could never return? And what would it be like to have your history stripped from you, your name discarded, and your own religion replaced with one that had few, if any, ties to your previous life? When slaves were brought to America they were taken from all they had known and forced to live in a land of dark irony that, while promising life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, provided them with only misery. In a situation such as the one in which the slaves found themselves, many people would rely on their religion to help them survive. But would slaves be able to find spiritual comfort within the parameters of a religion that had been passed on to them from the slaveholders? In each of the three texts "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl," Song of Solomon, and Push, African-Americans struggle to find a spirituality that is responsive to their needs and that encompasses their experiences i n a way that the religion of the dominant culture does not.  Of the three texts to be examined, Linda Brent's Autobiography, "Incidents," most explicitly shows the inability of the dominant culture's religion to fulfill the needs of the minority. From the tone of her story, one realizes that Brent felt "true Christianity," if it could be found, might comfort the slaves and fulfill their needs. But Brent also felt that slavery created a paradox which made "true Christianity" impossible.  Many times in her text Brent points out the irony that, as slaveholders, the masters treat their slaves as property; yet, as Christians, they should treat them as humans. For example, Brent's mother's mistress promises that Brent and her siblings will "never suffer for any thing" (343). Brent assumes that this means they will be given their freedom when the mistress dies; however, they are not freed but passed along as property. Brent says that her mistress taught her the biblical principles that she should treat others as she would wish to be treated, and that she should adhere to the biblical commandment to "love thy neighbor as thyself," but then she pointedly adds, "But I was her slave, and I suppose she did not recognize me as her neighbor"(344).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
At one clip Enron was one of the universe ‘s largest manufacturers of natural gas, oil, and electricity. A It besides appeared to be one of the most profitable companies, taking stockholders from $ 19.10 in 1999 to $ 90.80 by the terminal of 2000. A Enron ‘s top direction answered to a Board of Directors whose duty was to inquiry and dispute new partnerships, ventures, and determinations within the company. A On several occasions, Andrew Fastow, the company ‘s Chief Financial Officer approached the board of managers with new investing partnerships which the board approved with really small oppugning. A Some of these partnerships created a struggle of involvement due to the fact that Fastow was non merely pull offing the partnerships, but he was besides an investor in an outside entity that took portion in purchasing and selling assets with Enron. A Fastow was able to make and pull off several of these partnerships while still keeping his function as CFO of Enron. A This was due to the regulation set in topographic point by the Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) which states, â€Å" if an outside investor puts in 3 per centum or more of the capital in a partnership, the corporation, even if it provides the other 97 per centum, does non hold to declare the partnership as a subordinate. A Therefore, assets and debt in the partnership can be withheld from the corporation ‘s balance sheet. †A With this regulation and the many partnerships Fastow created, Enron did non hold to declare the assets and debts from these partnerships, hence concealing 100s of 1000000s of dollars in losingss and debt. A The board of managers nevertheless did non see Fastow ‘s interaction with the partnerships to be a serious job due to the fact that the fiscal addition potency to Enron was great. A In fact Enron had a 65 page codification of moralss that was given to all employees. Enron was a kid of the deregulated energy markets in the lat e eightiess. Before so, most public-service corporations were publically provided, and Enron realized it could turn a net income by selling and merchandising these public-service corporations. Sometime around 2000, Enron began merchandising through the cyberspace, a revolution in the industry. The job was that this scheme required a perpetually high portion monetary value. Thus, Enron ‘s scheme shifted from energy trading to portion monetary value as the company ‘s primary focal point. Most experts believe that it was around this clip that Enron began utilizing fiscal technology to maintain its portion monetary values high and keep a high net income on the books. To make this, Enron in kernel â€Å" leveraged itself through debt, which it used to turn its non-core sweeping energy operations and service concern by maintaining most of this debt from looking on the balance sheets with luxuriant fiscal technology. When the stock monetary value began to fall, though, these same off balance sheet entities ended up downgrading Enron ‘s recognition evaluation. Suddenly, Enron was in over its caput  it could non borrow money due to its low recognition evaluation, nor could it utilize its ain money to transact concern, because it did non really have any. In fact, Enron had kept such a monumental sum of debt off the books  plenty to restrain every plus Enron claimed and so some  that the company merely imploded under its ain weight.Enron: The Nigerian Barge DealEnron Corporation was an energy company based in Texas and created when InterNorth acquired Houston Natural Gas Company in 1985. Enron ‘s growing was fast, it was named America ‘s Most Advanced Company †for six back-to-back old ages and it shortly became the 7th largest company in the United States, until its bankruptcy was declared in 2001. Accounting fraud, money laundering and confederacy are some of the charges which Enron stood accused of in a series of dirts that eventually came to a caput in the largest bankruptcy in history. One of these dirts was named the Nigerian Barges instance ( [ Fleischer1, 2005 ] ) . Enron tried to sell an involvement in three power-generating flatboats in the seashore of Nigeria unsuccessfully. When Enron failed to sell it by December of 1999, Merrill Lynch, one of the universe ‘s taking fiscal direction and consultative companies, agreed to purchase that involvement. That dealing was closed at the terminal of December 1999, and hence Enron could book about 12 million dollars in net incomes that twelvemonth and meet gaining marks. But the dealing was a fraud ( [ Kirkendall, 2005 ] ) . The chief job with this trade was that Merrill Lynch acted merely as a temporal purchaser to assist Enron look more profitable than it truly was. Enron ‘s Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow promised verbally to Merrill Lynch that Enron would purchase back the flatboats at a determined net income within six months, or Enron would happen a 3rd company to make so. This fact turned the dealing to be a simple loan, and non a true sale, as Enron claimed. Enron ‘s nonsubjective with this dealing was non other than doing its fiscal statements look better so that it could better the income statement and so, for case, borrow money from Bankss and the populace at a lower involvement rate, or merely pay the executives in Enron indefensible fillips. The thought, announced in 1999, was that Enron would construct gas-fired power workss near Lagos. Estimated costs put the undertaking at about $ 500 million. Before the chief works was built, Enron would get down providing power from three 30-megawatt barge-mounted workss firing either oil or gas, harmonizing to a 1999 article in Global Power Report, mentioning an Enron spokesman. The flatboats were to get down operation every bit early as the autumn of 1999, though programs had non been finalized. The initial study was that Enron would get down building, likely in the first half of 2000, and finish the underta king in 22 months. For Nigerians, the undertaking was of import because, though Africa ‘s largest state is rich in energy resources, it faced relentless power crises and blackouts. By September, the cost estimation for the new power composite was up to $ 800 million. Enron was committed to financing it and to put ining an associated 175 mile-long, 24-inch diameter, offshore natural gas grapevine to provide the works. By February 2000, seemingly before any building, the trade was already confronting political jobs, harmonizing to Global Power Report. The contracts were called into inquiry by the World Bank, Nigeria ‘s national public-service corporation, the National Electric Power Authority and other Nigerian provinces. The World Bank reportedly said the trade should hold been competitively command and that the concluding contract was excessively favourable to Enron. Even before anything happened in the manner of providing energy, Enron was selling pieces of its trade to Merrill Lynch. That dealing and Merrill ‘s speedy sale of its involvement back to an Enron-related entity is at the bosom of the condemnable allegations. Industry deregulating besides caused new jobs for Enron which, for the first clip, needed to hold a strong competitory focal point. Enron knew that it could win in a deregulated environment merely if it were the lowest cost manufacturer or if it could separate its merchandise from the competition. The latter would look to be a frustrating end, when the merchandise is defined as a trade good like natural gas. Enron ‘s direction was fighting with how to explicate a scheme that would give clients what they wanted and develop a sustainable advantage in this new environment. They needed to happen a manner to â€Å" box †natural gas molecules, dependable bringing, and predictable monetary values such that it could specify a clear merchandise line and pass on the company ‘s alone accomplishments. Ques:1 What are the ethical issues involved in this instance? Ques: 2. What are the exposure profile for Enron ‘s clients with regard to natural gas monetary values? What are the exposure profiles for Enron? Ques: 3. What suggestions do you hold for Enron?Summary OF THE CASE:The Financial Engineering encompasses the design, analysis, and building of fiscal contracts to run into the demands of endeavors. †Thus we can state that Financial technology is the phenomenon which facilitates the process/ merchandise invention in the fiscal industries which will assist in heightening the stockholders ‘ wealth. The basic motivations in traveling for fiscal technology are as follows: Reducing liability on the balance sheet, or Reducing disbursal on income statement, or Increasing gross on income statement, or Increasing tax write-offs on revenue enhancement returns Companies normally go for fiscal technology to cut down their hazard liability and accretion of debt in the balance sheet. The range of fiscal technology includes the followers: Investing Banking Corporate Strategic Planning Hazard Management Primary and Derivatives Securities Evaluation Fiscal Information Systems Management Portfolio Management Security Trading The instance that we have chosen here will be explained from one facet out of the many countries covered under the range of fiscal technology that is â€Å" Corporate STRATEGIC Planning †. This construct shall be explained in the context of EnronaˆÂ ¦.which has been regarded as the biggest fraud in history. Under Corporate Strategic Planning Scope the company has used Financial Engineering to be-fool the the stakeholder of the company. In corporate strategic be aftering one really of import determination includes â€Å" Strategic ALLIANCE †which the companies follow for carry throughing their strategic every bit good as fiscal motivations. Enron has excessively did the same thing. Enron was created by a merge between Houston Natural Gas and Inter north. Houston ‘s Natural Gas ‘s CEO Kenneth Lay headed the amalgamation of the two companies. Kenneth Lay became the CEO of Enron. Enron was originally entirely involved with the distribution and transmittal of electricity and gas in the United States. In the amalgamation, Enron incurred a big sum of debt, and as a consequence of deregulating, no longer had sole rights to its grapevines. The company had to happen a manner to bring forth net incomes and hard currency flow. Kenneth Lay hired Jeffrey Skilling to work for Enron as an comptroller. Skilling suggested the pattern of purchasing gas from a web of providers and selling it to consumers at a fixed monetary value with a contract. Enron was interested in the enlargement, edifice, and operation of grapevines, power workss, and other substructure worldwide. After merely a twelvemonth of operation Enron merged with a company called Spectrum Seven, a compa ny whose president and CEO is the former president of the United States, George W. Bush. In 1999, Enron tried to spread out their company by making the Azurix Corporation, a H2O public-service corporation company. Enron was named â€Å" America ‘s Most Advanced Company †by Fortune magazine from 1996 to 2001. Enron was on Fortune ‘s â€Å" 100 Best Companies to work for In America †in 2000. The company ‘s hereafter appeared to be bright and assuring continued success. One of the really of import issue which led to the ruin of Enron was Nigerian Barge trade which was chiefly done to victimize the Govt and the stakeholders. Enron had promoted that it is come ining into a trade with the Nigerian Barge Fieldss of supplying energy human dynamos at that place. . For Nigerians, the undertaking was of import because, though Africa ‘s largest state is rich in energy resources, it faced relentless power crises and blackouts. The trade was a strategy to â€Å" park †Enron ‘s assets to bolster its net incomes and that no hazard was transferred to Merill Lynch in the trade because of an â€Å" unwritten ‘handshake ‘ side trade †by Enron to buy back the flatboats back from Merill or happen another suited purchaser. It was a fake that allowed Enron to illicitly book about $ 12 million in pretax net income, when in fact there was no existent sale and no existent net incomes. The function of Merill Lynch in this whole thing has been questionable since they have deviated from their basic responsibility and helped them in indulging into deceitful activities. Alongwith this instance and many others Enron had to atlast file for bankruptcy and it has been a affair of great concern for the US Govt. since one of its major investing bankers were involved in the instance.Question:Ques:1 What are the ethical issues involved in this instance?Autonomic nervous system: Enron showed a dainty image in forepart of the Nigerian Govt. Nigeria had abundant resources but lacked in expertness to use them expeditiously. Enron promised them to supply them expertise but it was merely a manner to â€Å" park †their assets. They wanted to conceal their earlier frauds and unethical manner of net incomes ( black money ) . The most unethical portion was that they were playing with their codification of behavior and puting a bad illustration for the remainder of the corporate. Butone of the board members of Merrill Lynch bl ew the whistling and the aureate image of Enron was tarnished.Ques: 2. What are the exposure profile for Enron ‘s clients with regard to natural gas monetary values?Ans. It has been identified that Enron ‘s jobs were non in its energy operations, but from â€Å" dot com †investings and in some foreign subordinates. Enron was originally entirely involved with the distribution and transmittal of electricity and gas in the United States. But after the amalgamation and the deregulating in the US, people could now entree gas at subsidised rate. This reduced its monopoly over the distribution of natural gas. But it had a strong political backup. The company ‘s connexion to George W. Bush, and Houston ‘s local political relations has received much attending in the recent yesteryear. In 1986, Enron was involved with Bush ‘s company in joint boring for oil. It has been said that George Bush and Kenneth Lay even shared good friendly relationship dealingss . That is why the company ever enjoyed some kind of shelter even after making unethical patterns. The clients did non hold any pick except for buying at the monetary values offered by Enron.Ques: 3. What suggestions do you hold for Enron?Ans. The lone suggestion that we have for Enron is that it should accept its error and apologise for its fraud. This can be one manner of recovering its image. Another option would be to counterbalance the Nigerian Barge Govt. so that it may experience that Enron is truly atoning on its error of working the abundant resources of Nigeria which remained unutilized.SWOT ANALYSIS OF THE CASEStrengthStrong political backup ( Bush & A ; Houston Govt. ) Good repute with fiscal establishments ( Merrill Lynch )FailingCertitude and extra dependance on its dependable resources Lack of support from top direction executives in strategic planning determinations ( window dressing of the histories at in-between degree )OpportunityRecover their lost energy because of clients assurance in them Promoting themselves in such a manner that the trade was fundamentally done to supply the client services at lower rates and non to conceal any corporate dirt.MenaceIt becomes hard to recover the lost image even if the company goes for â€Å" n †no of CSR as the expression goes â€Å" 1 dissatified client will state 30000 people whereas 1 satisfied client will state merely 3 †. So the company functionaries can good conceive of in what quantum their image or trade name equity has tarnished.CRITICAL APPRAISALThis is non the first cozenage or fraud for which Enron has been alleged. Previously it had been into spotlight when it created a bogus SPV ( SPECIAL PURPOSE VEHICLE ) to pull strings their histories. They have created a false SPV ( Particular Purpose Vehicle ) to reassign all their losingss to that entity. It was fundamentally done to change over their ruddy balance sheet into a rose-colored one. Strong political backup and everlasting support from the taking fisca l establishments urged Enron to go on these frauds since they believed that Govt will come to its deliverance in instance it faces any job. Enron had non merely misused the options available through fiscal technology for their ain motivations but in a manner destroyed the state ‘s image besides because they were stand foring US Corporate civilization in Nigeria. So the state ‘s unity besides was at interest. The approaching companies can larn a lesson in two ways – 1. They may be encouraged to make such kind of frauds since Govt come for deliverance ( negative motive ) 2. It may put an illustration for them non to reiterate such an act in future. ( positive motive ) . In Indian context it is really of import to larn a lesson because we have been top ranked in Corporate cozenage this twelvemonth.
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